What is your suggestion?: Currently HC accounts have no way of transferring over duplicate items from their accounts to their normal accounts. From my knowledge a majority of other ironman modes have the ability to do so. I personally just have so much wealth that i would like to invest in bonds to add to my account and feel restricted without a method of doing so without de-ironing or losing my status which defeats the purpose of the mode.
I dont really have an exact solution on how this can be done, just the general idea of allowing us Hc's to transfer our items over to sell and buy bonds to apply. Maybe a interface?
Is this in OSRS?: Yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Was not able to locate if it was.
How would this benefit Alora?: I dont see this as a direct benefit but it will allow myself to apply more demand for bonds with the items i transfer over to buy indirectly benefiting the server financially?