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Posted 18 April 2020 - 10:35 AM #1


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I believe imbue scrolls are unnecessarily hard to get, the time it takes to get the required points/pk points isn't worth the actual upgrade itself. Also considering in the real game you can afk NMZ for a few hours to get your imbues.


Not being able to imbue a salve or slayer helm so I can use them for range which is what I require them for the most is rather frustrating. Also to think I have 3 rings to imbue on top of these and the amount of slayer tasks this will require is just not necessary. Not to mention I need slayer points for other things as well.


I understand people will make the argument about pk points but buying emblems is extremely expensive and there aren't much in the TP, pking is somewhat impossible as a new player considering the whole pker base atm are all in complete max and in one team because they're insecure. 


Im just struggling as a new player and someone who isn't here to play as an ironman to afford supplies, darts etc on top of all this...

Posted 18 April 2020 - 11:55 AM #2

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Skotizo and wilderness bosses drop plenty of emblems. It's really not to hard to get the 2250 (correct me if I'm wrong) pkp.

However, it used to be way easier to obtain an imbuement scroll through slayer, tham it is right now. Maybe a reduction of slayer points would suffice.




Posted 18 April 2020 - 12:18 PM #3


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Skotizo and wilderness bosses drop plenty of emblems. It's really not to hard to get the 2250 (correct me if I'm wrong) pkp.

However, it used to be way easier to obtain an imbuement scroll through slayer, tham it is right now. Maybe a reduction of slayer points would suffice.

Ive tried skotizo a couple times and it was camped by pkers. Also thanks for clearing that up that explains the og's attitude to me saying its too much points when they got theirs for way less. 

Posted 18 April 2020 - 12:30 PM #4


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I think a slight slayer points cost reduction would suffice, as what @Blackpoiint mentioned.


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Posted 18 April 2020 - 12:35 PM #5


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I think a slight slayer points cost reduction would suffice, as what @Blackpoiint mentioned.

More than a slight. Im 99 slayer, only reason I wanna do slayer is for boss tasks, Ill need a imbued helm for that. Why am I getting 99 slayer before an imbued helm lmao. At least make it cheap for normal players.

Posted 18 April 2020 - 06:56 PM #6

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Super support what Fenian and Blackpoiint said, It makes 0 sense to get an imbued slayer helm after you get 99 slayer. It just makes all the other unlocks in the slayer store not worth getting, (gargoyle crusher, boss task unlock, superior slayer unlock). 


400 points to make a slayer helm

1000 points to cosmetically change slayer helm

200 points boss task unlock

150 points bigger the badder 

50-100 points to extend slayer tasks

2,500 points for amuelet of damned

1,800 points for imbuement scroll

1,800 points for salve amulete 


There simply isn't enough slayer points to go around. I also have felt slayer points are hard to come by and i have nearly 20mil slayer xp on a GIM. (and by the way crystal keys are also needed to get ranger boots which are 20 points each and I'm 1100 chests dry!)


Support for imbuement scroll to be unlocked using various other methods, reduce point cost in store, or buff task points.

Posted 18 April 2020 - 07:56 PM #7

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Viewing this idea as a new players perspective just joining the server, 30 points to skip a task seems like a lot when you only get 12 points for a normal and 18 for a Konar task. Yes we want to be some what identical to Osrs and the update overall is amazing but  the new players coming into the server are players coming to play a RSPS, not Osrs. 


I support buffing points you get on task or reduce the amount of points it takes to skip for a regular player when it is essentially Pay to win how it is now with the Super donator perk when a lot of the players in general can't afford more than 10$ Donator which still doesn't even decrease the amount of skips per task.

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Posted 19 April 2020 - 05:23 AM #8


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Viewing this idea as a new players perspective just joining the server, 30 points to skip a task seems like a lot when you only get 12 points for a normal and 18 for a Konar task. Yes we want to be some what identical to Osrs and the update overall is amazing but  the new players coming into the server are players coming to play a RSPS, not Osrs. 


I support buffing points you get on task or reduce the amount of points it takes to skip for a regular player when it is essentially Pay to win how it is now with the Super donator perk when a lot of the players in general can't afford more than 10$ Donator which still doesn't even decrease the amount of skips per task.



Yes I understand that, but im sure the servers purpose isnt to be a back to front version of the real game. Getting 99 slayer and not even having a quater of the points for a simple imbue doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I am able to do TOB, COX etc before I can get ONE imbue. The price is ludicrous and I don't understand how nobody has brought it up yet.  

Posted 19 April 2020 - 07:14 AM #9

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Support. I've been playing as a classic player and, especially after this newest slayer update/ rework, I truly can't be arsed to even try to go for imbuement scrolls or even the salve amulet.

Posted 19 April 2020 - 10:57 AM #10


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Bump, do staff do anything on here ?

Posted 19 April 2020 - 04:42 PM #11

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100% agree, 100-200 point range seems more suitable. 

Posted 20 April 2020 - 03:07 AM #12


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Posted 20 April 2020 - 04:36 AM #13

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Skotizo and wilderness bosses drop plenty of emblems. It's really not to hard to get the 2250 (correct me if I'm wrong) pkp.

However, it used to be way easier to obtain an imbuement scroll through slayer, tham it is right now. Maybe a reduction of slayer points would suffice.

I support this.


Posted 20 April 2020 - 06:19 AM #14

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I would like to see nightmare zone it would be a nice addition to the server imo, failing that perhaps a slayer point cost reduction as mentioned

Posted 20 April 2020 - 02:30 PM #15

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Support for looking at some of the Slayer Shop items. Points gain should stay, but some items should be reviewed for reduction in points to obtain.

Posted 21 April 2020 - 05:17 AM #16


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BUMP, Any staff input whatsoever 


Posted 21 April 2020 - 12:35 PM #17

Luka Doncic
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Maybe a solution would be gradually increasing points earned ask you continue a streak.


For example, after 10 tasks you get your streak bonus but points earned remain the same per task after that. Maybe bump that amount by a percentage, which then scales when you hit the next streak milestone?


If not by streak milestone, then maybe every 10 tasks? Maybe a couple point increase, which a hard cap at a certain number?


It wouldn't put us back where we were before, but it would definitely make a lot of the items more accessible for newer players. Right now I don't know how people would even consider getting a cannon and ammo mold considering it's like 5K points still.

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 01:09 PM #18

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Maybe a solution would be gradually increasing points earned ask you continue a streak.


For example, after 10 tasks you get your streak bonus but points earned remain the same per task after that. Maybe bump that amount by a percentage, which then scales when you hit the next streak milestone?


If not by streak milestone, then maybe every 10 tasks? Maybe a couple point increase, which a hard cap at a certain number?


It wouldn't put us back where we were before, but it would definitely make a lot of the items more accessible for newer players. Right now I don't know how people would even consider getting a cannon and ammo mold considering it's like 5K points still.

Cannon is 950 + 1800 for the mold. Not 5k points, this is misguiding. You get a bonus amount of points ever 10th, 50th, 100th, 250th, and 1000th task.

If you even increased points by 1 per task milestone you'd end up with a huge amount of extra points such as if you got 1 extra point from 10-49 (39). Get another +1 for 50-99 (137).  +1 100-249 (623). +1 250-999 (3795).  Increasing point gain = inflation because there are items in the shop that the market can trade. Point gain isn't the problem directly. The item prices are simply too high for their usefulness.

Points gain = 2 more scrolls per 1000 tasks through only getting +1 per mile stone. 

If it were +1 per 10, it eliminate any market for any trade-able slayer items, because there would be little demand from increasing the ease of obtaining. 



I believe imbue scrolls are unnecessarily hard to get, the time it takes to get the required points/pk points isn't worth the actual upgrade itself. Also considering in the real game you can afk NMZ for a few hours to get your imbues.


Not being able to imbue a salve or slayer helm so I can use them for range which is what I require them for the most is rather frustrating. Also to think I have 3 rings to imbue on top of these and the amount of slayer tasks this will require is just not necessary. Not to mention I need slayer points for other things as well.


I understand people will make the argument about pk points but buying emblems is extremely expensive and there aren't much in the TP, pking is somewhat impossible as a new player considering the whole pker base atm are all in complete max and in one team because they're insecure. 


Im just struggling as a new player and someone who isn't here to play as an ironman to afford supplies, darts etc on top of all this...

You can also do Wildy tasks to collect emblems. It will take a while, but the bonus you're aiming for is only 2x whatever the ring is which isn't going to make or break you if you didn't want to do it.

Posted 24 April 2020 - 08:55 PM #19

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Cannon is 950 + 1800 for the mold. Not 5k points, this is misguiding. You get a bonus amount of points ever 10th, 50th, 100th, 250th, and 1000th task.

If you even increased points by 1 per task milestone you'd end up with a huge amount of extra points such as if you got 1 extra point from 10-49 (39). Get another +1 for 50-99 (137).  +1 100-249 (623). +1 250-999 (3795).  Increasing point gain = inflation because there are items in the shop that the market can trade. Point gain isn't the problem directly. The item prices are simply too high for their usefulness.

Points gain = 2 more scrolls per 1000 tasks through only getting +1 per mile stone. 

If it were +1 per 10, it eliminate any market for any trade-able slayer items, because there would be little demand from increasing the ease of obtaining. 



You can also do Wildy tasks to collect emblems. It will take a while, but the bonus you're aiming for is only 2x whatever the ring is which isn't going to make or break you if you didn't want to do it.

Pretty sure it was 5k points pre update which is where I got that figure from. 

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 11:42 PM #20

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Support I usually buy a bond just to get imbue scroll due to how time consuming it is to get.

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