Welcome to my (yet another) unofficial Hardcore Ultimate Ironman (HCUIM) progress thread!
I am playing on the HCIM account White Oak without the use of a bank, making it essentially a one-life UIM with the 8x experience rate. I can't even use the fun aspects of UIM like the looting bag or rely on the one-hour death timer.
This is my third attempt at comping a HCUIM...
The first attempt Ult Sass dc'ed and died to Zulrah at 1817 total level: https://www.alora.io...rogress-thread/
The second attempt y was pked in Wildy at Max total level: https://www.alora.io...gress-thread-y/
I'm changing up my past strategy, since I intend to fully utilize the achievements system to rush certain skills.
Updates will probably be every week, so stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by!