Your asking people who disagree with your suggestion to pretty much not say their opinion. The purpose of the suggestion page is for community feedback on what WE ALL would like, not just you. We all okay and love this game. Take feedback in a positive or negative way but learn to take it.
I personally felt like the suggestion itself was not welcome by how they reacted to it.
They are literally critisizing a painting that is still being done. I am asking for the necessary perspectives to hone this if it is applicable. However the responders focused more on critisizing me and the subjective values that gave nothing to do with what my objective is. Who cares how much it costs, whether it is an item or a perk etc.
I only care about how I am forced to run back and forth for the caskets especially when I want to be efficient and not AFK.
But that's irrelevant to this conversation, clearly. 
Thus I did not take any reason into consideration when responding to people who did not take my suggestion seriously in the first place.
However, if you think their approach was constructive and more polite than mine, then I am in the wrong and fucking glad to be so.
Also, how in the flying fuck can anyone know what the community wants before wanting it themselves?