What is your suggestion?:
Alright let's Dig in to this, The Bank of Alora was recently updated with the new withdraw system and also added a few new features BUT many of them are still left out.
I would like to see the Bank of Alora to be updated to match OSRS, where they have bank fillers, Incinerator, More bank space for having a bank pin and even more if you have An authenticator setup.
so how about we get some of the above mentioned Updates to our bank?
Talking about the Release option being the first, add "Examine" above it so we don't mess our banks up.
Edit#1 Add placeholders for these items, Ancient Wyvern shield, dragon fireward, dragon fireshield, and all of the Crystal weapons.
Is this in OSRS?:
YES, https://oldschool.ru...ape.wiki/w/Bank
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Not that i could find.
How would this benefit Alora?:
First of all we get some more useability of the bank, where as we can organize it easier with bankfillers, we have a little more motivation to set-up authenticator and bank-pin.