GIM Flex and his partner GIM Doblo first arrived into Alora December 16th as fresh level-3 Group ironman. There was no initial goals set, it was just to introduce Doblo playing ironman as he had never tackled playing ironman on a private server nor real runescape.
Week 1:
Day one's goals were to initially figure out the game plan, Doblo is a great Skiller so we sent him straight to mining/smithing & Fishing/Cooking, the idea was for him to keep me supplied for the lower level gains with darts, food eTc. while I focused on advancing my combat skills. By the end of Week 1 Doblo had managed to unlock Adamant ore mining as well as the ability to fish me karambwans which was a huge plus as it made me able to safely kill zulrah!
GIM Flex; GIM Doblo;
Throughout the first week of game play I also made an appearance at my first Boss mass on the account, Did the elite void grind and tried my luck at barrows
Click spoiler to view more weekly juice!
GIM Flex:
GIM Doblo:
Week 2:
I would say some of the most pogger gains on the account, has occurred during the second week of game play. Both accounts managed to deposit 5,000,000 Coins into the Miscellenia Coffer for skiller supplies, Drops I managed to get for Doblo as well to get those skillerman gains! I had 2/3 dragon items for him so I decided I will hunt that harpoon for him. The grind actually was a lot shorter than expected but now all 3 dragon items are done; Pick-axe, Axe & Harp.
Doblo managed to grind the full prospector gear set as well, huge shout-out goes to him for doing that so quickly.
Its only the first day of the 2nd week and the supplies we've managed to gather is actually shocking!
Off to abbies i go!
Also got my 2nd 99 during the 2nd week.
Click spoiler to view more weekly juice!
GIM Flex
GIM Doblo
Week 3
Week 3 consisted of LOTS of Kraken. As sad as it is Kraken did not want to give up one of his tridents for us, I kept my head held up high had Doblo crafting/buying runes as much as possible and just sat on that bridge and cried in slow agony. My trident did not come until over 520 killcount. These next few weeks are going to be quickly summed up and not gone into as much detail or else this post would be 100 pages long but I don't want to just "skip" to catch up on weeks.
GIM Flex
GIM Doblo
Week 4/5/6
Until these weeks, Doblo and myself were practically staying even in experience skill wise. This is when my hardness and thrive to hunt max came into action. I slowly stopped PVM/Combat and started the Skillerman activities whenever I had an opportunity too. Seeing as I was the only player available to gather resources efficiently, (Doblo ended up very busy and somewhat inactive for a week) The gains weren't 100%, but I definitely noticed a huge experience increase these weeks, Starting from roughly 10-20m experience.
GIM Flex
GIM Doblo:
Doblo Also Received a 99; Prayer!
And this marks the end of Mr. Skillerman!
As Doblo trained his melee, we swapped positions I started Skilling and here is a picture of the progression.
Had 92 mining and 75 Smithing But everywhere this guy went... He just HAD to be golden.
Should of just named us "Team Golden"
This made me laugh;
Feels Skillerman------------>
Skipping up until today. 1/28/20
This Group Ironman grind wouldn't be the fun it is if it wasn't for the one and only @GIM Doblo. I understand he is not the most active compared to myself but that is 100% okay, I've known this man for only going over a year now but it feels like it has been a decade. Glad to have met you buddy, amazing work keeping me supplied on the gains!
I will be hoping to post weekly progression threads to keep you all updated on the collection logs and gains! As this post is already plenty long enough I will leave out Kc, Achievements eTc, until next weeks log.
Hope you enjoy reading this long post Will guarantee a way shorter post when it's weekly. This is what happens when you plan stuff but it doesn't go to plan 100%, way too many things on my plate during the first couple weeks to keep this thread going but now here it goes! Love you all!
GIM Flex GIM Doblo out!