Check out last weeks update here! ;
Firstly, just to show you guys some untapped content that I completely forgot was available to do which will make the prayer grind a LOT easier (This is going to help an incredible amount with bossing, and later game content). It also gives me more access to secondary herblore ingredients so expect more herblore gains in the future, also access to the grubby chest which can give us Prayer pots, Ranarrs and food.
What have we been doing?
So this week we decided to do a lot of Combat and Slaying, and I was hoping to unlock Brutal Black Dragons, but we're just shy of it so far. We started getting more and more slayer tasks, dragons have been a really good one for us so far with the prayer exp and slayer xp. We've also been focusing on our Diary and general skills, and farming for later grinds it's been a long grind and we're slowly but surely making progress, below are some screenshots for the week, with my current stats at the bottom.
As always thank you for looking and be sure to tune in next week!