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Maro's Ultimate Iron man GUIDE!

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Posted 01 February 2020 - 08:49 PM #1

Ultimate Ironman

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If there is one thing that i regret doing when i first started out, always get the skilling out of the way first, before your inventory begins to fill up. (But its up to you anyway)


So you made an UIM, first things first, you're gonna start out with 25K, this is the time to get your thieving out of the way!


Remember to vote when you first join! this will give you a vote book which will grant you 50% bonus experience!! (With F2A enabled


Now before we start, i just want to let you know that the iron man himself "Paul" Sitting in edgeville will have a shop for ironmen with everything necessary that you might want.











Start out with ::thieve, Go to the first stall (bananas) and thieve about 6 times to move on to the next stall, work your way up to the crushed gem stall




You will be able to sell everything you've stolen (You thief.) to our main man Morrisane  B)








As mentioned in the "Items you may want to start with" section below, go grab a slayer staff and start training all your combat stats @ ::train. As for range and mage, if you've decided to skill first like i advised you to, you could fletch and runecraft all the upgrades you need!


NOTE: once you feel like you have decent stats, go grab slayer tasks and train your combats stats while you are training slayer, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! You will get so many caskets (free money) and useful drops that will help you out in the future!






 ➤ Quick & Useful Items you may want to start with



  • FIRST THINGS FIRST, rest in peace uncle phil, jk go to chaos druids in edgeville dungeon and kill them for the looting bag, this will be your best friend until you decide to deiron, if you do then you've let me down. You can only store items in it if you are in the wilderness, and to get items out you have to suicide, you will not lose your looting bag if u do so.
  • Now with all your money and the vote book you just acquired, go to the vote store and grab yourself as many crystal keys as you can get! Why you may ask? You want that Amulet of Glory. be939eddfed6a69dd691a1b364b32043.png
  • You will also want to head to the slayer store (slayer master sitting in edgeville aswell) and grab yourself a slayer staff for 36,750 coins, use it until you have a rune (fire giants @ brimhaven dungeon) or dragon scimitar (from crystal chests).
  • Dragon dagger & Magic shortbow can be obtained from magpie imps at puro puro (Teleport wizard).
  • As for Range, the best way to go is to train your mining and smithing to smith some knives (Fast xp).
  • Head to pest control and grab yourself an Avas accumulator for 10 points. pretty quick n easy.
  • After you've reached slayer level 80, go for the rune boots from Nechryaels in the slayer tower.
  • Dragon boots are a great option for to go for, head to the godwars dungeon and kill spiritual mages and hope you dont go dry. Drop rate is about 1/100.
  • Talk to GYPSY in edgeville to start the minigame, work your way up to the barrows gloves.




➤ Some great upgrades to hunt for ASAP!




  • RUNE CROSSBOW - First range weapon to go for is the rune crossbow, Runite limbs can be obtained from Steel dragons, fletch a yew log into a stock and combine it with the limbs, then grab some cow beef, spin it into sinew, then into crossbow string, combine them all together and VOILA.
  • KARILS CROSSBOW - Next thing is to either do some barrows for the karils crossbow and some decent startup gear, OR head to zulrah to get a blowpipe! (Ofcourse this is after you have trained up and feel comfortable doing it quickly). ef1630ffc6656396687c0aaf40516855.png
  • DRAGON DEFENDER - If you've got the smithing and mining levels now to make an armour set, head to the warriors guild and farm the animated armour sets until you have 400 tokens. Buy the rune defender from Shanomi and head up to the cyclops with more tokens to eventually get the dragon defender!
  • VOID / ELITE VOID - In my opinion, going for the void set or the elite void set is the best idea as of now, this will save you alot of space in your inventory as you will only have to switch the helms. Void can be obtained from pest control. VOID CAN BE STORED IN THE POH COSTUME ROOM!














  • As an ultimate iron man, you will have to suicide alot, the best spot for me is the Smoke devil dungeon, as they dont agro on you but they can hit up to 20. You have a timer of 50 minutes to go get your items back.
  • If you die with an untradable, The lost item manager will have it in edgeville right where you die, you can buy it back. YOU WILL LOSE SLAYER HELM IN LEVEL 20 WILDY!  45ed4ebdc1a8261ebbccb54d75a525c4.png
  • Once you start hoarding and start having too many items, when you suicide, the list will be too long you will not be able to pick which items you want to pickup, if you need certain items, pickup half the pile and suicide in the block next to it.
  • Vote books can be bought on your main account and sent over to your UIM, this is the best thing ever.
  • YOU CAN NOTE & UNNOTE YOUR ITEMS! Use them on the bank!
  • Note sharks that you get from 99 fishing, cook them for 99 cooking and note them to use later!
  • Make sure to use the Last man standing coffer to store up to 30m coins! - UIM GP
  • If you plan on comping, try to get your wilderness diaries done before anything! - UIM GP
  • Hunter is very useful as an early skill  - access to glories, dds, runes, dragon bones etc... If you level this early you can use the d bones on the wildy alter for an easy 99prayer. Also allows you to do black chins without risking anything. - UIM GP
  • TRAIN UP CONSTRUCTION FOR PLAYER OWNED HOUSES! It is the best storage for UIMs - Jade is gim
  • "Try not to bank" - UIM IDK 2020







  • CRAFTING - You will get an onyx pretty soon, so i recommend getting crafting up, 99 crafting will need about 5000 gold bars, so mine them, smelt them, and craft them. This is how i did it. knock out 3 skills at once.
  • FLETCHING - Darts are a very quick way to get fletching to 99, do some blast furnace and turn the bars into darts, will get you to 99 fletching in no time. You can also open crystal chests for rune bars!
  • HERBLORE - Gigabyte's guide is perfect. Check it out https://www.alora.io...herblore-guide/
  • FARMING - Master farmer will give you all the seeds you need. If you are trying to make certain potions (Super combats) Heads to kurasks in the fremennik slayer dungeon.




I think i have most of the basics down. If you've followed this guide, you will be able to start bossing for endgame items in no time! I wish you the best of luck, and welcome to the UIM Community!


This was a quick guide to help you get on your feet, if i did miss anything join CC "ICE", it is the best iron man cc and everyone in there will be able to answer any question you have in no time. I will also be in it if you need me  ^_^ 



And please dont be me and waste 20m a day on getting void back :)

Road to Max Ultimate iron man  B) (Achieved)

Posted 01 February 2020 - 09:24 PM #2


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Thank you for taking the time to crate this guide. Hope it gets more players to try out the UIM game mode.


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Posted 02 February 2020 - 12:13 AM #3

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Was thinking about making a UIM, cleared up some questions I had so thanks!

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Posted 02 February 2020 - 05:47 AM #4

Flight Risk

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wow, very detailed! good job.. but I could never do an Ult ironman, not about that life

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Posted 02 February 2020 - 07:21 AM #5

GIM Flex
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Way to go!

Love seeing more people produce guides and give different methods on approaching the game mode!




October 2018; ^^ Still my personal favourite signature photo., hands down. Was randomly DM'D to me.

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Posted 02 February 2020 - 07:54 AM #6


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Nice guide brother :) ❤
Considering making a uim Myself now
See ya ingame,

Posted 03 February 2020 - 07:29 PM #7


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Great tips man! Hopefully it helps convince some people to start a uim. 


Use the Lms coffer to store upto 30m coins - which is usually enough to free an invent space.

Poh costume room can be very useful for storing your void armour. Even a low level armour case will help you out a lot.

If you want to comp (or complete wildy diary) consider doing wildy activities before anything else. That way you dont have to juggle 50min death timers to do wildy content later.

Hunter is very useful as an early skill  - access to glories, dds, runes, dragon bones etc... If you level this early you can use the d bones on the wildy alter for an easy 99prayer. Also allows you to do black chins without risking anything.

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Posted 04 February 2020 - 12:01 AM #8

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Great tips man! Hopefully it helps convince some people to start a uim. 


Use the Lms coffer to store upto 30m coins - which is usually enough to free an invent space.

Poh costume room can be very useful for storing your void armour. Even a low level armour case will help you out a lot.

If you want to comp (or complete wildy diary) consider doing wildy activities before anything else. That way you dont have to juggle 50min death timers to do wildy content later.

Hunter is very useful as an early skill  - access to glories, dds, runes, dragon bones etc... If you level this early you can use the d bones on the wildy alter for an easy 99prayer. Also allows you to do black chins without risking anything.



Thank you! will definitely Add all this in! and when the hell did u deiron??

Road to Max Ultimate iron man  B) (Achieved)

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