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Posted 15 March 2020 - 06:15 PM #1


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I feel there could be a few small adjustments to the staff team but as a whole, I feel we have one of the strongest teams we've ever had here on Alora. The main aspect I feel could be improved is staff being Alora clan chat. The amount of times myself(not as much recently), Mousey420, Trailerpark, Blackpoiint hold down the chat is borderline silly(sorry if I missed anyone else out!). I remember the days where Server Supports and Server Mods HAD to be in the clan chat. Exceptions for Raids etc obviously. I understand the clan scene is perhaps bigger now but I have a screenshot of peak time on a Sunday. 11 staff members online, 724 players and not one in Alora CC. I'd personally view that as a priority?





Omicron & Lowkey not sure what I can say about you two that hasn't already been said. Both the heartbeat of Alora and contribute so much to the server. The past 3 and a bit years have been a great journey and you can both be proud of what you've achieved. Won't drag this out because like I previously stated, not sure what I can say that others haven't already. Keep doing you. 10/10.


Event Manager

IM Moe

You've done a fantastic job ensuring events are here every weekend without fail. I can imagine hosting pretty much the same events time after time becoming rather tedious but you still do a great job hosting every week. There have been a few different PvP events recently which is good to see. 9/10.



I thought when there was the initial outburst of Admins leaving you stood up really well and proved your worth as an Admin. Since they've returned to the team I haven't seen as much from you. Main priority is seemingly to gain exp these days. Of course I understand there's work that goes on behind the scenes but I can only comment on what I see. I also thought it was very unprofessional of you to like the comment of my staff application being declined. Whether you "liked" that or not I thought that was very poor form from yourself to publicly show that. 3/10.





Similar to Kaamea, I understand a lot of work goes in behind the scenes but other than that I see nothing from you ingame. Yeah you play your GIM and live in ICE CC but as a staff member I don't see what you offer. Obviously you've reached Admin for a reason but currently I can't really see why. 4/10.



I've always thought you did well to reach Event Manager but since returning to the team you've impressed me even more. Very active both ingame and Discord which is always a positive and consistently seen helping too. You don't take anything to heart, can have a joke but also know when to be serious. Keep up the good work! 8/10.



Probably the most professional staff member I've ever seen here. You always conduct yourself to a very high standard which considering some of the players you deal with at times, isn't always easy. Highly respected member of the community, when you speak, people tend to listen and come on board. 9/10.



Another one who since returning to the team I've been very impressed by. As a staff member you've always conducted yourself to a high standard. A few dubious/flamebaiting comments were made when you weren't on the team but that's by the by.  Still spend a lot of time in Alora CC answering questions on top of your other duties which is highly commendable and should be an example to all Supports & Mods. 8/10.


Global Moderator

Iron Champie

Seemingly stepped up in recent times to assist Moe with events which is good to see. I see you a decent amount in Alora CC which is great to see. If you were to step up to EM I'd like to see you get involved a little more with the community beforehand. Doing a solid job however. 7/10.



With someone who has played the game as much as you have it would be very easy to sit back and just take it easy but not for you. You always strive to be better which I respect. Not in the public eye too much so I guess it would be nice to see you get involved with the community a little bit more, but other than that, an outstanding staff member. 8.5/10.



Similar to Carol, you have a wealth of experience and know how to get the job done here. You've always conducted yourself very well and to a high standard. Would be nice to see you more involved ingame with players, only slight criticism I have. 8/10.


J boogs

In my honest opinion, one of two standout staff members at the moment. Your ingame knowledge is great and activity isn't bad either. Consistently helping in Alora CC, you haven't let the GMOD rank go to your head. Simply remembered what has gotten you that rank, and if you keep working the way you are, I think you'll be well deserving of Admin soon. A role model to all Supports and other Mods. 9/10.



I think you've done a fine job since returning to the team. Nothing outstanding but most certainly fulfilling the needs of the team and community. You do the basics well, I.E yelling reminders etc which is good and necessary. 7/10.


To gain

I always thought you were a good Event Manager but must have been demoted for a good reason. Since your demotion I don't recall seeing you once ingame(activity log shows you have but just from what I've seen). Sometimes you let emotions dictate your decisions as per a few screenshots I don't need to show anyone. We all know which. I think it's possibly time to resign and give someone else a shot. 2/10.


Code 002

Haven't seen too much from you since your return but I know how good of a staff member you were/are. You try to keep Discord fairly active which isn't easy! Would be good to see a little more ingame from you. 6/10.


Forum Moderator


Forums are pretty clean which is all we ask for! I know Forum Mods need to be active ingame too though. Your activity has certainly picked up recently from what I've seen. Keep heading in that direction and you'll make a very good staff member. 6/10.


Server Moderator

Fiji Drip

Very respected in the community and a very good staff member. My only criticism is I never see you outside of ICE CC. I think if you could add some extra time into Alora CC you can be recognised for your work more than you already are, and can become an excellent staff member. 7/10.


Elite Yin

I personally see nothing from you ingame. I get that you're a leader of one of the biggest clans on Alora but if it wasn't for the occasional yell(which don't tend to be staff related), I wouldn't even know you were a staff member. 3/10.



The second of the two stand out staff members. Friendship aside, the job you've been doing for a substantial amount of time I think perhaps isn't even recognised by your peers. The amount of times during GMT mornings/afternoons you're the only staff member online is rather crazy and you seemingly manage all situations great. I do hope that the higher leadership team know the work you do. I can see you going all the way in the team. Keep up the good work. 9/10.


GIM Flex

You went through a phase of being rather active and very helpful but I can't remember the last time I saw you ingame. I'm hoping it's a timezone issue as I thought you were decent. I think you need to improve the activity or give someone else a chance. 5/10.



From the interactions I've had with you, you seem like a cool guy. But I'm not sure if you should be a staff member. I think you may have been promoted just because you're Kaamea's GIM partner and active ingame. As a Support I didn't think you deserved to be promoted to Mod, and now you're a Moderator I still haven't seen anything. For how active you are ingame, you probably spend 5% of your time in Alora CC not actively answering questions either, which IMO, isn't good enough. 2/10.


Vape Tricks

Another one who I think race may have been run. In the past 2 months I can count on 1 hand how many times I've seen you ingame. I hope it is a timezone issue but if not, just give someone else a chance and resign. 3/10.



I was fairly surprised to see you return to the team but I thought you did a good job during your first tenure. This time round I haven't seen the same although your activity does seem to be improving as is you yelling and being helpful. Hopefully you keep this up. 5/10.


Server Support - I'm very critical to Supports and I am aware that I have a different timezone to you all. But I can only comment on what I see. 


I actually can't recall the last time I saw you ingame. There's an 8 hour difference between us so I think that's the majority of it, but I struggle to believe you're that active if I haven't seen you. I think you're very confrontational on the forums and often go looking a lot deeper into people's posts than necessary. I'll use myself as an example. In one my posts there was no malice whatsoever but you managed to turn my comment against me. You constantly nitpick and I feel there's just no need for it. 2/10.



I thought you were deserving of a chance to become Support and you started off pretty solid. Your activity has either fallen off a cliff or you've forgotten where Alora CC is. You need to get back to where you were post promotion to remain on the team IMO. 2/10.



Probably the best Support at the moment but I honestly don't think that takes much currently(sorry for the backhanded compliment). I was critical on your application of you not spending enough time in Alora CC and it's good to see you address that and make the necessary changes. I'd still like to see a little more from you but I think you deserve a chance to take the next step to Moderator. 6/10.



Personally I think you were just promoted because of your streams. I didn't see enough pre-promotion and haven't seen anything more post promotion. You yell now and then and answer a few questions in Alora CC but still not enough I don't think. 1/10.



Very similar to Trotz. I don't see enough ingame to warrant your rank. If you are inactivate atm, and I guess this goes for all staff, a little post to explain the situation(don't need to know details just that you're M.I.A temp) would go a long way. 1/10.



I think you've done an okay job since your promotion. Definitely deserved the chance to prove yourself and I think this far expectations are being met. Keep doing you and I'm sure in due time you'll be given the opportunity to prove yourself further. 6/10.






No comments I've made are personal and I hope they can be taken in a constructive manner. I do apologise if anyone I've said is inactive is actually active and it's just a timezone issue. I can only comment on what I see.


Thanks for reading :)

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 06:31 PM #2


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While I appreciate the feed back and the constructive criticism, I feel like this post was made as a kind of redemption to your application being declined (I might be wrong, it's just a vibe I'm getting of this post.).


While the issue of having more staff members in Alora cc is somewhat true, some of the background work moderators and admins do, doesn't require them to be in the official help cc (You'd probably know, from your Ex-admin position), so judging people on their CC activity is like judging someone from the looks, as you don't have the inside scoop of what happens behind the curtains. I also don't see anything wrong with liking a post of someone else, as the like button is there to support someone's comment/decision. So in conclusion, you shouldn't take a like so close to your heart. I'm not going to touch on how you handled criticism on your last application so giving others criticism, it's like shooting yourself in the foot.


I will try to improve on the points you've touched, thank you for this!

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 06:32 PM #3


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You getting declined really hit a nerve for you hey

How's that?

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 06:42 PM #4


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Brother otto, I don't think this is the way to do things.
The timing on the feedback was quite strange, but from the short period I play since my return, I can tell you that this feedback is not accurate, mainly on the people that have the role you applied for.

I logged in yesterday at 4 AM , and I logged in at 8PM ish, and these server supports were online, helping, doing their "job".

I don't see anyone complaining that the support side of it is being handled like shit, like tickets etc... so they must be doing their job in that department aswell.

Feedback is great, I always loved it, negative or positive it helps the staff team a ton.... but when you post it right after you get declined, the value of it goes down a bunch.

This is not the otto I know brother, please reconsider all of this.

KP | One | Horus



Posted 15 March 2020 - 06:45 PM #5


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While I appreciate the feed back and the constructive criticism, I feel like this post was made as a kind of redemption to your application being declined (I might be wrong, it's just a vibe I'm getting of this post.).


While the issue of having more staff members in Alora cc is somewhat true, some of the background work moderators and admins do, doesn't require them to be in the official help cc (You'd probably know, from your Ex-admin position), so judging people on their CC activity is like judging someone from the looks, as you don't have the inside scoop of what happens behind the curtains. I also don't see anything wrong with liking a post of someone else, as the like button is there to support someone's comment/decision. So in conclusion, you shouldn't take a like so close to your heart. I'm not going to touch on how you handled criticism on your last application so giving others criticism, it's like shooting yourself in the foot.


I will try to improve on the points you've touched, thank you for this!


Well I can confirm you are wrong. 


I haven't disputed the job that you guys do behind the scenes. I'm posting from what I see. It would be great to see more of it ingame. 


These are simply my opinions. About the the like, you apply for a job and get declined and then a colleague goes on a limb to make it known that they liked that decision for others to see? If you can't see what's wrong there then welp.


Feel free to touch on how I handled the criticism. Every comment I made was twisted against me. There was no bitterness in my replies then, nor is there now. I'm simply making a post on how I see things as per what this sub forum is used for.



Brother otto, I don't think this is the way to do things.
The timing on the feedback was quite strange, but from the short period I play since my return, I can tell you that this feedback is not accurate, mainly on the people that have the role you applied for.

I logged in yesterday at 4 AM , and I logged in at 8PM ish, and these server supports were online, helping, doing their "job".

I don't see anyone complaining that the support side of it is being handled like shit, like tickets etc... so they must be doing their job in that department aswell.

Feedback is great, I always loved it, negative or positive it helps the staff team a ton.... but when you post it right after you get declined, the value of it goes down a bunch.

This is not the otto I know brother, please reconsider all of this.


Correct me if I'm wrong but this is my feedback thread? Feel free to make your own on how you see it.


I accept the decision of my application and it plays no part whatsoever in my post. If I was going to be bitter about it, my post would be aimed at God who made perhaps the most vital post on my app which sealed my fate. It's not. I've simply made a post on how I see things.


But of course, this is the Internet in 2020 so everything you post will be perceived in a different way as intended. 

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:02 PM #6

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Not gonna lie, it's refreshing to see a staff feedback post that doesn't brown-nose every single member of the team....even if some of the ratings are wildly inaccurate and biased coming from a non-staff perspective. I agree that players like Mousey420 shouldn't need to hold down Alora cc, but as long as there's 1-2 staff members present I think it's fine (and that's how it usually is).


MT is a goddamn national treasure, how on Earth did you give him a 2?

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:06 PM #7


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Not gonna lie, it's refreshing to see a staff feedback post that doesn't brown-nose every single member of the team....even if some of the ratings are wildly inaccurate and biased coming from a non-staff perspective. I agree that players like Mousey420 shouldn't need to hold down Alora cc, but as long as there's 1-2 staff members present I think it's fine (and that's how it usually is).


MT is a goddamn national treasure, how on Earth did you give him a 2?


I can only comment on what I see. I did state next to Server Supports that I have a totally different timezone to the majority of them. 


MT may well be a national treasure but thankfully, not the national treasure of England. God bless.

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:11 PM #8


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I appreciate your criticisms and I will try to be more active across CCs.

I do not necessarily agree with a lot of the other criticism on my fellow staff members but this is your feedback so I will not comment further than that.

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:18 PM #9


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Otto, I have no personal issues with you at all and think you're a lovely person. However, it just sounds like you have it in for a few members of staff which is quite apparent. You'll give some generic feedback to some like "Keep doing you" followed by a 9/10, then some you just poach like Kaamea. I know some may not know him, but take it from me as I was on the team for a year just about. As an individual he's carried the team quite hard, also the same as Smiv. Also in regards to people being in Alora cc, I think it's just an outdated expectation entirely. I never once went in the Alora cc for more than 30 minutes a month and funnily enough everything seems fine still. It's a proving ground for you players who want to genuinely help the community out, where you can report any negativity to staff members. It just sounds like you're wanting more staff members there so they can notice your selflessness helping the new players which most of them just talk about weed and how many pills they popped on the weekend. Thanks for taking your time on the feedback : )

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:22 PM #10


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Well let step in the shoes of when I was still a mod I have never heard that I had to be in the Alora clan chat. It was never a duty, but more out of a volunteering will. I understand that most of the Server Supports stood within the clan chat, since they do not handle / work behind the scenes that much.

However you gotta understand why @KP, @Paine & @Real Try thinks that you made this feedback thread as a result of your declined staff application. Your application got declined recently and this post came shortly after, so for a second I thought the same as them.

Regarding your feedbacks II think it’s a bit harsh to tell them to resign and give someone else a chance. I do have seen people who got staff in the past which I never agreed on, but eventually they got demoted or resigned. So those who are still in the team have proven their trustworthy to remain staff, so they always have their strong aspects. I do agree that one is more active than the other, but you cannot judge them by their activity. Some might have some more irl stuff to do than another, only god knows.

Disclaimer; I have 0 comments on their activity within the Alora cc since I am no longer in it.

I’m not here to start a discussion with you nor will answer any further comments that is towards me. I am not here to bash you either as I respect your point of view and thats nothing wrong about it. Just look it on a more optimistic way, buddy.

Nonetheless I think the staff team do appreciate the feedback and I wish you a very nice day.

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:42 PM #11


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Otto Appreciate the Feedback! Ill do my best to continue supporting the #1 rsps server! 
Just a tip- you can join a raid and enter the alora cc after it has started :) keeps you active in alora cc and enjoying the game!

Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:45 PM #12

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Unfortunately I do not agree with 90% of this. But still respect your personal opinion on your feedback. ^^



Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:48 PM #13


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7 & arcadus - I appreciate the replies, thanks. I personally feel that it should be a requirement for x-amount of staff to be in Alora CC and you guys don't, that's the beauty of having an opinion.


arcadus - Now I've posted this, I understand people may think this is a post because I was declined. I have no regrets about posting it. It's why this forum is here. I could have chosen a better time to post as no doubt it will be perceived as a salty post but I'm at peace with the decision that was made. I both accept and respect it and have no hard feelings. 


I'm not gonna kiss ass as it's not what I'm about. I've posted constructive criticism and totally expect staff members to reply defending their colleagues/team. As for Real Try response? Well, I guess that says more about them than I. 


Thanks again for the replies!

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:50 PM #14


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Thanks for the feedback.

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 08:08 PM #15


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I do appreciate you for taking the time to make this post. You are right, I am not that active in-game. This is because I have other commitments in my life that are more important, such as work and college. However, I am more active in the forums and on Discord as it is easily more accessible for me when I'm not on my PC at home. I also work behind the scenes in the forums as you know, given you were a server support before.


However, if you are going to rate me based on how I replied to your staff application, at least find a better example than just using yourself, man. That just proves to me you are still bothered and upset by my criticism and have learned nothing from it. My fellow peers can also see this as you reply to the comments. My intention was simply to critique you in an unbiased manner, based on what I saw from you and your past experiences in the staff team and how I perceive you as a whole. It is quite ironic that you say I'm constantly nitpicking, as it clearly shows that you are doing the exact same thing to staff members but in a biased manner. Look at your feedback to @Kaamea, @To gain, and @TenFour for instance. These three have done much more behind the scenes, so you cannot just simply judge them based on their activity, how they interacted with you, or how you believe they got into the staff team. Besides that, straight-up telling @To gain and @Vape Tricks to resign at the end of their feedback was uncalled for. It is up to the admins to decide on whether or not someone gets promoted or demoted, or up to the staff member in question if they choose to resign or not.


While I do not agree with the majority of the feedback you have given to the staff team, I will do my best to improve my activity in-game and balance my time between my commitments.


Thank you.


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 08:23 PM #16


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Appreciate the feedback.

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 08:33 PM #17


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I do appreciate you for taking the time to make this post. You are right, I am not that active in-game. This is because I have other commitments in my life that are more important, such as work and college. However, I am more active in the forums and on Discord as it is easily more accessible for me when I'm not on my PC at home. I also work behind the scenes in the forums as you know, given you were a server support before.


However, if you are going to rate me based on how I replied to your staff application, at least find a better example than just using yourself, man. That just proves to me you are still bothered and upset by my criticism and have learned nothing from it. My fellow peers can also see this as you reply to the comments. My intention was simply to critique you in an unbiased manner, based on what I saw from you and your past experiences in the staff team and how I perceive you as a whole. It is quite ironic that you say I'm constantly nitpicking, as it clearly shows that you are doing the exact same thing to staff members but in a biased manner. Look at your feedback to @Kaamea, @To gain, and @TenFour for instance. These three have done much more behind the scenes, so you cannot just simply judge them based on their activity, how they interacted with you, or how you believe they got into the staff team. Besides that, straight-up telling @To gain and @Vape Tricks to resign at the end of their feedback was uncalled for. It is up to the admins to decide on whether or not someone gets promoted or demoted, or up to the staff member in question if they choose to resign or not.


While I do not agree with the majority of the feedback you have given to the staff team, I will do my best to improve my activity in-game and balance my time between my commitments.


Thank you.


I used that as an example as it is relevant to myself and the post I've made. The fact you're again bringing up that you believe I'm emotionally attached to said criticism shows me you have a lack of understanding to the situation or perhaps a lack of people skills. I'm not, nor ever have been. Anything I say towards you regarding this subject at this point is always going to be a misconception so we may as well end it there.


I'm fully aware as an ex-staff member of what goes on behind the scenes. My comments are made as a player who is saying what they see in-game. Without being able to see what goes on behind the scenes how could I possibly comment on that? I eluded on a number of occasions that I know work goes on behind the scenes but my feedback is about what I see. 


You're entitled to your opinion as am I. I've made a feedback thread and not everyone was going to agree with it. Feel free to create your own if you feel differently. 

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 08:39 PM #18


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I've never read a post that rates staff members 1 by 1 without it coming across as either:

  1. kissing up to the staff team
  2. airing personal grievances (read: bitching about) against individual members.

This rule seems to also hold in the eyes of the other players who have responded to your thread.


I will say though that your feedback on the Alora CC is spot on in my opinion. I see admins and moderators answering questions in the CC more frequently than I see server supports doing this job. But I think this feedback will be lost behind the rest of your post.

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 09:09 PM #19

Death Kid
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I believe that the feedback system is very beneficial, not only for myself; but also for my fellow colleagues. It provides us with critical insights that we may have overlooked ourselves. I not only promote the use of feedback, but also encourage it. I really hope to see other members of the community doing what you're doing and taking initiative to voice their concerns. However; I believe that this post was created for the sole purpose of malice. I'm not denying you of your opinion, but your objective is fairly apparent not only to myself, but the majority of users viewing this thread. 


I've taken the time to read each individual reply, rating, & statement that you have made. As an ex-staff member, I expected less bias from you. Now, if there was a single sentence of constructive criticism in this post, I would accept & agree with your opinion. As you have stated multiple times throughout your thread "entitled to your own opinion", so I will state my opinion of this post. 


You say that the timing of this post has nothing to do with your rejection, however; all I see is baseless negative feedback towards staff members who did not agree with your application.


Starting off with your evaluation of @Kaamea: You provided him with 2 positive statements, 1 neutral statement, and 2 negative statements. I'm not a mathematician, but I don't see how that adds up to 3/10. You stated "Main priority is seemingly to gain exp these days.", is he not meant to play the game? We are all volunteers, who put in our time to help better the community. Do you expect that he does nothing in-game but attend to your needs? "I thought when there was the initial outburst of Admins leaving you stood up really well and proved your worth as an Admin." followed by "Since they've returned to the team I haven't seen as much from you.". His behavior / work ethic has literally not changed since the previous Administrators returning to the team. Although I know that you will claim it is just an "opinion", you have a lot of contradiction within your ratings, and I believe the reason for that is that you are trying to show that you are "not affected" by your rejection. You ultimately state that he liked the comment of your staff application being declined. For someone who his very pro-opinions, you don't seem to like when others have them. 


I won't bother wasting both our time by quoting and analyzing every single rating, but just a few more points I'd like to touch on: You repeatedly advised other members of the staff team to "resign and give someone else a shot". I don't know if you under the illusion that you are still an Administrator, but that isn't your decision to make. Your statements were pointless and malicious. 


"But I'm not sure if you should be a staff member. I think you may have been promoted just because you're Kaamea's GIM partner and active ingame." ? What purpose does this sentence serve? Active in-game, that is kind of one of the main parts of being a staff member. Also your baseless accusation was very unnecessary. 


I am very disappointed that this had to be our first interaction. As an Ex-Administrator you are supposed to be a role model to the staff team through your ethics, and moral code. This post was very unethical & biased. This posts just seems like a poor attempt to show that you have "maturely" accepted your rejection, but I can assure you that it has had the exact opposite effect. 


Thanks for your feedback. 

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Posted 15 March 2020 - 09:30 PM #20

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I appreciate you taking the time to give feedback and would love to see people voice their opinions about the team more often. However I find an issue with the consistency of this and whether it is your unbiased, truthful feedback when you state that the staff team is strong and that only "a few small adjustments" are needed, then give over 40% of the team failing ratings and even tell two to resign. 


I personally have no idea who you are as a person, what you have done in your past for this server, and don't know if I have ever interacted with you in-game, thus I would not feel comfortable posting something such as you did, but here is my response to your post.


As for my feedback, I know I am relatively new to the staff team and I can understand why people wouldn't be able to see the validity behind my promotion as I am not the most vocal member of the staff team. But to say that I was promoted simply on the fact that I am close to @Kaamea is far-fetched and I wouldn't consider any staff team "strong" if promotions were based off your friendships and not your effort and the team's combined trust in you.  Additionally, with your history of being on the staff team and even being an Admin you should have an understanding of the work that goes on behind the scenes and the amount of time that can be put into this, especially when learning a new role. To say I'm in Alora CC 5% of the time I'm online is also just astounding considering I spend almost all my time In-game in the Alora CC.  I don't think that there is any doubt of how strong our players are and how helpful the community is, because of this I find that it is better to allow players to answer other player's questions as it keeps the community connected and people involved, in addition it is hard to answer when @Mousey420 answers questions before you can even read them. 


As for your feedback on the other members of the team I think that many of the negative ones are subjective reviews that look more like personal attacks which are biased and lack a full understanding of many staff member’s dedication and commitment to the server rather than constructive criticism. Based off other people’s comments on this post I think that recent decisions made by the community have upset you and that you are expressing yourself in the way you think is appropriate and I appreciate that. 


I will consider your feedback and see if I can better myself from it, I hope you do the same with these comments. 

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