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[29/3/20] Slayer rework, Nightmare loot buff, Firelighters + Phoenix recolours & more!

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:08 AM #1



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Hello everyone,

Today we bring a massive update with plenty of long-awaited bug fixes and QOL updates! We've added the latest OSRS Nightmare loot system buff which should make every run a bit more profitable, and we added Phoenix recolours as well as firelighters to make your pets and firemaking more colourful. An extensive list of updates can be found below.

Also, we have a major announcement coming in the next few days. We're super excited about what we have to share with you, so keep an eye out for that announcement!

Nonetheless, enjoy the following updates :)

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where the magic experience would be calculated before altering damage to NPC’s.
    • Fixed a bug that was causing superior slayer encounters to occur a lot more commonly than they should have been.
      • This bug has been fixed, so players should expect to see fewer encounters now.
    • Moved the unreachable rune ore in the Donator Zone to an accessible location.
    • Fixed a bug where players could enter an instance from a different location.
      • For example, entering a Dagannoth kings instance from the GWD door.
    • Fixed a bug where players could fletch arrows while firemaking.
    • Fixed a bug where players could fletch and woodcut at the same time.
    • Altered Superior encounter imbued heart drop rates to be 2x what they are on OSRS, since our rates were not accurate.
    • Fixed a bug where players who had both the Chemist cryptic clue and the rimmington dig clue could not complete their step.
    • The 10% magic damage boost for the Mystic smoke staff will now show up on the equipment interface.
    • Item overlays will no longer be drawn over interfaces.
    • Fixed a bug where lizardman shamans would sometimes be able to attack players through walls.
    • Fixed the examine and combat stats on the nuclear smoke devil superior encounter.
    • Fixed a bug where superior slayer encounters would be aggressive when they spawned.
    • Fixed the attack/defence/death animations of the Abhorrent spectre.
    • Fixed the combat stats of the Abhorrent spectre.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes the wrong superior slayer encounter would spawn.
    • Fixed a bug where the gauntlet timers would be too fast, and players would end up losing out on 15-30 seconds of time.
    • Flames of Zamorak will now be highlighted in the spell book if a player has all the necessary runes and the Toxic Staff of the Dead, or the Staff of the Dead equipped.
    • Fixed a bug where players could see the "talk-to" and "pick-up" options on the Sraracha pet.
    • Fixed a bug with combo runes sometimes uses more than necessary.
      • For example, if a spell like entangle required 5 water runes and 5 earth runes, and you used 5 mud runes to cast the spell, it would consume 10 mud runes, when it should have only consumed 5.
    • Fixed a bug where the pickaxe requirements were checking your woodcutting level instead of your mining level.
    • Fixed a bug where players could sometimes transfer a transferrable item, and not receive it if they recently filled all the slots in their inventory.
    • The redwood bug which would entirely remove the redwood tree until you log out has been fixed.
    • Lighting normal logs will now grant 40 base experience as opposed to 30.
    • Players who were recently hit by venom/poison will now have to wait the 10 second combat logout timer.
      • Previously, players could simply log out if they were recently hit by poison/venom.
    • Players can no longer be attacked by GWD npc’s if they open the private-room selection interface.
      • This will not work from within the GWD chamber itself.
    • Players who have less than 4 quest points will no longer be assigned ancient wyverns as a slayer task.
    • Fixed the gargoyle death animation.
      • It is now much shorter as well.
    • Fixed marble gargoyle attack and death animations.
    • Fixed a bug where marble gargoyles would drop 10-20 gold ores that were un-noted.
    • Players can now longer enter a cave/tunnel or climb a ladder that would take them to a non-clipped zone.
    • Fixed a bug where players could sometimes spawn 2 kraken bosses.
    • Fixed a bug where spiritual rangers would drop 1-12 un-noted oak longbows.
    • Fixed a bug where equipping the mime mask item would make the player's head invisible.
    • Fixed a bug where players daily task streaks would reset at when the server rebooted.
      • Rebooting the server would previously cause the game to reset players tasks upon loading, but this will no longer happen.
    • Fixed a bug where some players could add themselves to their friends list.
    • Fixed a bug where the magic book would not show unlimited runes for the following items:
      • Kodai wand
      • Lava battlestaff(or)
      • Mystic lava staff(or)
    • The mystic lava staff(or) and Lava battlestaff(or) now provide unlimited earth and fire runes as intended.
    • Zulrah’s phases now have the proper defensive stats:
      • Green phase’s range defence has been reduced.
      • Orange phase’s range defence has been vastly increased.
      • Blue phase’s mage defence has been vastly increased, and the range defence has been vastly decreased.
    • Kalphite Queen now gives double the slayer experience(given that she has 2 phases), and will now provide the appropriate 535 base slayer experience.
    • Fixed a bug where players who got frozen on the wilderness agility log would get stuck on it.
    • Sword fixes:
      • Added the proper attack animations for Bronze->Rune swords.
      • Added the proper attack animations for the Swift Blade.
      • The Swift blade attack speed is now 3 ticks instead of 4.
    • Fixed a bug where the "pet" option on the jal-rek jad pet wouldn't be hidden if the player had the "hide pet options" toggled.
    • Fixed a bug where minnows were giving slightly too much experience.
    • Fixed a bug where items would not drop under the NPC sometimes.
    • All Godwars dungeon NPC’s are now aggressive.
    • All Aviansie npc’s can now be attacked.
    • Fixed a bug that would cause issues when trying to get a new slayer task if you had recently used the Enchanted gem to separate from your slayer partner.
    • Fixed some dialogue bugs that had to do with duo slayer.
    • The infernal harpoon now requires level 60 attack to equip.
    • Increased Cerberus' attack distance so he can no longer be safespotted with Mage/Range.
    • Fixed the corporeal beast cave entrance/exit.
    • Fixed a bug where depositing your equipment into your bank would cause the game to think you were still autocasting if you had an autocast staff equipped.
    • Fixed a bug where storing the Green D'hide (t) set in your treasure chest would require a "Terrorbird wing" instead of Green d'hide chaps(t).
    • Fixed a bug where players could get Sergeant Steelwill and Sergeant Grimspike to target an alternate account standing outside of the Bandos room.
    • Fixed a bug where players could not disassemble cosmetic slayer helmets.
    • Fixed a bug where some pets wouldn't be hidden with the hide pet option toggled.
    • Fixed a bug where ‘The Guns’ “Stroke” option wouldn’t be hidden with the hide pet option.
    • Fixed a bug where the overhead prayers would still be shuffled from The Nightmare when a player left the nightmare while still cursed.
    • Hunter levels will no be announced in Yell and show up in the chatbox.
    • Fixed a bug where the Graveyard of Shadows wilderness supply chest would show up near the dark castle.
    • Increased the nightmare death runes drop from 1 to between 24 and 69.
    • Players can no longer stack multiple clue bottles of the same type.
    • Players can no longer stack multiple clue nests of the same type.
    • Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow players to properly deposit the lumberjack set into their Armour case in their POH.
    • Fixed a bug where players who did not have Dragon Slayer 2 completed would get assigned Lithkren tasks from Konar.
    • Fixed a bug where duo slayer partners would get assigned a rune dragon/adamant dragon/iorwerth dungeon task if their partner didn't have the requirements.
    • Fixed a bug where Konar wouldn’t mention the location of the task monster to the partner of the player who got the task.
    • Dagon'hai robes now require 40 Defence and 70 Magic to equip (Previously 20 and 40, respectively).
    • Bounty hunter target system fix:
      • Previously, a bug allowed multiple people to have the same target. This was a big bug for PVPers as it allowed PJing from multiple angles. This has now been fixed.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Slightly shifted the “Gamer” npc’s location in ::gamble so that he won’t stand in front of the bank chest.
    • Added the server Month/day to the server statistics time in the quest tab.
    • Players can now speak to the sawmill operator in the woodcutting guild to make planks.
    • Added Ice troll spawns north of Yaks on Neitiznot, and fixed their animations.
    • The drop rate of clue scrolls in the wilderness has been doubled if a player is using the ROW(I).
    • Removed the “Talk-to” option from H.A.M members that can be pickpocketed.
      • This means that the Pickpocket option is now the default left-click action.
    • Crystal Acorns and Crystal Shards have been added to the Crystal impling drop table.
    • Sarachnis’s respawn timer has been decreased from 24 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • Added the Farmer's blessing to the reclaimable shop for 250k.
    • Players will now be notified how many slayer tasks they’ve completed after each one.
    • The Home teleport has been completely disabled in the wilderness.
    • Changed the “Complete a Konar blood veld slayer task in the slayer tower” to simply “complete a bloodveld slayer task” for the medium Morytania diaries.
    • Reduced the number of catacomb slayer tasks from Konar required for the Kourend medium diaries from 10 to 5.
    • Reduced the number of slayer tower tasks from Konar required for the Morytania medium diaries from 15 to 10.
    • Changed the Konar waterbirth Dagannoth task achievement to just be a Konar Dagannoth task in any of the possible locations.
    • Changed the Konar Brimhaven black demon task achievement to just be a Konar black demon task in any of the possible locations.
    • Dagannoths in the Catacombs of Kourend will not only attack with melee.
    • Removing item overlays will now take priority over interaction.
      • This means that trying to remove an item from your ground item overlays while holding control will no longer accidentally cause you to interact with an npc/object, or pick up an item.
    • The key to blacklist ground item overlays has been changed to control instead of shift, so as not to conflict with the shift-drop option.
    • Increased the experience from high alchemy to 65 base experience instead of 60 to match OSRS.
    • The seers village agility course now has the same base experience rates as OSRS.
    • Wearing the god item that protects from a specific type of npc(for example, Armadyl coif will allow Armadyl npc’s to be non-aggressive) now works properly.
    • Wearing a Saradomin or Zamorak item will now cause bandits to be aggressive, otherwise they will not engage.
    • Added the Quest cape teleport to the Legend’s Guild.
    • Added the Music cape teleport to Falo the Bard.
    • Hespori’s flowers will now be one-shot any time they are hit.
    • Fletching Broad bolts can now be done with unfinished broad bolts and feathers.
      • Previously, this was done by adding broad arrowheads to unfinished broad bolts.
        • This has a few important implications:
          • Players will no longer be able to spam arrowheads onto unfinished broad bolts for absurd amounts of fletching experience.
            • This was a hugely broken aspect of fletching on Alora, and will no longer be a viable training method.
          • Fletching broad bolts will now overall be cheaper, as players won’t have to purchase broad arrowheads, but instead can use feathers.
    • Made the NPC drop table and drop searcher drop rates consistent
      • Previously one was using the player based drop rates(calculating rates with player bonuses) and the other one wasn't
        • Both interfaces now use the player's drop rate as opposed to the standard one
    • Improved safeguards for event deaths, so no players who die at events(even if they die the tick after they leave) should lose their items or HCIM status.
    • Added the ::morgen command which re-directs players to Morgen's channel.
    • Added the ::uimagility command which re-directs players to UIM Agility’s channel.
    • Ironman group joining warning:
      • Before joining a new Ironman group, you will be presented with a warning that tells you how many more transfers you have until your account is locked.
        • As of the last update to this mechanic, an Ironman can join a group 5 times over the lifetime of their account. On the last join, an all-caps warning will tell them that they can not transfer groups after this one. Otherwise, it will tell them that the decision is permanent after X more transfers.
  • Agility changes:
    • We’ve made some changes to the marks of grace system to more closely match OSRS.
      • Mark of grace spawn:
        • Instead of having a chance to automatically get marks of grace when completing a course, they will now be spawned on the course, similar to in OSRS, with similar rates.
          • Each time a mark of grace is spawned, it will last for 10 minutes before it de-spawns.
            • If a player gets another mark while doing the course, it will reset the timer to 10 minutes and stack the marks, so players do not need to continuously pick up the marks.
      • Graceful shop changes:
        • The price of graceful equipment/amylase crystals have been reduced to match OSRS.
          • Players can also now sell back their amylase crystal packs or graceful equipment at a discounted rate.
  • Clue scroll changes:
    • Firelighters have been added as a possible reward to all clues. (Easy to Elite)
  • Firelighters:
    • Firelighters can now be added to logs!
      • Obtained through completion of any clue scroll, the following colors can be added to normal logs:
        • Red
        • Green
        • Blue
        • White
        • Purple
      • Notes:
        • Lighting these logs grants 10xp more than regular logs, for 50 total experience.
        • Aside from using them to ignite colourful fires, you can also use firelighters to change the color of your phoenix pet.
  • Phoenix pet updates:
    • Recolors:
      • You can now recolour your Phoenix pet to one of the following options, using firelighters:
        • Green (250 Green firelighters)
        • White (250 White firelighters)
        • Purple (250 Purple firelighters)
        • Blue (250 Blue firelighters)
      • Using 250 Red firelighters will turn your pet back into the default Phoenix.
      • Please note this is not an unlock and will require you to use 250 firelighters on the Phoenix pet each time you want to recolour it.
    • Dialogues:
      • Numerous dialogues have been added for interacting with Phoenix pets (previously, there were no dialogues at all).
  • Spear changes:
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Spears/Hastas to provide the wrong experience.
      • NOTE: This means that most spears/hastas that have “Controlled” as the attack style will now provide attack, strength, and defence experience, whereas previous they did not.
    • Fixed the crush and slash animations most spears including:
      • Vesta’s spear
      • Leaf-bladed spear
      • Zamorakian spear
      • Gilded spear
      • Gilded Hasta
      • Dragon Hasta
      • Zamorakian hasta
  • Falador rooftop agility added:
    • The Falador rooftop agility course has been added to Alora.
      • This course requires level 50 Agility to do, and each lap of the course provides a total of 440 base agility experience.
        • Players have a chance to earn 1-2 marks of grace for each lap of the course completed.
  • Cooking changes:
    • Cooking fish now more or less follows the table below, with the exception of differentiating between fire/range cooking, which has not been implemented yet:
  • Preserve prayer changes:
    • Fixed a bug where the preserve prayer would allow players to keep boosted stats indefinitely.
    • The preserve prayer has been buffed to allow boosted stats to last 50% longer(as opposed to 20% that it previously was).
    • Preserve will now work immediately when it is considered to be active.
      • Previously, it would only work after a few minutes of being active.
        • As of now, preserve needs to be active until it drains at least 1 prayer point(18 seconds by default, however this may be slightly more depending on your prayer bonus).
          • Once the prayer point has been drained, prayers are eligible for the effects of preserve.
  • Trident changes:
    • The equipment interface of the trident has been updated to the proper one.
      • This means the following things:
        • Players can no longer staff bash with tridents.
        • Players no longer require 75 magic to actually use the spell, just to equip the staff.
        • Players can no longer auto-cast spells with tridents.
        • Note: The................
  • PvP changes:
    • Made the experience drops for Multi-target magic spells appear 1 tick faster to more accurately match OSRS.
    • Players who have their combat experience locked will now see the base experience drops when fighting other players.
    • The Basilisk Jaw will now drop on death instead of the Helm of Neitiznot.
    • The Completionist Monkey stats will now be reduced to those of the regular Max Cape to keep PvP more balanced for regular players.
    • Made the serpentine helm show player facial hair.
    • Drag timer interface setting:
      • Players can now go to the client interface settings tab and manually set their drag timer.
        • This is effectively the same as doing ::drag X, but this will be easier for most players to know about/access.
          • This also means that the drag timer will save when players logout, so they won’t have to set it again.
      • The default drag timer for all players has been reset to 5 milliseconds.
  • Slayer changes:
    • Konar now has a chance to assign boss tasks to players who have the Like a boss perk unlocked.
    • Players can now attack their superior encounters with priority over other npc's.
    • Slayer Extensions:
      • We’ve introduced slayer extensions to Nieve’s slayer reward shop:
        • All the extensions are properly functioning, with the exception of the Scabarites extension which will be added in the future when the Scabarite task is added.
    • Slayer Unlocks:
    • Slayer shop changes:
      • All prices in the slayer exchange shop have been divided by 4.
        • This also means players slayer points have been divided by 4.
      • Players generally won’t notice a difference, since both their points and the shop prices were reduced by a factor of 4x, so this change is only a complementary to scale to the new point system.
    • Slayer streaks will no longer reset from blocking/cancelling tasks.
    • New point system:
      • We’ve re-written the slayer points system to be more similar to OSRS.
        • This new system will provide a default amount of slayer points based on the type of task you do.
          • Even though most unlocks/perks will be useful for hard slayer tasks, Hard/Easy/Medium tasks all provide the same amount of points to allow newer players to build a stronger point foundation early on. 
          • Players will also receive large bonuses for completing every 10, 25, 50, 100 and 250 tasks.
          • All points received are eligible for bonuses.
            • Slayer point boost changes:
              • The slayer point vote bonus has been reduced to 15% as opposed to 25%.
              • The slayer point boost for the Morytania diaries has been increased to the following:
                • Easy diaries: 5% boost
                • Medium diaries: 7.5% boost
                • Hard diaries: 10% boost
                • Elite diaries: 15% boost
            • Point boosts:
              • 15% vote bonus
              • 0-50% bonus slayer points for events
              • 0-15% bonus for Morytania diaries
              • 10% bonus points for Konar tasks from the hard Kourend diaries
            • The slayer point boosts are additive, meaning that the max boost(with all boosts applying) would be a 1.9x boost multiplier.
    • Extreme tasks are no longer a category of their own.
      • They have been given a weight as a hard task, and if that task is chosen, players will be able receive a random boss task.
    • Gargoyles now require a rock hammer to kill.
      • Once the gargoyle has reached 9 hit points or less, players can use their rock hammers to smash the gargoyles.
    • Rock slugs now require a bag of salt to kill.
      • Once the Rockslug has 5 hit points or less, players can use their bag of salt on the Rockslug to kill it. 
    • Removal of free slayer task skipping:
      • We’ve made the decision to remove the free task skips for super donator+ ranks.
        • Immortal donators will however retain a portion of this perk, and will only have to pay half the cancellation costs for slayer tasks.
        • This decision was made due to the fact that having unlimited skips essentially defeats the purpose of the skill, since most players ended up skipping tasks repeatedly until they got the ones they wanted.
          • This is a necessary change, since we want to move forward with slayer expansion, and add task extensions, and a new point distribution system more focused on actually doing the tasks assigned.
    • We’ve implemented changes to the slayer task selection system, and made it a weight-based system, more similar to OSRS.
    • Task changes:
      • Added Ancient wyvern cave wyverns as a Konar hard task.
      • Added Hellhounds as a medium slayer task.
      • Added Jellies as a medium slayer task.
      • Added Ogres as a medium slayer task.
      • Added Suqah's as a hard slayer task.
      • Added Spiritual mages as a hard slayer task.
      • Added Fire giants as a hard slayer task.
      • Added Ice trolls as a hard task.
      • Added Ankou’s to hard slayer tasks.
      • Added Mithril dragons to Konar slayer tasks.
      • Added Waterfiends to Konar slayer tasks.
        • These will either be assigned in the Ancient cavern or Kraken cove.
      • Added Aviansies to hard tasks.
      • Added Aviansies to Wilderness tasks(Wilderness godwars dungeon).
      • Added Aviansies to Konar slayer tasks.
      • Moved the Giant Mole task from Hard to Extreme slayer tasks.
      • Removed infernal mages from hard slayer tasks.
      • Changed the Basilisk Knights task assigned from Hard Slayer tasks to be just Basilisks.
        • This will give players the choice of either killing basilisks, or basilisk knights.
    • Superior slayer changes:
      • Added the giant rockslug superior encounter.
      • Added the Insatiable mutated bloodveld encounter to Mutated bloodvelds.
      • Added the Vitreous jelly encounter for Jellies.
      • Added the Vitreous warped jelly encounter for Warped Jellies.
      • Added the Repugnant spectre superior from Deviant Spectres.
      • Added the Nechryarch superior encounter to Nechryaels and Greater Nechryaels.
  • Added the Fremennik hard diary perk that allows players to receive noted adamantite bars from Aviansies.
  • Daily Task changes:
    • Due to popular request, we’ve made the following changes to the daily task system to make it more daily-friendly:
      • Easy task changes:
        • Complete a raid task has been completely removed to make it easier for new players to keep their streak going.
        • Use the High alchemy spell reduced from 100 times to 50.
        • Fish/cook 200 trout reduced to 100 trout.
        • Kill 25 iron/steel dragons reduced to 15.
        • Cut 50 gems reduced to 25.
        • Catch 50 birds reduced to 25.
        • Runecraft 300 nature runes reduced to 200.
        • Defeat Skotizo 3 times reduced to once.
        • Chop/Burn 250 Oak logs reduced to 150.
        • Fletch 250 Oak longbows reduced to 150.
        • Mine/smelt 250 iron ore reduced to 150.
        • Mine/smelt 150 gold ore reduced to 100.
        • Catch 50 crimson swifts reduced to 25.
        • Catch 50 baby implings reduced to 25.
        • Runecraft 350 air runes reduced to 250.
        • Earn 100 slayer points task reduced to 50.
      • Medium task changes:
        • Kill 50 lava dragons reduced to 25.
        • Complete 3 raids reduced to 1.
        • Complete 10 barrows runs reduced to 5.
        • Charge 125 orbs of any type reduced to 75.
        • Complete 3 hard slayer tasks reduced to 2.
        • Chop 300 Redwood logs reduced to 200.
        • Catch/Cook 250 manta rays reduced to 150.
        • Kill 25 rune/adamant dragons reduced to 15.
        • Collect 50 marks of grace reduced to 30.
        • Runecraft 500 blood runes reduced to 250.
        • Earn 250 slayer points task reduced to 100.
      • Hard task changes:
        • Complete 5 raids reduced to 3.
        • Craft 500 wrath runes reduced to 250.
        • Complete 3 wilderness slayer tasks reduced to 2.
        • Complete 3 extreme slayer tasks has been changed to 3 hard tasks.
        • Earn 100 slayer points reduced to 500.
        • Smith 400 cannonballs reduced to 200.
        • Kill 50 Dagannoth Kings reduced to 30.
        • Complete 50 wilderness agility laps reduced to 20.
        • Earn 500 slayer points task reduced to 250.
  • Rock golem changes:
    • All rock golems now have their proper dialogues, instead of 1 dialogue for all variants.
    • New rock golems added:
      • Amethyst rock golem:
        • Can be made by using amethysts ore on a rock golem pet.
      • Lovakite rock golem:
        • Can be made by using Lovakite on a rock golem pet.
          • This ore is sold in the vote shop for 300 vote points.
      • Daeyalt rock golem:
        • Can be made by using daeyalt ore on a rock golem pet.
          • This ore is sold in the vote shop for 300 vote points.
      • Elemental rock golem:
        • Can be made by using elemental ore on a rock golem pet.
          • This ore is sold in the vote shop for 300 vote points.
  • Store changes:
    • A progress bar has been added on the left-hand side to show you your next rank and how far away you are from it.
    • The Master donator Color-changing effect on the rank title has been fixed.
  • M6BCWhv.gif

    As this update is larger than usual, there may be some bugs. Please report any that you run into. Enjoy :)

    Omicron & Chad

Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:10 AM #2

Not Shadow
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I See Slayer rework and already POGGGGGGGGG <3

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Wow stuff, just wow.



Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:14 AM #3


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thank you for update lord Omicron

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:20 AM #4

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Really nice updates! cant wait to start testing the new slayer rework  ;)


Normal Account:Grizzly Chew

Group Ironman:Mallas

Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:22 AM #5

Sexy Woox

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Outstanding work as always, guys. :)

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:22 AM #6

EIM Zarox

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holy shit, amazing update.

Graveyard [only dcs sad game]

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:23 AM #7


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Damn sick Slayer update. Thank you for the hard work! :)

Damn sick Slayer update. Thank you for the hard work! :)

Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:25 AM #8


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So why did i donate for super then? This makes this rank literally useless now. I like the idea of a slayer rework but making it too similar to osrs can be potentially bad. A lot of people play Alora because they don’t like the grind and struggle of osrs. Other than this; i love the bug fixes ect. Thanks omi!

Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:28 AM #9

Real Alan

Real Alan
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Thank you for the update Omicron!  It must have taken you hours and hours to get all of this done, so I really appreciate all the hard work you put in.  Here's my feedback:


  • In this update, you claim that daily tasks would not be reset after rebooting the server.  This was not fixed.  After the updated was rolled out my daily tasks changed and then changed again after the 2nd reboot.
  • Thank you for addressing the green d'hide (t) / terrorbird wing&nbsp; and lumberjack storage issue.  All fixed!  Good work!
  • Thank you for addressing the 15 konar tasks in slayer tower achievement.  Much needed!
  • You removed complete 1 raids from easy daily tasks to help new players maintain their streaks.  However, they're still showing up in medium and hard tasks.  Since players must complete all 3 daily tasks to maintain their streaks, removing the complete 1 raids task from the easy category does very little to help new players streak.  Rather than try to help new players maintain streaks, I think it would be more beneficial to reduce the price of some of the beginner items in the daily task shop such as tome of fire.
  • Thank you for updating trident of the swamp!&nbsp; Will the same fix be coming to the sanguinesti staff?
  • -Thank you for addressing the preserve prayer issue.&nbsp; However, could you clarify how preserve works?  Does it just need to be on for 1 prayer point drain before you drink your potion to get the 50% longer effect?  Will turning off preserve after drinking the potion, cancel the 50% longer effect?
  • Will the dragon hunter lance be included in the spear combat style fixes?
  • As for the slayer update, I appreciate the good intentions, but I think it should have been released in a separate update rather than clumped in with a bunch of bug and quality of life fixes.  For one, the slayer rework has a lot of room for improvement.  Removing free skips essentially removes the main perk of donating $50 - $249.  With this update players are pushed towards donating just $10 or $250+. For that reason, I would suggest reworking the donor rank cutoffs to be slightly lower and adding in additional perks to make up for the ones removed.  I would also suggest dividing the cost of slayer perks/extensions by 4.  It's only fair because all of our slayer points were divided by 4.
  • Lastly, I appreciate the flames of zamorak fix on the staff of the dead; however, I think an autocast function for each of the god spells on their respective staves would be much more beneficial to game quality of life



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Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:30 AM #10

Kets strange
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thanks for update dad

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:39 AM #11

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yessss always love a slayer update. amazing update as always. 

Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:44 AM #12

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O wow so much stuff, thanks.

Posted 29 March 2020 - 03:56 AM #13

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F to Super dono but still some really nice updates and changes

Posted 29 March 2020 - 04:02 AM #14

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Lmao rip super donators

Posted 29 March 2020 - 04:10 AM #15

Sad Guy

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Good updates, Only revert free skipping and boss tasks.


Posted 29 March 2020 - 04:29 AM #16

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Absolutely amazing update which actually makes me want to go and play again, good job!











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Posted 29 March 2020 - 04:35 AM #17

Hard Dance
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Lovely upeates, thank you Omi <3








Posted 29 March 2020 - 04:47 AM #18

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well but u will lose ur streak when u cancel the task?

its a nice thing u made it like OSRS but then add the cancel thing aswell that u dont lose your streak uppon canceling ur task.


Otherwise nice Update


Posted 29 March 2020 - 05:13 AM #19


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not a fan having to constantly waste 30 slayer points just to get more hard tasks with a chance of a boss

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 05:16 AM #20

Prof Magnata

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Nice update!
Nice update!




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