A simple guide
A shitty simple skill
1 ~ 99
Standard method
1 ~ 5
Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
Difference: 388 XP
5 ~ 10
Shayzien Basic Agility Course
Difference: 766 XP
10 ~ 40
Draynor Village Rooftop Course
Difference: 36.070 XP
40 ~ 48
Canifis Village Rooftop Course
Difference: 45.790 XP
48 ~ 50
Shayzien Advanced Agility Course
Difference: 18.319 XP
50 ~ 60
Falador Rooftop Course
Difference: 172.409 XP
60 ~ 70
Seers' Village Rooftop Course
Difference: 463.885 XP
70 ~ 90
Pollniveach Agility Course
Difference: 4.608.705 XP
90 ~ 99
Ardougne Rooftop Course
Difference: 7.688.099 XP
1 ~ 99
Fastest method (With Summer pies )
You can boost your Agility by 5 levels by eating a Summer pie
By boosting your agility level you can do higher level courses than your actual level would normally allow you
This means you can unlock better xp/h earlier
faster levels
Bring extra pies to keep your level above the required
1 ~ 5
Shayzien Basic Agility Course
Difference: 388 XP
5 ~ 35
Draynor Village Rooftop Course
Difference: 22.018 XP
35 ~ 43
Canifis Rooftop Course
Difference: 27.933 XP
43 ~ 45
Shayzien Advanced Agility Course
Difference: 11.173 XP
45 ~ 55
Falador Rooftop Course
Difference: 105.124 XP
55 ~ 65
Seers' Village Rooftop Course
Difference: 282.792 XP
65 ~ 99
Pollniveach Agility Course
Difference: 12.585.003 XP
Here I boost my agility level with a Summer pie, reaching the level 10 threshold of Draynor Village Rooftop Course
~ How to acquire summer pies ~
You can acquire a Summer pie by trading other players
Or ()
Up to 15x noted Summer pies as a common (1/19)reward from a dragon impling
Dragon impling guide
Requires level 83 Hunter
3x un-noted Summer pies as a common (1/16) drop from Cerberus.
Cerberus video guide
Requires level 91 Slayer
~ Karamja gloves ~
By completing Karamja diaries you gain acces to the Karamja gloves, among other rewards.
Karamja gloves 2 and 3
gives 10% bonus agility xp
Karamja gloves 4 gives 15% bonus agility xp
Read all about diaries and their requirements & rewards here:
Achievement Diary Guide by
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If you play as a Hardcore Ironman I would suggest avoiding Wilderness Agility Course unless you're as confident on the Logout button as you are with your pull out game.
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Agility Courses
Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
Requires Agility level 1
Doesn't grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 98.645 xp
My average time per lap: 33 seconds
Related diary tasks:
Western Provinces diary Easy task:
- Complete the Gnome Agility Course 10 times.
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Skilling → Gnome Agility Course
Upon teleporting you arrive right next to the course.
Simply run east and Walk-across the Log balance
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
Submit yourself to the psychological harassment of the Gnome trainers.
Basic Shayzien Agility Course
Requires Agility level 5
Doesn't grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 235.609 xp
My average time per lap: 47 seconds
Related diary tasks:
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Dungeons → Kourend catacombs
You arrive at the catacombs, climb up the Vine ladder
Run south-west past the mining area and through the red maple forest into the Shayzien camp.
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
Finally a replacement to the god awful Gnome Stronghold Course. If you have a Summer pie, that is.
The basic course splits off from the advanced course by taking the Bars towards north.
Draynor Village Rooftop Course
Requires Agility level 10
Does grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 258.059 xp
My average time per lap: 41 seconds
Related diary tasks:
Lumbridge & Draynor diary Medium task:
- Complete 25 laps at the Draynor Rooftop Agility Course.
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Cities → Draynor village
Upon teleporting you'll arrive just south of the course.
Run north until you reach the last building in the village
Here you can Climb the Rough wall
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
Good xp/h considering the low level requirement!
Barbarian Outpost Agility Course
Requires Agility level 35
Doesn't grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 173.018 xp
My average time per lap: 33 seconds
Related diary tasks:
Kandarin diary Easy task:
- Complete 20 laps at the Barbarian Agility Course.
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Skilling → Barbarian Agility Course
Upon teleporting you arrive just north of the course.
Simply Squeeze-through the Bbstacle pipe and you'll arrive at the first obstacle which you can see in the background, the Ropeswing
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
Due to the awful experience per hour it didn't make it onto the 1 ~ 99 list.
You should only complete this course for the diary.
You have to position yourself carefully which makes it tedious.
For the Ropeswing, you must stand in the closest square for you to jump.
Otherwise you'll just get a notification in your chatbox.
And for the Crumbling wall, you must be placed in front of the obstacle.
If you attempt to climb from the side you'll also get a chatbox notification.
Canifis Rooftop Course
Requires Agility level 40
Does grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 490.263 xp
My average time per lap: 38 seconds
Related diary tasks:
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Cities → Canifis
Upon teleporting you'll arrive just west of the course. Run east and climb the Tall tree.
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
Good xp/h considering the low level requirement!
Advanced Shayzien Agility Course
Requires Agility level 48
Doesn't grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 583.933 xp
My average time per lap: 54 seconds
Related diary tasks:
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Dungeons → Kourend catacombs
You arrive at the catacombs, climb up the Vine ladder
Run south-west past the mining area and through the red maple forest into the Shayzien camp.
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
The advanced course splits off from the basic course by grappling the Beam towards west.
Falador Rooftop Course
Requires Agility level 50
Does grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 918.780 xp
My average time per lap: 60 seconds
Related diary tasks:
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Cities → Falador
Upon teleporting you'll arrive in the city square. Run East towards the mining guild and the course is on the other side.
The course starts on the opposite site of the range.
Here you can climb up the rough wall
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
A great addition to Alora Agility! This course gives good xp/h and it takes around a minute to complete. Very satisfying!
For one of the final ledge jumps there are two options. Use the western ledge, the eastern doesn't work.
Wilderness Agility Course
Watch out for PKers!
Don't bring anything - you may just lose it...
Requires Agility level 52
Doesn't grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 544.062 xp → 679.938 xp with bonus
My average time per lap: 39 seconds
Related diary tasks:
Wilderness diary Medium task:
- Complete 30 laps at the Wilderness Agility Course.
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Skilling → Wilderness Agility Course
This teleports you inside the fence of the Wilderness agility course.
To start, squeeze through the Obstacle pipe
The teleport option from the Teleport wizard requires 52 Agility.
This cannot be bypassed with a Summer pie.
How to leave:
Open the southern Gate to exit the course.
Run north-east towards the yellow circle → Slash the spider webs → Pull the lever to return to Mage Bank.
You need a knife in your inventory or a sharp weapon
in your hand to slash the spider webs!
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
Due to the bad experience per hour it didn't make it onto the 1 ~ 99 list.
You should only complete this course for the diary.
Wilderness grants bonus experience
It just isn't enough to make the course good..
For the Ropeswing, do not spam-click.
As shown below this will interrupt the animation. Make sure to just click once.
When you run from the Stepping Stones to the Log balance, you can speed up your pathing by clicking in front of the log instead of just clicking it.
Seers' Village Rooftop Course
Requires Agility level 60
Does grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 1.117.625 xp
My average time per lap: 31 seconds
Related diary tasks:
Kandarin diary Hard task:
- Complete 35 laps at the Seers Village Rooftop Course.
Right-click the Teleport wizard in Edgeville and set-home to Seers' village.
Every time you complete a lap, type ;;home or click
If you wish to get back to Edgeville type ;;thieve
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Cities → Seer's village
Upon teleporting you arrive outside of the Seer's village bank.
The course starts at the eastern window.
Simply right click to Climb-up the Wall
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
I tested the "ladder method"
This yields 30% less experience and grants no marks of grace.
Pollniveach Rooftop Course
Requires Agility level 70
Does grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 1.777.500 xp
My average time per lap: 48 seconds
Related diary tasks:
Right-click the Teleport wizard in Edgeville and set-home to Pollniveach.
Every time you complete a lap, type ;;home or click
If you wish to get back to Edgeville type ;;thieve
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Cities → Pollniveach
Upon teleporting you arrive just south of the course.
Run north and Climb-on the Basket.
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
I Pollniveach is a game-changer for Alora Agility.
Best experience per hour in the game.
Ardougne Rooftop Course is slighlty slower but gives more Marks of Grace.
For the banner obstacle, you may go for a momentary visit to outer space..
When attempting to climb the rough wall you may accidentally click the curtain.
Please refrain from invading other peoples property and privacy. The shotgun is loaded.
Priffdinas Agility Course
Requires Agility level 75
Requires level 70 in every other skill
Requires 10 Quest points (Completion of every quest)
Does not grant marks of grace.
My experience per hour: 1.170.760 xp
My average time per lap: 70,88 seconds
With good portal spawns potentially up to 10% more xp/h
When entering a portal, you have a chance to receive a crystal shard
Related diary tasks:
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Cities → Priffdinas
Upon teleporting you arrive just south-west of the bank.
From the red circle, run through the bank filled with snobby elven clerks who wont even look at you
You'll arrive at the start of the course, climb up the ladder
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
When entering the final dark hole obstacle, click on your mini-map to exit the fade from darkness cut scene.
Ardougne Rooftop Course
Requires Agility level 90
Does grant marks of grace.
Upon completing all Ardougne elite diaries, receive 1 extra Mark of Grace
My experience per hour: 1.721.970 xp
My average time per lap: 40 seconds
Related diary tasks:
Ardougne diary Elite task:
- Complete 50 laps at the Ardougne Rooftop Course.
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Cities → Ardougne
Upon teleporting you will arrive in the middle of the market square.
The south-easternmost building starts the course.
Climp up the wooden beams
Link to OSRS Wiki:
Here you can see the course and obstacles in detail.
Personal notes on the course:
With the release of Pollniveach Rooftop Course, Ardougne Rooftop Course is outmatched in experience per hour, but Ardougne will yield far more Marks of Grace, especially with the Elite Diary completed.
Calculate your own experience per hour
For each course I have calculated the Experience per hour for a Group Ironman with bonus xp and well of goodwill active and no Karamja gloves.
You can use this information to compare the courses
- Calculate how much experience you receive per lap.
- Time several laps and divide them by laps done = time per lap
- Divide the seconds in an hour (3600) with your time per lap = your laps per hour
- Multiply laps per hour with experience earned per lap = your experience per hour for this course
I received 905 xp for a lap on the Gnome Agility Course.
My average lap took 33 seconds.
There is 3600 seconds in an hour.
3600 / 33 = 109 laps per hour
109 * 905 = 98.645 experience per hour.
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~ Marks of Grace ~
The Marks of Grace that you obtain during Rooftop Agility is actually an agility currency
The main goal with the marks is to purchase a set of Graceful
Graceful is good for tasks that require run energy, due to the lightness of the outfit
This could be Clue scrolls, Puro-Puro etc.
The Marks of Grace or "Mog" for short can be spent at Rogue's den.
How to get there:
Teleport wizard → Skilling → Rogue's den (cooking)
In the southern corner you'll see an NPC named Grace standing by a fire, with a dog named Mark lying next to it.
By trading Grace you access "Grace's Graceful Clothing" shop.
This is where you purchase the stylish slim-fit jogging set that every skiller loves
Even lighter than your birthday suit!
~ ~
~ Graceful ~
Grace's Graceful Clothing prices
Amylase pack: 10 marks
Graceful hood: 35 marks
Graceful top: 55 marks
Graceful legs: 60 marks
Graceful gloves: 30 marks
Graceful boots: 40 marks
Graceful cape: 40 marks
Dark dye: 125 marks
Ring of endurance (uncharged): 300 marks
Full Graceful outfit: 260 marks
The Graceful outfit can be re-coloured, one piece at a time.
Grace isn't going to do it for you though...
Simply use the Marks of Grace on a piece of graceful
A dialogue option will appear with the colour options and the price
Graceful outfit comes in 8 different colours
These colours represent houses of Kourend, with Regular, Dark blue & black being exceptions
In Alora they represent your fashion sense
It can split the crowd like pineapple on pizza
Purple (Arceeus)
Blue (Piscarilius)
Yellow (Lovakengj)
Red (Shayzien)
Green (Hosidius)
White (Kourend)
Dark blue (Agility Arena)
Black (Hallowed Sepulchre)
Brown (Trailblazer)
Recolouring prices
Graceful hood recolour: 24 marks
Graceful top recolour: 36 marks
Graceful legs recolour: 36 marks
Graceful gloves recolour: 24 marks
Graceful boots recolour: 24 marks
Graceful cape recolour: 28 marks
Full Graceful outfit recolour: 172 marks
A full set of recoloured graceful is 432 marks of grace
Dark blue Graceful costs 1.5x Marks of Grace
Graceful hood recolour: 36 marks
Graceful top recolour: 54 marks
Graceful legs recolour: 54 marks
Graceful gloves recolour: 36 marks
Graceful boots recolour: 36 marks
Graceful cape recolour: 42 marks
Full Graceful outfit recolour: 258 marks
A full set of dark blue graceful is 518 marks of grace
Black Graceful requires the Dark Dye
The Dark Dye is purchased from Grace, for 125 marks.
Graceful hood recolour: 125 marks
Graceful top recolour: 125 marks
Graceful legs recolour: 125 marks
Graceful gloves recolour: 125 marks
Graceful boots recolour: 125 marks
Graceful cape recolour: 125 marks
Full Graceful outfit recolour: 750 marks
A full set of black graceful is 1010 marks of grace
The full set is very time consuming, so you can also purchase all 6 dyes at ;;store for 400 tokens.
You still need to grind for the graceful though..
Brown Graceful is acquired with League points
The Brown Graceful can be purchased at the Leagues Rewards Shop in Edgeville at ;;shops
A full set of brown graceful is 260 marks of grace & 4500 League Points
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Thank you very much for reading my guide on
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Edited by Trailerpark, 19 May 2022 - 08:50 AM.