This is a detailed repost, previous suggestions: +clue +clue
The master clue scroll will be the highest tier of clue scroll.
Players will be able to obtain a master clue scroll from the following methods:
- Bringing easy, medium, hard and elite clue scrolls to Watson (npc already coded in game already). In OSRS Watson will not give you a master clue if you have one already, but in Alora we have stackable scrolls so this will be the same for masters.
- As a potential reward from completing any easy, medium, hard or elite treasure trails, with the chances of obtaining them being 1/50, 1/30, 1/15, and 1/5 respectively.
Master clue scrolls will be between 6 and 8 steps long (vs the 5-7 of elite). They shall generate a minimum of 5 rewards and a maximum of 7, granting an average of 6 rewards per casket.
New coordinates/cryptic/emote clues will be added (also new stashes for the emote clues)
Doesn’t have to feature all new clue steps just a sample which are the most Alora-esque (similar to recent clue steps additions). Can pick from the following:
Master clues will bring new items which are currently not obtainable in Alora (not even through customs)
These will consist of the following:
Great Kourend city hoods
Left eye patch
Bowl wig
Twisted Banner
Twisted Teleport Scroll
Twisted Blueprints
Twisted Horns
Twisted Relichunter (can be only T3 or all 3 tiers)
Swift blade
Guthixian icon (combined with staff of the dead to create a staff of balance
Armadyl/Bandos/Seren/Ancient/Brassica halos
Didn’t find any of these in the market so I’m assuming they’re not obtainable from cosmetic mboxes either.
Apart from these new items, there will be some other items which are already obtainable in game such as:
All 3rd age items (apart for Druidic Wreath)...and the rest of existing Treasure Trails rewards...with rates that make sense given the extra clue steps needed.
There can also be some cosmetics from the Cosmetic Mystery Box - only the regular loot as to not devalue it.
There can also be 3rd age pickaxe/axe (These are currently obtainable from custom donations). These will be implemented the same way as Druidic set is currently - Mega rare on clue - but also store option.
Another option is to add godsword ornament kits (currently obtainable from vote shop, but no one really buys them that much).
Can also add 3 cabbages in the mega rare table for memes (exists in osrs though)

The Mimic is a sporadic boss who can be fought once a player obtains a mimic casket. Mimics can be obtained from an elite or master rewards (can be toggled on or off by Watson/Strange casket).
The elite reward casket has a 1/35 chance of being a mimic while master is 1/15. The mechanics and the way the instance works can be done as the developers see fit. Obviously the closest to OSRS, the better, but I understand it's not an easy thing to code.
Food, potions and useful runes
Chance at a 3rd age item.
The unique reward can either be a 3rd age ring (however this is in custom donation so Omi might be reluctant to add this), but if that’s not the case, I think the dragon trophy would be a cool addition instead.