As everyone is aware of there has recently been a big revamp / nerf of the slayer system. It caused a little bit of an uproar but i thought everyone was over exaggerating a little bit, but once i got into my slaying grinds i noticed the big difference. The amount of slayer pts we obtain now are dramatically different to how it used to, i think it may be just a bit too different though. It seems a fair bulk of everyones pts came from the pts recieved each kill and it seems like a very overwhelming grind to unlock something like an imbue scroll. I know you guys like to make updates and try to stay like osrs but i feel like this is one that would do the community something possitive to impliment 1 slayer pt every 4 kills. This would really help keep the pts coming in and make it feel like we are making some progress. Just an idea i had and thought would work. :)
i havn't seen this suggested yet and i looked in the pinned post and looked through slayer suggestions, i dont play osrs so im not 100% sure what its like on there.

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