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3 iteming in the wilderness

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Posted 18 May 2020 - 01:15 AM #1

ToB Queen

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What is your suggestion?: Having a set time to use teleport mage to teleport in wilderness after death. (2-5mins)

Is this in OSRS?: No but osrs doesn't have a teleport mage to redirect you to any giving boss

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no idea doesn't seem like it

How would this benefit Alora?: Yes


I had a weird thing happen to me today. So I was doing venenatis today and as usual people come and try to crash which is perfectly fine, but don't think for a second i won't try and kill you for doing so. Some people get the hint and leave or they come back and try to kill me. which is perfect FINE its the wilderness.  So when i do wildy bosses i like to gear up and prepare for anything. I like to have pots and food to help tank and have some kind of reward if someone ends up killing me. I noticed that there are people that 3 item like every boss. Now like i said i will kill you if your trying to crash me. But i noticed that they teleport right back up  seconds after i kill them and able to get at least half hit points on the boss. which means i don't get the kill when i finish it. So i would wait to kill them first before killing the boss. Now a staff member thought i was farming kills. But there was no gain from killing this guy 7-9 times in a row. You don't get pkp, you don't get emblem upgrades, it doesn't add to you kdr at ALL and since I'm an ironman i don't get loot at all besides bones. So what I'm saying is i don't understand why its okay to 3 item every boss die come back and have no risk at all. Its not fair to pkers and not fair to people grinding bosses that properly prepare for the wilderness. Let me know what you think, IDK what to really do about it either have a new rule in the books or have some kind of set timer  to use the teleport mage to teleport into the wild shortly after death. Its kinda hard to really make senses of the fact that people are able to do this. IF you think of any other way this could stop people from doing please leave a comment thanks :) IF you really think about it.. if it was only 2 mins it probably takes u longer to regear to go back out. You untradables are already at the reclaim shop. REMEMBER this is only after you die in the wilderness.


Posted 18 May 2020 - 01:30 AM #2

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I understand your point, but a timer wouldn't change anything. Plus in OSRS this is usually a strategy for certain bosses. Direct teleport to the boss or not, it wouldn't change a player\s item risk. If it was like the Revenant caves where you need a minimum amount of wealth to go in, maybe. But No support as I think it's fine if people don't want to risk items and do a boss this way, it's not against the rules.

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Posted 18 May 2020 - 01:36 AM #3

ToB Queen

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as a pker you won't be able to get anything from them? no emblem upgrade no nothing even if they were a target. how wouldn't it change the item risk? they would choose to suicide to a boss and go back right alway to finish the boss off. if there was a timer this wouldn't even be an option for people that have nothing to loss they would have to wait. they would try to stick around for the kill at least with some better gear even if that meant just d hide and a helm of nezi  and food,  than teleport out and come right back. @ Moe wildy should be high risk high reward. 


Posted 18 May 2020 - 03:17 AM #4


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I agree with what @ Moe says. And I can see your point with the High risk High reward... but it's Alora where the items dropped in wildy are hardly high reward anymore.
Besides that, low risk also kinda means slow kills which means less reward. I think it's fair and nice the way it is right now. 

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Posted 18 May 2020 - 05:32 AM #5


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Anything to feed me more money in wilderness, Support.

Posted 18 May 2020 - 12:25 PM #6


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I see your POV I really do but I agree with what Moe says, but I see both perspectives. But yes it's annoying.






Posted 18 May 2020 - 01:06 PM #7

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I understand your concern, it is frustrating, but it comes down to game 'etiquette' to an extent. Someone who is killing the boss with 3 items isn't going to camp all day, perhaps a few kills until they get bored. 


Killing someone who has '3 items' over and over again will have no benefit, as @ Moe said they are not breaking any rules. 


My opinion, as soon as you leave the wild with an 'unfinished kill', and someone comes a long to finish the kill, they get the loot due to the fact the other player left the wilderness. Not sure if that is possible to do, but maybe something to consider?


I imagine this doesn't happen often, but when it does it is annoying. Therefore, no support for the time being until a better solution pops up. 

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Posted 18 May 2020 - 02:52 PM #8


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Pretty much agree with Moe's points in regards to this matter. As much as it can be annoying, no rules are being broken here.


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Posted 18 May 2020 - 04:59 PM #9

Xero oreX

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No support. @ Moe is 100% right here. It's the wilderness and it's going to happen whether you like it or not especially at Venenatis since it's an easy teleport in and out of since it's below 30 wilderness. All I can say is just deal with it and try a time later on. It's not that big of an issue and if it does become one then maybe Omicron will address something.

Posted 18 May 2020 - 05:37 PM #10

ToB Queen

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I'm just not going to agree with you guys since the reasons your presenting don't make a lot of sense anyways. '' oh its already in game '' '' deal with it ''.  @ Xero oreX .. i don't think you understand or maybe never played osrs nor pked. i get it most ironman wanna keep what they have left but if i see u 3 iteming ill destroy you <3 


Posted 18 May 2020 - 05:49 PM #11


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