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Daily Quests need to be re-worked to be a true daily system.

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Posted 03 March 2020 - 10:44 PM #1

iron kcuhc

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Hey guys, since I've joined Alora a few weeks ago one thing has really stuck out to me - the daily quest system is not as "daily" as it should be.


What I mean by this is that a daily quest is supposed to be something that can be done in a small window of playtime so you can continue to play other aspects of the game but feel as though your time was well spent. 


Alora's daily system is pretty flawed when looking at it from this viewpoint - with a few exceptions. 


Most games that introduce dailies do one of two things , they either build the daily system around the only piece of content you do, so it's passively earned, OR they send you on a small mission to do something out of your way.  


Here's a few examples:

Apex Legends- Deal damage with a shotgun - Easy enough, just pick up a shotgun and continue to play the way you want

WoW- Go to this zone that IS out of your way , but only spend 5-10 minutes completing the objective

Runescape 3 - Go to runespan and siphon this thing for 5 minutes. Go to rune goldberg machine and play a little puzzle for 3 minutes


This list can go on and on , but I won't continue because I think that should get the point across. So, the problem now, is what can be done to fix Alora's daily quest system without completely revamping it? There's 2 solutions I've thought of


Solution 1 - Lower the amount of things needed to do to complete the daily quest. For example, completing FIVE raids is indeed a HARD task, but it's more time consuming than anything, that's at least a 2.5 hour daily! So this one should be lowered to ONE raid completion , because the task itself is HARD, the hard part shouldn't be the time invested.


Solution 2 - Add a daily, bi-daily, and weekly quest system to replace the current system. This, in my eyes, is a very fair solution that would open the window for many more fun and interesting tasks to be done. For example - Daily: Complete 2 Hard Slayer tasks /  Bi-Daily : Kill the giant mole 30 times / Weekly : Complete 5 raids



Now, I don't want to sit here and bash the entirety of the system, because it absolutely does have some great ideas and potential to be a fun system that everyone can benefit from. Some of the tasks are challenging, but simple, such as dealing 65 damage in one hit. Some of the easier tasks are how a task should be, such as fletching 100 bows from scratch. These are a few examples of tasks that can lead to a great system that is rewarding and fun to do every day that you play Alora.


So, the TL;DR is that the system needs to become more "Daily", with tasks that can be completed in a shorter time, but still have a level of difficulty to them that make them challenging enough for the reward. The system shows potential, but does need some love put into it to get where it should be. 


Any feedback would be appreciated, because this is something I think the game seriously needs, also, if you guys have a solution, feel free to drop it in the comments, I'd love to read it! 



Posted 04 March 2020 - 01:42 AM #2

Doc Hellish

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Completely agree, especially given the recently added importance of daily points to new players, it doesn't make sense to have individual tasks taking 30 mins-2 hours. Not only this, but the tiers need to be adjusted as well, with medium achievements often taking more time than the hard ones.





Posted 04 March 2020 - 01:51 AM #3

Nuclear GIM
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100% agreed on pretty much every point made here.

Posted 04 March 2020 - 01:58 AM #4

Lord Aizen

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I agree with this, as I have started a new Elite iron Man most of the dailies are out of my reach. I can't do 75% of said dailies until I am nearly maxed honestly.


That being said if the Dailies got reworked to be dependent on skill levels/combat levels that would make it a tad bit easier but still keep a challenge in there for hard dailies.



Posted 04 March 2020 - 02:03 AM #5

EIM Nord
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A very nice suggestion, the daily task system indeed needs a revamp. It is basically impossible for new players to do all of the daily tasks in order to streak days and get more points. This slows down account progression and can make players very frustrated, making them eventually leave the game. Having a healthier daily task system is better for the server.

Posted 04 March 2020 - 02:08 AM #6


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Definitely would like to see a rework in the daily tasks system. Support the points made above.


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Posted 04 March 2020 - 02:20 AM #7

skt faker

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Support this, good read too.

Posted 04 March 2020 - 04:40 AM #8


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Support for daily task revamp!

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Posted 04 March 2020 - 05:41 AM #9

N0 t3l3 pl0x

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i stopped doing daily tasks simply because, as you said, some tasks are too much work.


I agree they should be quicker. Not easier though. 


Posted 04 March 2020 - 08:07 AM #10

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Full support for this.  Daily tasks should not take up 3-5 hours of your day depending on the task.

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Posted 04 March 2020 - 12:05 PM #11

HC Benji
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My issue is that it takes 9 months of dailies to get something simple like a tomb of fire or full shayzien....

Posted 05 March 2020 - 03:37 PM #12

EIM Mizk
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+1 Totally agree.

Posted 05 March 2020 - 04:20 PM #13


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1000% agree with this. As @Hellish said with the new added importance of the daily shop now holding a lot of the old achievement shop items, it very much so needs to be reworked or all around redone to be tiered better.

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Posted 05 March 2020 - 08:54 PM #14


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Support. Some days I log in I don’t attempt to do the dailies as they can take a very long time to complete and some days I don’t really have the time to try and complete as I have other things I wish to accomplish. This would be a very nice rework to the game and give an incentive for newer players to start grinding out daily point streaks.

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Posted 20 March 2020 - 12:48 PM #15



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