Hello beautiful people!
First of all i wanna say thank you for reading this, and tell you that my English sucks ass. So please take that into consideration befor roasting me for the idea i got. Its a feeling i have after i've been playing the server for like 8 weeks now, so i could be completely worng.
Thank you!
Anyways, i've been play been playing for a while now, and i have a maxed main and a classic zerker account. I made my classic zerker account shortly after after maxing my main. Because all i did on my main after maxing was raids, slaying bosses, clue and collection log.
while raids was a nice experience, with alot of great drops. I did find killing bosses with slayer kinda boring, quickly.
The funny thing for me after maxing my account, ussley is killing bosses and doing clue and fill slots in the collection log, while making alot of cash doing it. But when i got a cool drop, like dragon chain, Saradomin hilt, tyrannical ring, odium shard (etc.), mud battlestaff, black tourmaline core and so on.
i would find them really hard to sell, for what i see is a ''fair'' price. these kinda ''med'' tier things. that really have no ''overpowered'' use, on a private servers for different reasons. is kinda a junk item, cause there are a lot of them (at times) there is being sold for a low price in my eye. some of them aren't even in there, cause no one is buying them.
same goes for some of the ''rare'' clue items, like blue wizard hat (g), black d'hide body (g). i am sure you get the point now.
That brings a lot of items into the game, that are just dropping in price either cause no one is using them or there just aren't that many high level players to use them.
So i was thinking, what if we buffed the prices of some of the items in general store. so a ''rare item'' no long would be considered a junk item.
lets say that a Saradomin hilt goes for like 15m now a days i the TP? if you could go to general store and sell it insta for like 8-10m? So there would no long be 100 sgs'es that people dont use, sits in the bank, sold for a really low price and what ever.
same for some of the clue items, there is really useless, like the BWH (g) and BDB (g) if you could go to the general store and sell them for maybe 1m a piece?
It would make a lot of more bosses a better money making method and same for clue scrolls.
AND the importend thing, it would be easier as a new player to go and make some money!
let me please know what you think and if its a good idea, how could it be improved. im not sure what items should be on the list, but if you got some in mind. Please list them below!
Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
Have a great day! :)

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