Hello all,
After opening your vote book we have some boosts to choose from.
However, if you need a specific item from the voting store, it may take a while to stock up on points.
- Normal player, Irons and UIM can open up as many books as they want.
- The rest is limited to 5 books per 12 hours.
My suggestion is to:
"Add an extra option which only has the sole purpose to claim vote points without a cool down, so you can be faster on your way buying the stuff you need from the store ASAP."
To balance out this feature, I suggest to make it give you (for example 25%) less points compared to the regular standards and of course, no boosts or chance at the pet.
I believe a different balance for other game modes will increase the use for books, boost certain economic aspects and result in more votes for Alora overall.
Thanks for reading,