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Adding ring imbue option at Sir Loyle T

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 06:11 AM #1

Handsome Man

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My Suggestion:

Adding some option to imbue your rings other than scroll (70m) or pkp (20-30m in value) for people who are loyal and play a ton, but don't pvp. This is not a suggestion to make it the only way to get something.

Set the points at something like 65k-100k and only have a few ring options available, meaning that you can not get certain rings from the Loyle T shop.

65k loyal pts = about 42m
100k loyal pts = about 65m 
These are theoretical values based off research I've done selling loyal items. Please include more information if you think this is inaccurate.



  • Treasonous Ring
  • Tyrannical Ring
  • Warrior Ring


  • Seer's Ring
  • Suffering 

This is detailing the Minimum of what I am suggestings and the Maximum, so at a minimum the top three would be ideal. The maximum would be the top 3 + the Bottom 2 (seer's + suffering) Sorry if it wasn't clear.


Is this in OSRS:

No, NMZ allows easy access to all rings in official, so it was not calculated in my suggestion.


Has This suggestion been accepted before?

I am not sure.


How would this benefit Alora?

Why am I making this suggestion? Because I don't believe anyone in their right mind are going to work towards these rings and use 1,800 pts/70m/2,500pkp for these rings they likely will just use Brimstone ring if they wanted the attack accuracy benefit or just ignore it entirely.​ The other benefit would be increased eco for these items meaning they don't sit on the exchange forever and never sell. Means more GP in the market which means more demand!

 Please read the suggestion before posting critique. Thank you, and stay good looking!

Edit #1: Made the ring selection for detailed

Posted 10 May 2020 - 06:15 AM #2

beans n cake

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No support. 1800 is a lot in the new slay rework but do able. Many of us grinded the old 7.5k slay points when we first started. Giving it out on loyality points is way to quick and easy







GIM Goals

Posted 10 May 2020 - 06:20 AM #3

Handsome Man

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@beans n cake hence it being worth 65k-100k. So, you would work 5 times over to imbue these rings essentially? That's 9000 points not counting zerk and archer.

I have played for over 10 days and only have accrued 170k points which I spent 100k on gloves, leaving 75k which would allow one imbue. 

Edit: That would mean in my case I get about 17k loyalty per 24 hours of play time. It would take 4 - 6 days of straight playing for me to afford one imbue on a ring that nobody would use other currency to imbue anyways.

Those rings do not get imbued or used other than Seer's for PVP. It allows more natural progression of the game as you can earn some things that are not valued highly, but something like this would make say warrior rings increase in price by at least double to maybe 5x making all that wasted rng be used.

Edit: The cost could even be increased more, but I didn't want to detract users from the suggestion. It could go as high as 150k-200k, but really that is only going to benefit like 1% of users instead of a larger audience that might still not use their points towards it as there's conflicting value due to Gold Smith/ Ice Gloves for the highest Smithing Exp/HR

Posted 10 May 2020 - 06:34 AM #4

Middle Brian

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No support, its so easier to get 1 Tier 10 to get a ring upgraded. You want to ability to imbue your ring but state you don't PvM.

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 06:47 AM #5

Handsome Man

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@Dab Correct, and I actually PvM everyday. So no need to get personal.

That's 30m - 45m, but would you spend your T10 on one of the above below rings or anything else in the PKP shop? I feel you didn't really absorb the post. 

To essentially imbue the set of rings that close to nobody uses would cost over 150m - 210m in your example. That's over 15k PkP, you're telling me you would use that to imbue these rings?

  • Seer's Ring 
  • Treasonous Ring
  • Tyrannical Ring
  • Warrior Ring
  • Suffering 

I agree that that T10 approach is the cheapest, but you also have to actually have T10's to buy. There was one posted yesterday for 38m and that's all I saw for the day.

So, if this is unacceptable what would be?

Posted 10 May 2020 - 06:55 AM #6

Middle Brian

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Well, if I was a normie and I didn't PK. I wouldn't be using the PKP shop to begin with, other then to imbue my rings. It takes killing a world spawn skotizo about 3/4 times in the wildy to get a T10. I absorbed your post, pretty much everything if not everything in the Sir Loyal T shop is untradeable or you can't buy for profit. I would support the idea of adding another way of obtaining an imbuement scroll like adding a ring imbue scroll kinda like ROW. But, it would totally take away from the imbuement scroll and make it only useful for slayer helm.

@Dab Correct, and I actually PvM everyday. So no need to get personal.

That's 30m - 45m, but would you spend your T10 on one of the above below rings or anything else in the PKP shop? I feel you didn't really absorb the post. 

To essentially imbue the set of rings that close to nobody uses would cost over 150m - 210m in your example. That's over 15k PkP, you're telling me you would use that to imbue these rings?

  • Seer's Ring 
  • Treasonous Ring
  • Tyrannical Ring
  • Warrior Ring
  • Suffering 

I agree that that T10 approach is the cheapest, but you also have to actually have T10's to buy. There was one posted yesterday for 38m and that's all I saw for the day.

So, if this is unacceptable what would be?

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 07:20 AM #7

Handsome Man

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1. Then I apologize for making the assumption!


2.You can actually trade most the items in the Loyal Shop if you hadn't known this. I got my numbers from trading loyal shop items. They just don't move very fast and is not recommended to actually sell stuff quickly. I have only sold 7 items, and they took about a day each which is not a good method of generating money. Vote books sell in like 30mins-1hour and it gets you much more.

All the cosmetic items I am pretty sure you can trade except the Chompy hats, and those might be as well. I don't have them cause they cost way too much for what you get. Takes up head slot and it is only a loyal flex.

I wasn't aware Skotizo drops T10's? That should be added to his drop table in this case.


3. Why would you use the PKP shop as your example then? This is about adding another option for only specific rings so the imbue scroll would still have it's place. I doubt 99% of people have used the imbue scroll on the rings above rings and this suggestion is to increase the amount of people buying/using these rings. They provide roughly 5-10% accuracy increase depending on the wep which is really good against high defense enemies!!


4. I think taking the imbue option away from the scroll or changing it in anyway would be a big negative and I am not suggesting any change to imbue scroll. 

I am suggesting another method for specific rings to be able to be imbued due to their low usage. If there's conflict on the list it can always be shortened, but at a minimum I would say we should be able to imbue 



  • Treasonous Ring
  • Tyrannical Ring
  • Warrior Ring


  • Seer's Ring 
  • Suffering 

I'll adjust my post up top to reflect these changes

Posted 10 May 2020 - 07:26 AM #8

Middle Brian

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1. I still can't support because nothing in the loyalty shop makes money like an imbuement scroll would. And you can boost your points drastically by throwing in a measly 2.5m (1.25m for ironmen)


2. Wilderness Skotizo drops T2-T6 as long as you're in the top 3 damage. And if you do the most damage, it upgrades the emblem in your inventory while still giving you a T2-T6.


3. I used the PKP shop because that is how I've imbued all 8 of my rings. I'm an ironman so I don't have the same PKP shop as you, so I tried to say something on your play field like a different scroll.


4. But I do support maybe lowering the amount of PKP needed to imbue:

  • Treasonous Ring
  • Tyrannical Ring
  • Warrior Ring

1. Then I apologize for making the assumption!


2.You can actually trade most the items in the Loyal Shop if you hadn't known this. I got my numbers from trading loyal shop items. They just don't move very fast and is not recommended to actually sell stuff quickly. I have only sold 7 items, and they took about a day each which is not a good method of generating money. Vote books sell in like 30mins-1hour and it gets you much more.

All the cosmetic items I am pretty sure you can trade except the Chompy hats, and those might be as well. I don't have them cause they cost way too much for what you get. Takes up head slot and it is only a loyal flex.

I wasn't aware Skotizo drops T10's? That should be added to his drop table in this case.


3. Why would you use the PKP shop as your example then? This is about adding another option for only specific rings so the imbue scroll would still have it's place. I doubt 99% of people have used the imbue scroll on the rings above rings and this suggestion is to increase the amount of people buying/using these rings. They provide roughly 5-10% accuracy increase depending on the wep which is really good against high defense enemies!!


4. I think taking the imbue option away from the scroll or changing it in anyway would be a big negative and I am not suggesting any change to imbue scroll. 

I am suggesting another method for specific rings to be able to be imbued due to their low usage. If there's conflict on the list it can always be shortened, but at a minimum I would say we should be able to imbue 



  • Treasonous Ring
  • Tyrannical Ring
  • Warrior Ring


  • Seer's Ring 
  • Suffering 

I'll adjust my post up top to reflect these changes

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 07:34 AM #9

Handsome Man

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@Dab Oh, I understand!

1. I totally forgot about the well. That would be something where I would have to adjust my numbers. How much does it boost the loyal points by? 2.5x?


3. I wasn't aware there was a difference in shop. I think it would be confusing if you had a different scroll though for only 3 - 5 rings. What would it even be named to make it obvious it's used for said rings?


4. This could be an option, lowering the 2,500 down to what though? Like 1,500 to 2,000?

Posted 10 May 2020 - 08:05 AM #10


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