I. Information
The Nightmare of Ashihama, often simply referred to as The Nightmare, is a large, otherworldly horror who feeds on the life force of sleeping people, giving her victims horrible nightmares until their life force is completely drained and expires.
Players can also fight Phosani's Nightmare, a much stronger version of the boss that can only be fought solo. Players must have at least 1 kill count at The Nightmare before they can fight Phosani's. More at Phosani's Nightmare can be found at the bottom of the guide.
50 combat is the only requirement to fight The Nightmare, however, higher stats and gear are recommended. 1 to 80 players can join to fight The Nightmare at a time, her stats and hitpoints scaling to the number of players in the room.
Once the fight has begun, no more players are able to enter the room until she has been defeated. All players that meet the minimum damage threshold will be eligible to receive loot but the player that deals the most damage (MVP) will receive a significant boost to their reward. The MVP is signified by receiving Big bones with their drop.
This fight is a dangerous death for hardcore ironmen. Dying here will result in losing hardcore status.
If a player dies during the fight, lost items will be kept by Shura. They can be reclaimed from Shura for a fee of 250,000 GP. Shura can be found near the entrance to the Nightmare's Dream Realm.
Note that if a player dies a second time anywhere without reclaiming their items from Shura anything she was holding will be permanently lost. (This excludes safe minigames such as the Fight Caves, Inferno, etc.)
II. Combat Info and Stats
Combat Level: 814
Max Hit: 60 (Melee), 39 (Ranged and Magic)
Weakness: Crush
Attack Style(s): Magic, Melee (slash), Ranged
Attack Speed: 6 ticks (3.6 seconds)
III. Gear Hierarchy and Inventory Setups Gear Hierarchy
Helm Slot:
Melee: Torva full helm > Inquisitor's great helm > Neitiznot faceguard > Serpentine helm > Helm of neitiznot
Mage: Ancestral hat > N/A
Necklace Slot:
Melee: Amulet of torture > Amulet of blood fury > Amulet of fury
Mage: Occult necklace > N/A
*Note: The Nightmare is not affected by the Salve amulet as it is not classified as undead.
Ring Slot:
Melee: Berserker ring (i) > Brimstone ring > Tyrannical ring (i) > Ring of suffering (i)
Inventory Setups
Inventories will vary depending on team size and the number of switches you bring.
Needed: Imbued heart Rune Pouch - to hold runes for Thralls, Death Charge, or Fure Surge Additional gear/weapon switches
Divine or regular Super combat potions Sanfew serums/Super restores
Saradomin brews Combo food
Drakan's medallion - for fast teleport to Nightmare/PNM
Dinh's bulwark - Can be used to 1 hit husks
Max Setup Example:
Mid-tier Setup Example:
Budget Setup Example:
IV. Getting There
You can get to the Sisterhood Sanctuary by using the Boss Teleport via the Teleport Wizard or by typing ::nm in-game.
Players with the Elite Combat Achievements completed can use the Drakan's medallion to teleport between The Nightmare and Phosani's Nightmare.
V. Fight Mechanics
The Nightmare uses all three combat styles and has several special attack mechanics. Game sounds will be a very helpful indicator of the incoming attack, but they are also quite visually distinguishable.
Standard Attacks
Standard Magic Attack
The Nightmare will flair flail her arms and surround herself with pink flower petals that are shot towards the players. Having Protect from Magic up will mitigate damage.
Standard Ranged Attack
The Nightmare will contort herself around 4 times giving off the sound a loud click to sound like bones cracking and snapping. Having Protect from Missiles up will mitigate damage.
Standard Melee Attack
The Nightmare will charge her claws with a pink glow and pull them back scraping the ground in front of her.
Special Attacks
The Nightmare will spawn two Lvl. 48 Husks around random players in the room. Targeted players will be frozen in place until the Husks are killed. They use melee attacks and are weak to magic.
Flower Power
The Nightmare will divide the room into 4 quadrants with lines of flowers. One quadrant will be safe and is indicated by the lighter, alive-looking Nightmare Flowers. Standing in one of the other 3 unsafe quadrants will result taking rapid damage and any attacks done to The Nightmare will heal her.
Grasping Claws
The Nightmare will spawn a black portal beneath her and numerous small black portals around the room and then stick her claws inside dealing damage to any player standing on one of the black portals throughout the room. Standing on a portal and being hit by the claws can deal up to 50 damage. To avoid damage, simply move to a free tile with no portal.
After each pillar phase, The Nightmare will spawn sleepwalkers. The number spawn will depend on the number of players in the room. They possess 10 HP and will begin moving towards her once spawned. You will want to defeat as many sleepwalkers as possible before they reach her because at the end of the attack, she will release a powerful blast that hits every player in the room for a minimum of 5 damage that is amplified by the number of sleepwalkers she absorbs.
A pink/red glow fills the player's screen and protection prayers are shuffled. Clicking on Protect from Magic activates Protect from Missiles, Protect from Missiles activates Protect from Melee and Protect from Melee activates Protect from Magic. An easy way to remember this is the Prayers are shifted over by one to the right. This change will remain until a message pops up in the chat box saying the curse has finished.
The Nightmare throws a parasite onto random players. After it has grown, it will burst out of the player damaging the player and healing The Nightmare until it is killed. Drinking a dose of Sanfew Serum before it emerges will weaken the parasite. Once the parasite has exited the player(s), make sure to kill the parasites as soon as possible. Failure to drink a Sanfew Serum while impregnated by the parasite will result in taking high damage.
Mushroom like spores will spawn around the room. Standing next to one will cause it to explode, disabling the player's run and lowering their attack speed by 1 tick for a short duration.
The boss room contains four totems, one in each corner. At the start of the fight, the Nightmare is protected by a shield which weakens as she takes damage. The HP of this shield scales accordingly to the number of players participating in the fight, with a minimum of 2,000 and maximum of 19,600.
Once the shield is shattered, the totems in the corners of the rooms may be attacked. All four totems must be fully charged. Once they're charged, they will unleash a magical blast of energy onto the Nightmare, dealing 800 damage. The Nightmare has 2,400 HP, so they must be fully charged three times to defeat The Nightmare.
*Note: The totems cannot be leached off of with blood spells.
VI. Fight Overview
Phase 1
Begin attacking The Nightmare with crush style melee attacks to take down her shield.
She will use her Standard Mage, Ranged and Melee Attacks along with the following special attacks.
- Flower Power
- Husks
- Grasping Claws
Charge up the 4 totems in the corners of the room all the way with magic style attacks to release a magical blast of energy that deals 800 damage to The Nightmare.
Phase 2
Once the Nightmare takes damage from the totems, prepare to take out the Sleepwalkers that will spawn shortly around the edges of the room near the totems. Make sure to kill them all or as many as possible before they reach the Nightmare to avoid taking large damage.
Begin attacking The Nightmare with crush style melee attacks to take down her shield.
She will use her Standard Mage, Ranged and Melee Attacks along with the following special attacks.
- Parasites
- Curse
- Grasping Claws
Charge up the 4 totems in the corners of the room all the way with magic style attacks to release a magical blast of energy that deals 800 damage to The Nightmare.
Phase 3
Once the Nightmare takes damage from the totems, prepare to take out the Sleepwalkers that will spawn shortly around the edges of the room near the totems. Make sure to kill them all or as many as possible before they reach the Nightmare to avoid taking large damage.
Begin attacking The Nightmare with crush style melee attacks to take down her shield for the final time.
She will use her Standard Mage, Ranged and Melee Attacks along with the following special attacks.
- Spores
- Teleport Charge *This mechanic has been left out for the time being
- Grasping Claws
Charge up the 4 totems in the corners of the room all the way with magic style attacks to release a magical blast of energy that deals the final 800 damage to The Nightmare. Once her HP hits 0 and The Nightmare is defeated, you will receive your loot.
VII. Rewards
VIII. Phosani's Nightmare
Phosani's Nightmare can be fought by drinking from the Pool of Nightmares north of The Nightmare's arena. 1 kill count at The Nightmare is required to fight this variant. It is a solo instanced fight.
The fight is very similar to The Nightmare but there are a few key differences.
There are 5 phases. 4 phases similar to The Nightmare fight and a final desperation phase where Phosani will continuously spawn Sleepwalkers and use the Grasping Claws attack. Each Sleepwalker that reaches her will deal 15 damage. Phosani only has 150 HP for the final phase.
Phosani's standard attacks deal no damage through prayer.
Phosani's shields have less HP each phase. (400) Pillars also have less HP. (100)
Phosani can use any special attack during each phase. 1 spawn special attack (husks or parasites) and 2 other special attacks.
The number of Sleepwalkers spawned increases by 1 each phase for the first 4 phases.
Husks and Parasites can be one hit when using a weapon on its crush style.
Fight Overview
Phase 1
Begin attacking Phosani's Nightmare with melee attacks to take down her shield.
She will use her standard Mage, Ranged and Melee attacks along with 3 random special attacks.
Charge up the 4 totems in the corners of the room all the way with magic style attacks to release a magical blast of energy that deals 800 damage to Phosani's Nightmare.
One sleepwalker will spawn in the NE corner, kill it before it reaches Phosani's or you will take heavy damage.
Phase 2
Begin attacking Phosani's Nightmare with melee attacks to take down her shield.
She will use her standard Mage, Ranged and Melee attacks along with 3 random special attacks.
Charge up the 4 totems in the corners of the room all the way with magic style attacks to release a magical blast of energy that deals 800 damage to Phosani's Nightmare.
Two sleepwalkers will spawn in the NE corner, kill it before it reaches Phosani's or you will take heavy damage.
Phase 3
Begin attacking Phosani's Nightmare with melee attacks to take down her shield.
She will use her standard Mage, Ranged and Melee attacks along with 3 random special attacks.
Charge up the 4 totems in the corners of the room all the way with magic style attacks to release a magical blast of energy that deals 800 damage to Phosani's Nightmare.
Three sleepwalkers will spawn, 2 in the NE corner and 1 in the NW corner. Kill it before it reaches Phosani's or you will take heavy damage.
Phase 4
Begin attacking Phosani's Nightmare with melee attacks to take down her shield.
She will use her standard Mage, Ranged and Melee attacks along with 3 random special attacks.
Charge up the 4 totems in the corners of the room all the way with magic style attacks to release a magical blast of energy that deals 800 damage to Phosani's Nightmare.
Three sleepwalkers will spawn, 2 in the NE corner and 2 in the NW corner. Kill it before it reaches Phosani's or you will take heavy damage.
Phase 5
Begin attacking Phosani's Nightmare with melee attacks to finish her off, use special attacks if you have them. Dodge the grasping claws if they appear under you. Phosani will continuously use the Grasping Claw attack and spawn Sleepwalkers that deal 15 damage each if they reach Phosani.