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Slayer Reward Reduction

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Posted 01 May 2020 - 07:49 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?: The current state of Slayer is one that requires many more hours of grinding futile monsters in order to acquire points. My suggestion would be that rewards within the store have a 1/4 point reduction in order to increase the longevity of the players on Alora and also to increase the amount of players that participate in the reward system. (Slayer helm re-color would change from 1000 points to 750).
Is this in OSRS?: No.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.
How would this benefit Alora?: Alora would benefit from a point reduction in many different ways. When looking at both the die hard veterans of Runescape and those who have solely played on private servers, some of the main reasons players would come to Alora is the accessibility and the longeveity of the server. In it's current state, Slayer and it's reward system would not be enjoyable as a newcomer to Alora. I believe if we were to reduce the amount of points for rewards, we would allow for longtime players of Alora to have access to items they may not have seen as worth the grind, as well as giving new players a greater sense of accomplishment for their time spent with their new community. It's worth noting that the slayer rewards are intended for the aid of grinding slayer, but most players will have reached 99 before finding it worth it to buy a cannon or salve amulet. With the removal of boss tasks, I find it's a fair trade for grinding hours of monsters that show no value to our characters and our time on Alora.

Posted 01 May 2020 - 08:05 PM #2


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Personally no support from me, the helm recolours themselves are purely cosmetic and if you really want it you grind for it, the only reason you feel you can get 99 slayer before getting a slayer helm recolour is because you are playing on a game mode which is 40x. with the boosted points from task streaks it is really not that hard to get the points needed for these items. 

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Posted 02 May 2020 - 12:54 AM #3

Handsome Man

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There's a thread for Slayer Shop rework already, but looking at just generalized 25% reduction I can't get behind this. 

Slayer points are not that hard to obtain for a cannon for instance. The masks are purely cosmetic, but could see a reduction like you stated, but are kind of the most show off slayer item in the shop.

For the other items though, looking at them closely would be more appropriate, because they tie into the economy. Having more items to choose from would suggest a better change to the shop than swapping things around cause of lazy players. 

You can always pick a lower exp rate if your current game mode is not to your liking. 

Posted 02 May 2020 - 04:02 AM #4

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That was already suggested by @Kharyrll . also supporting @Classic, no support.

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Wow stuff, just wow.



Posted 02 May 2020 - 08:39 AM #5

Sad Guy

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Support a little reduction of some items should be fine. (slayer helms don't harm the economy.)


Posted 03 May 2020 - 12:20 PM #6



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<p>Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.</p>

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