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[29/3/20] Slayer rework, Nightmare loot buff, Firelighters + Phoenix recolours & more!

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 05:20 AM #21

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Missed the mark on the slayer rework, in my opinion. Many people who paid for bonds with their money for the useful slayer perk now lost it which is not fair. Also the poll was misleading and too general otherwise I don't think it would have passed if it mentioned some of the details.


Thanks a lot for the numerous bug fixes <3

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 05:22 AM #22

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I appreciate the effort to improve this server but I have to admit im not a fan of the slayer rework. If I intended to grind out task like OSRS then I would be be playing OSRS. It seems the direction this server is consistently heading towards is a grindier game. I legit only play this server for the ease to get rich and play leisurely. I don't want to have to put forth the effort required as in OSRS. I get there needs to be similarities but at what point does the grind out weigh the perks of a private server. I think the staff is doing a great jump but took a leap to far in this update. Thumbs down from me atleast on the slayer aspect. Alot of other things that could use a rework such as the hunting traps not disappearing has been around for ages with no attention, you updated mole which is a terrible idea, now slayer is worse. Im waiting for you to make PC awful as well. Please for the love of god pay attention to what the players really want. We don't want the traditional OSRS. Were heading in the wrong direction. I love the game but get more butthurt with each update.

Posted 29 March 2020 - 05:25 AM #23

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Thanks for the recent update, Omicron.


Not everyone agrees with some of the changes, but it's nice to see the work that you've put in, so great work.


Also Whose toes do I need to suck to get some TOB QOL?

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 05:54 AM #24

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Great update. Slayer rework was needed IMO. Good to see the tinfoils.
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Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:02 AM #25

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Great update. Slayer rework was needed IMO. Good to see the tinfoils.

Indeed a slayer rework was needed, not destroying the skill.


Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:03 AM #26

iron kcuhc

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Obviously there is some very solid updates in here , the phoenix pet changes, the daily task nerfs, and nightmae buffs are beyond welcomed by Alora.

With that being said, I can agree that the previous way Slayer was structured was a bit broken, it was almost stupid to do any sort of PvMing off task simply because of the slayer helmet bonuses you'd receive would significantly aid in boss trips, increasing kill times and trip duration. However, the route that was taken on this "fix" was not the proper way to go about it.


There's multiple, major flaws in this new system, and I think with a few immediate changes it can become better accepted by the community, who clearly are NOT fans of this change

-Super donators got absolutely boned in this update, because the MAIN benefit from upgrading was free slayer task skips. This needs to be addressed as quickly as possible, because that's where a lot of the outrage is coming from. As another player suggested, add a cancetask point reduction for each donator rank, such as 5 points less per task. This will benefit all donators, and give super donators a feeling that they got their main rank perk back. Another solution can be each rank getting a set amount of free skips a day, such as regular donators getting 3, supers getting 6, so on and so forth.

-Streaks should NOT be reset now when PAYING to cancel the tasks!! I assume you know this, and it was simply overlooked, which is understandable, was a large update.

- EDIT - Move the "original" Nieve into the Super Donator zone and allow us to pick hard/elite tasks again. That could be another soluton


In conclusion, the slayer aspect of this update is not being well received in the community, but with fixes, changes, or honestly just reverting it until a better system, that is polled in a better way, it can become an update than can make the owner happy, and the playerbase.




Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:09 AM #27

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What a read! So many fun new things, bug fixes. 


I don't mind the slayer rework one bit. I do however stand behind the people saying it's unfair for the people getting the donator rank specifically for that slayer perk. 


Thank you for the massive work you've put into this.


Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:19 AM #28

Xero oreX

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A lot of updates in this patch or batch of updates.. I give you hard credit for that, but dislike some of the update changes. Bandos needs to be reworked big time more similar to OSRS. I can easily solo 2-5 a trip on OSRS whereas on here that's not even an option. I'm not talking about amazing gear either. I'm talking the basic regular whip, karil's top setup with average weapons like bandos gs, chally, dds etc. 

Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:23 AM #29

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Great update, except for the removal of the slayer skips. Besides the fact a lot of people donated irl money just for the free skips, we are missing a point here.


The point everyone is missing, is that maxed mains will do gargoyles, nechryaels or bloodvelds for instance at OSRS, and even extent them, because of the good money you'll get from them. In Alora, you won't even pick up 95% of their drops because the 400k in alchs won't make up for the time spent to do the task. This is literally the only reason people do tasks like those. Noone in Alora does those for the drops. 


This is just hugely out of balance right now, we do want to be as close to OSRS as possible, but we can't achieve that at all with our economy at the moment. 

If we really want to be as close to OSRS as possible, please reconsider stuff like permanent drop boosters (up to 17%!) from the higher donator ranks too. Or what about up to 7 raid drops per raid. If there's something OP, that's gotta be that. Oh and don't get me started about the 30 min inferno runs immortals are able to do :kek: That's nowhere close to OSRS.


This update isn't about the slayer skill itself, it's about the whole experience in Alora. Think of bossing, grinding for items/pets etc etc.

Please just reconsider taking away the free slayer task skip perk.




Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:38 AM #30

beans n cake

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Love the updates! Thanks Omi for the hard work



My one note on slayer as I dislike this part - This community is largely PVM based, which this hurts a lot of us and makes us discouraged in what we enjoy doing. I think we are trying to get to similar to OSRS on things like this. We come to a PS for a do-able grind unlike OSRS. Its something fun to do for the couple hours your free at night after work type deal. Heard you will be working on this slayer part so am looking forward to this







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Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:43 AM #31


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Like most of the players, I personally don't see Slayer Rework being bad at all. In the future I'd hope to see more ways to farm slayer points, aka additional slay masters like in OSRS :P


Hopefully next time we will see more reworks on PvMing, aka Zulrah, Sire etc. :P

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:44 AM #32


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The update to slayer will definitely provide more content for endgame but with that being said 'boss' tasks need to be a seperate catergory... whether you make that a perk to unlock, or a dono + feature is up to you (or poll it). Skips should also be polled, as many people have donated for that feature. This new update doesn't really benefit those who have donated for content. Don't get me wrong, I do like this update but I feel like those who have donated for extra benefits have been let down here

Posted 29 March 2020 - 07:21 AM #33

lol Rip

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I love the amount of work you put into this update. I really hate complaining about updates because I understand how much work goes into it and how much you guys care about the server.

While your work and the shear volume of this update is fantastic to see, this update kind of ruined slayer. We play Alora precisely because it’s less grindy than OSRS. We don’t need to be forced to grind stupid tasks that provide no benefit for the players.

This update kind of read like a bunch of nerfs...
Nerf Zulrah (needed btw)
Nerf fletching (needed)
Nerf agility (was this really necessary, auto pickup was basically just QOL)
Nerf entering instances (bug)
Nerf multiple clues further
Nerf preserve and ranged pots (bug)
Nerf already borderline useless gargoyle slayer
Nerf Slayer
Nerf super donator
Nerf completionist monkey

My last specific gripe is the removal of the monkey stats. The monkey is a hard achievement and one of the few real difficult upgrades, especially for normies. Please at least add the monkey stats back outside the wilderness. As of now, there’s no point in even striving to a achieve the monkey. While you’re at it, make the monkey even harder to get.



Posted 29 March 2020 - 07:23 AM #34

EIM Navi
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You've made slayer on Alora worse than OSRS.
In OSRS you can cancel your task for free using Turael. That's not even an option on here.
This has completely killed mine and many others enjoyment of the server.
Slayer is one of the most popular skills in the game.
I hope you take everyones feedback and make this right. Do the right thing and make Slayer great again.

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:20 AM #35

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This update literally has me saying nothing but UHHHHHH. Sure the QoL updates were nice but was the other stuff seriously necessary? @Blackpoiint hit it dead on... 

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:20 AM #36

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@lol Rip, Aren't the monkey's stats only reduced in wilderness?


There's a lot of bug fixes in here that are long overdue, THANK YOU for such a comprehensive extermination. Good stuff Kharyrll. As for the updates, I'm especially happy with the Nightmare buff, the PVP improvements, and the daily tasks becoming more manageable to complete. However, I'm not a fan of the Slayer rework at all... I think this update just killed a lot of interest in Boss pet grinds. I think you'll also see fewer players donating/buying bonds for Super donor. 

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:33 AM #37


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Nice update, only suggestion would be to add some sort of compensation for the loss of a Donator feature

Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:34 AM #38

lol Rip

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@lol Rip, Aren't the monkey's stats only reduced in wilderness?

There's a lot of bug fixes in here that are long overdue, THANK YOU for such a comprehensive extermination. Good stuff Kharyrll. As for the updates, I'm especially happy with the Nightmare buff, the PVP improvements, and the daily tasks becoming more manageable to complete. However, I'm not a fan of the Slayer rework at all... I think this update just killed a lot of interest in Boss pet grinds. I think you'll also see fewer players donating/buying bonds for Super donor.

If that’s the case about the monkey, then great. It was not said in the post and I’m not near a computer to check.



Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:37 AM #39

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I was going to quote you but I forgot. It's under the Wilderness PvP section.

If that’s the case about the monkey, then great. It was not said in the post and I’m not near a computer to check.

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:40 AM #40

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So super donators have now been screwed over and essentially wasted $40 as there’s now no difference between regular and super? Nice updates but super donators definitely need something else adding to make up for the change as at the minute super donator is worthless.

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