A lot of people are suffering from this pandemic, directly or not, but I am here to talk about the people that suffer from the mental health aspect.
As someone that suffers from Hypochondria/GAD/Depression, this is crippling me in ways it never did before, and I am healthy/ have no other health issues.
The point of this post is to try and help, even if its a little bit, everyone that is struggling with the mental part of all this.
As I am doing weekly therapy, and my country has been phenomenal when it comes to dealing with the pandemic, let me give you some tips:
Fearmongery sells, and it is needed to keep people in check, so the vast majority of the news you will hear are made to scare you, and keep you inside....unfortunately that happens for a good reason, we can't stop following all the guidelines, or the virus will win.
EX: "Oh this person was perfectly healthy and died" Well yes, it is what makes it sad about this virus, someone has to be the low % and it is incredibly sad. If you lost someone because of it, I am deeply sorry, feel free to PM me just to let it all out (KP/Horus ingame)
- The chances of you getting the virus are high, and you might not even know you have it
The fatality rate between the age of 0-40 is 0.11%, We don't have a single death here in Portugal thats not 40+ Years old, BUT someone will be the 0.11%. We are locked inside our houses because we don't want to infect the elder, or even our parents that might have diabetes, asthma etc etc. Don't be selfish and stay inside nonetheless, Mcdonalds can wait, the Pub can wait, this fucking virus won't, he doesn't care if you are a semi-pro soccer player.
-It is literally flu/allergy season
You might experience some symptoms that are similar, DO NOT PANIC. I have allergies, but in my mind I am already infected and I think this will be the end of me. Try not to think like that, sounds easy but it really isn't (meditation helps me a lot, medication aswell).
-Most cases are mild, some of them you Don't even feel it
96% of the cases are mild, that doesn't mean you won't get something like the flu on steroids (THIS IS WORSE THAN THE FLU, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE DISEASE).
Big fatality rates come from countries that lack testing and only do it on patients that require medical help (the other 4%)
This is good and bad, this is the main reason we are on lockdown, use this thought as you want to, 96% of coronavirus cases are mild, but do not disrespect the problem or we will 100% lose control of it like it happened in some countries.
Some tips that get thrown around here in Portugal that from the conversations that I have been having from people that are not from here are not aware of:
Wash your hands often (duh)
all the obvious stuff that you hear
take of your shoes when you come from outside ( a lot of people don't do that)
Take your clothes after you go outside, wash them asap rocky.
(I am not a doctor, So I am simply talking from the conversations I had with my doctor and my therapist, also my unfortunate obsession that comes with health issues, due to my struggles).
To conclude the post, all I am trying to do is telling you that you are not alone with these issues, if you want to talk about it PM me ingame (KP/horus) or feel free to add me on discord! Purple#5940
Love you all, stay safe and everything will be ok! Wash your hands and Game on brothers, no better place to feel like a family than this game.