What is your suggestion?:
Currently if i right-click the "Game" tab in the chat box and select filtered, it removes the repetitive skilling statements (i.e "You mix the Grapes into a jug of water" once per tick), which I would like, but it ALSO removes global announcements for things like drops and other reaching 99 in a skill. I suggest not having the filter remove these announcements, as they dont repetitively fill up my chat box, and they allow me to stay engaged in the community. If i see a bunch of Gzing in the yell chat i have to go look to see what someone got, instead of being able to Gz them immediately myself.
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Not that I can see
How would this benefit Alora?:
Allow people doing skilling or hunting 200m's to stay involved and active in the community and be able to get a better feel for whats going on in the server while they skill