Hey everyone! With the release of the new achievement diary system, I've taken the time to write this guide for completing it! If there are any better ways to access a location or do a task, please let me know so I can update it. Huge shoutout to @GIM Flex for helping with this so I could get it out soon after the update. Enjoy!
Ardougne Diary
Rewards: Easy Pray at the altar in the East Ardougne Church - Teleport to Ardounge, Run West to the church Steal 10 chocolate bars from the East Ardougne market cake stall *5 Thieving - Steal from the Ardougne bakery stall until you receive 10 chocolate bars Speak to Probita about insuring pets - Probita is located at home, south-west of the bank Fill 25 buckets of sand near Yanille - Teleport to Yanille and run West to the sandbox. Fill 25 buckets Medium Upgrade an Iban staff through Aubury. - Talk to Aubury at ;;shops and exchange 3m cash for the upgrade. Harvest 15 strawberries from the Ardougne farming patch *31 Farming - Ardougne teleport, run north. Ardougne farming patch teleport. Smelt 20 steel bars using the furnace in East Ardougne *30 Smithing - Ardougne teleport, run West to crossroads, then North Kill 10 Market Guards at the East Ardougne market stalls - Ardougne teleport Pickpocket the Master Farmer north of East Ardougne 35 times *38 Thieving - Self Explanatory Hard Harvest 9 white berries from the bush patch south of East Ardougne *59 Farming - Teleport to Ardougne and run south towards the monastery the bush patch is just before you get to the monastery Smith 5 Mithril Platebodies at the anvil in Yanille *68 Smithing - Teleport to Yanille, run southeast to the anvil Successfully pickpocket a Paladin 35 times *70 Thieving - - Self Explanatory Catch 20 Red Salamanders *59 Hunter - Teleport to the Ourania Altar (ZMI Runecrafting) with ropes and small nets, they are located to the east and south of the altar Elite Harvest 50 Grimy Torstols from the Ardougne farming patch *85 Farming - Ardougne teleport, run north. Ardougne farming patch teleport. Complete 50 laps at the Ardougne Rooftop Course *90 Agility - Self Explanatory Successfully pickpocket a Hero 75 times *80 Thieving - Self Explanatory Make a Rune Crossbow inside the Yanille Bank *69 Fletching, 10 Crafting - Combine a yew stock with runite limbs, then attach a crossbow string to the unfinished bow
Desert Diary
Rewards: Easy Kill 20 scorpions - Found at Al-Kharid mine - Glory to Al-Kharid, run south behind palace/bank. 2 can be found there. Vote at the Vote Booth at the Bandit camp - Monster teleport to Desert Bandits Cook 5 Ugthanki meat *1 Cooking - Glory teleport to Al-kharid run to shantay pass and enter the desert. Obtain 5 raw ugthanki meat by killing them near the entrance then cook them. Catch 15 Golden Warblers *5 Hunter - Use the Orange Salamander teleport, run North Medium Mine 20 coal from the Desert Mining Camp *30 Mining - Orange salamander skilling teleport, run north-west across bridge then continue south-west until you see an enclosed area. Complete a Kalphite slayer task - Receive task from Nieve Kill 50 Desert Bandits - Use the bandit teleport Chop 25 Teak logs near the Ruins of Uzer *35 Woodcutting - Orange salamander skilling teleport, run East Catch 20 Orange Salamanders *47 Hunter - Orange salamander skilling teleport, with ropes and small nets. Grind 50 bucks of sand in the quarry south of the Bandit Camp *35 Mining - Desert Bandits Monster Teleport, Run south to the Quarry Hard Smith an Adamant full helm using the anvil in Nardah *77 Smithing - Orange salamander skilling teleport, run directly south to Nardah. Anvil is located on the West side of the city. Grow 3 Potato Cactus’ at the cactus patch in Al Kharid *64 Farming - Al-Kharid teleport then run North East Complete 10 duels at the Duel Arena - ;;duel Kill 35 Kalphite Guardians - Use the Kalphite Queen boss teleport Mine 25 gold ore from the mine NW of the Agility Pyramid *40 Mining - Orange salamander teleport, run south to Nardah then South West to the small mine Elite Kill the Kalphite Queen 25 times - Kalphite Queen boss teleport, Guide Here Obtain a Kalphite Head as a drop from KQ - Self-explanatory Win atleast 50m gp in one duel - ;;duel Fletch 250 dragon darts at the Bedabin Camp *95 Fletching - Monster teleport to Desert Bandits then run North
Falador Diary
Rewards: Easy Smith 3 Iron Platebodies using Doric’s Anvil *33 Smithing - Falador city teleport then run North following the path the North West Pick-up 15 snape grass West of the Crafting Guild - Crafting Guild skilling teleport then run around the back Mine 30 gold ore at the Crafting Guild *40 Mining - Crafting Guild skilling teleport Repair a broken strut at Motherlode Mine 5 times - Motherlode Mine teleport, use a hammer to repair the broken strut Medium Exchange 10 mole skins or mole claws with Wyson the Gardener - Giant Mole boss teleport then run East and talk to Wyson with noted claws/skins in your inventory Crack 30 wall safes in the Rogues Den *50 Thieving - Rogues Den skilling teleport then crack the safes in the middle Receive Ice Giant Ribs as a drop from Ice Giants - Asgarnian Ice Dungeon teleport Pickpocket a Falador Guard 15 times *40 Thieving - Falador city teleport Hard Plant 6 Snape Grass patches at the Falador Farming Patch *61 Farming - Falador city teleport then run south out of the city then run East or explorers ring patch teleport Tan 25 Black Dragonhides at the Crafting Guild - Crafting guild teleport, talk to the guild master Kill 20 Skeletal Wyverns in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon *72 Slayer - Asgarnian Ice Dungeon teleport, run East then South Receive 50 nuggets from the Motherlode Mine *30 Mining - Motherlode Mine teleport Elite Plant 3 Magic Tree seeds in Falador Park *75 Farming - Giant Mole boss teleport will put you right next to the tree patch Mix 15 Saradomin Brews in the Falador East Bank *81 Herblore - Use crushed nest and unfinished toadflax potion in the East bank Kill the Giant Mole 30 times - Giant Mole boss teleport Mine 100 Amethyst ore in Falador Mine *92 Mining - Falador mine skilling teleport then run all the way south to the amethyst mine
Fremennik Diary
Rewards: Easy Kill 30 Rock Crabs - ;;train Collect 25 Snape Grass near Relleka - Dagannoth monster tele run North Chop 20 Teak logs near Etceteria *35 Woodcutting - Miscellania skilling teleport then run East Mine 15 Silver Ore from the Relleka Mine *20 Mining - ;;train then run south of the mine to the entrance Medium Plant 3 Whiteberry seeds near Miscellania *59 Farming - Miscellania skilling teleport, run east across the bridge then south east to the bush patch Mine 20 coal from the Miscellania mine *30 Mining - Miscellania skilling teleport, run North Chop 35 Maple logs near Miscellania *45 Woodcutting - Miscellania skilling teleport then run east to the maple trees Mix 10 Super attack potions in Relleka *45 Herblore - ;;train and then mix eyes of newt with unfished irit potions Hard Chop 30 Mahogany logs near Etceteria *50 Woodcutting - Miscellania skilling teleport, run east across the bridge then north east Kill 35 Spiritual Mages in the God Wars Dungeon - GWD dungeon teleport Complete a Konar Dagannoth slayer task - Get a task from Konar for Dagannoths Kill 50 Dagganoth King - Dagannoth Kings boss teleport Elite Receive a Vorkath's Head from Vorkath *Dragon Slayer 2 - 1/50 drop from vorkath guaranteed on the 50th kill Check the health of 2 Spirit Trees near Miscellania *83 Farming - Miscellania skilling teleport, run East across bridge then southeast to patch Smith 50 rune bars using the Blast Furnace *85 Smithing - Blast Furnace minigames teleport, 50 rune and 200 coal needed Kill 50 God Wars Dungeon bosses - God Wars Dungeon teleport, kill any of them for a total of 50 times
Kandarin Diary
Rewards: Easy Pick 50 flax - Seers’ village city teleport south to flax field. Self explanatory, start picking. Plant 5 limpwurt root seeds at the Catherby farming patch *26 Farming - Catherby skilling teleport, run north to the farming patches. Complete 20 laps at the Barbarian Agility Course *35 Agility - Barbarian Agility Course skilling teleport, enter course start completing full laps. Catch 15 Raw Cod in Catherby *23 Fishing - Can be caught on the eastern Catherby shores. A big fishing net and a fishing level of 23 is required Medium Burn 20 Yew Logs in Seers Village *60 Firemaking - Train your firemaking level with Yew Logs. Fletch 25 unstrung Maple Longbows in Seers Village *55 Fletching - Use a knife on Maple logs to make into longbows(u). Cook 75 Karambwan at the Fishing Guild *65 Fishing, 30 Cooking - Use raw Karambwans on 1 of the 2 ranges inside of the Fishing Guild. Create a Superantipoison in Seers Village *48 Herblore - Use a clean Irit leaf on a vial of water to create Irit potion(unf). To complete the super anti-poison process add ground unicorn dust. Ground unicorn dust can be obtained by crushing a unicorn horn with a pestle and mortar. Hard Grow 3 Palm Trees at the fruit tree patch near Catherby *68 Farming - Catherby teleport, run East to fruit tree patch Complete 35 laps at the Seers Village Rooftop Course *60 Agility - Set home teleport to Seers’ Village, after each lap, home teleport for quick access to start Cook 65 sharks at the Fishing Guild *80 Cooking - ;;fish use the range outside of the bank Catch 30 Leaping Sturgeon (Barbarian Fishing) *70 Fishing - . A barbarian fishing-rod and fishing bait are needed. You will require atleast a Fishing level of 70, as well as atleast level of 45 in Agility & Strength. Elite Make 10 Stamina Potions in the Seer’s Village Bank *77 Herblore - Seers’ Village bank, use amylase packs on super energy potions Plant 5 Lantadyme Seeds at the Catherby farming patch *73 Herblore - Catherby city teleport run north, or Farmer’s Blessing teleport to the patch Kill 15 Mithril Dragons - Mithril Dragons monster teleport Fletch 10 unstrung Magic Longbows in Seer's Village *85 Fletching - Self-explanatory
Karamja Diary
Rewards: Easy Fish 1000 Karambawanji *5 Fishing - Karamja city teleport then run west to the gate then north to the dock, use a small net Kill 10 Fire Giants (Bring axe) - Brimhaven dungeon teleport Pick 25 bananas from the plantation East of the volcano - Karamja city teleport, run west to gate, pick bananas from tree Cross the stepping stones in Brimhaven Dungeon *12 Agility (Bring axe) - Brimhaven Dungeon teleport, then take the North West passage to stepping stones Medium Kill 20 Tzhaar-Ket - Tzhaar City teleport Mine 30 gold ore near Brimhaven *40 Mining - Gold ore can be found Most north of the fruit tree patch. Grow 2 Calquat trees North of Tai Bwo Wannai *72 Farming - Brimhaven dungeon teleport, run South East to the patch Complete a Konar Black Demon slayer task *75 Combat - Get task from Konar Hard Kill 25 Steel Dragons - Stell Dragons monster teleport Plant 3 Dragonfruit tree seeds North of Brimhaven *81 Farming - City teleport to brimhaven and run towards the back of the building. *A clue step is also nearby* Purchase an uncut onyx from TzHaar-Hur-Zal’s shop - 300k tokkul, can get from selling obsidian armour/weapons - Tokkul can also be obtained by completing waves of the Fight Caves or Inferno minigames. Complete the Fight Caves 3 times - Self-Explanatory Elite Plant 2 Spirit tree seeds North of Brimhaven *83 Farming - Brimhaven City teleport, run north to patch Complete the Inferno - Self-Explanatory Create 10 Anti-venom potions on Karamja *87 Herblore
Kourend & Kebos Diary
Rewards: Easy Complete a Farming Contract *45 Farming - Receive contract from Farmer Jane in the farming guild at level 45 farming, Guide Here Mine 50 Dense Essence Blocks *38 Mining - Dense Essence mine skilling teleport, bring a chisel so you can stay there Pray at the Xeric Shrine - Skilling teleport to Lake Molch, take boat to west dock. Run west across bridge then South across bridge. Continue south until reaching Xeric’s Shrine Kill 20 Sand Crabs - Sand Crabs monster teleport Medium Catch 25 fish through Aerial Fishing. *35 Hunter, 43 Fishing - Use a falcon and King bait and catch fish at Lake Molch Sacrifice 5 God eggs *60 Woodcutting - Use a bird’s egg from bird’s nests on the altar in ;;wc Complete a Wyrms Konar slayer task *62 Slayer, 75 Combat - Self-explanatory Complete 5 Konar slayer tasks in the Kourend Catacombs *75 Combat - Self-explanatory, Map Here Defeat the Hespori *65 Farming - 65 farming required, guide here Hard Kill 35 Lizardman Shamans - Lizardman shamans Plant 3 seeds in the Anima Patch *76 Farming - Located outside hespori cave, Anima seeds are received from killing Hespori Chop 100 Redwood Logs at the Woodcutting Guild *90 Woodcutting - ;;wc then run all the way to the back then up the ladder Plant a seed in the Celastrus Patch *85 Farming - ;;fg then run north, 85 farming required Plant 3 Potato cactus seeds at the Farming Guild *64 Farming - run east the north to the cactus patch Kill Sarachnis 20 times - Forthos dungeon teleport, run South, bring slash weapon for webs Elite Craft 250 Soul Runes *90 Runecrafting - Refer to this guide here Grow 2 Redwood trees at the Farming Guild *90 Farming - ;;fg then run north then west Kill the Alchemical Hydra 25 times *95 Slayer - 95 slayer required, refer to this guide here Complete the Chambers of Xeric 5 times *1100 Total Level
Lumbridge & Draynor Diary
Rewards: Easy Find out your age from Hans in Lumbridge - Self-Explanatory Pickpocket 25 men *1 Thieving - outside of ;;thieve or at lumbridge castle Burn 35 Oak Logs *15 Firemaking - Self-Explanatory Sheer 25 sheep in Lumbridge - run north form lumbridge castle with shears to the sheep pen Spin 25 balls of wool in Lumbridge Castle *1 Crafting - 2nd floor of the Castle Medium Burn 50 Willow Logs in Draynor Village *30 Firemaking - Self-Explanatory Complete the Tears of Guthix Minigame with 100 tears collected - Self-Explanatory Complete 25 laps at the Draynor Rooftop Agility Course *10 Agility - Self-Explanatory Pickpocket from the Master Farmer in Draynor Village 35 times *38 Thieving - Self-Explanatory Obtain an Ava’s Accumulator from Pest Control *40 Combat - 10 points from pest control required Hard Grow 3 Yew Trees at the Lumbridge tree patch *60 Farming - Tree patch is located behind the castle Obtain Barrows gloves from the Culinaromancer’s Chest *Recipe for Disaster - Complete RFD then purchase from the chest at ;;thieve Smelt 30 Adamant Bars at the Lumbridge Furnace *70 Smithing - 30 adamant Elite Complete Dragon Slayer II Complete 10 Elite clues - use ;;clues for all steps Catch 25 Lucky implings in Puro Puro *89 Hunter - Puro Puro skilling teleport Perform the quest cape emote - Complete all quests then purchase cape
Morytania Diary
Rewards: Easy Kill 10 Banshees *10 Slayer - Slayer Tower dungeon teleport, east of the teleport Kill 20 Crawling Hands - Slayer Tower dungeon teleport, right by the teleport Make 20 strength potions at the Theatre of Blood bank *12 Herblore - Use limpwurt root on unfinished tarromin potion Catch 15 Swamp Lizards *29 Hunter - Canifis city teleport, run north around the swamp then south to hunting area Medium Collect 35 Mort Myre Fungus - Use a silver sickle from vote shop, or purchase form other players, around the logs in the swamp to collect fungi Plant 6 watermelon seeds at the Canifis farming patch *47 Farming - Experiments monster teleport, run East. farmer’s Blessing Kill 50 Cave Horrors *58 Slayer - Cave Horror monster teleport, 55 slayer required Complete 5 Konar slayer tasks in the Slayer Tower *75 Combat - Self-explanatory Complete a Bloodveld slayer task *50 Slayer, 75 Combat - Slayer tower dungeon teleport, found in basement or first floor Hard Kill 100 Abyssal Demons *85 Slayer - 85 slayer required, slayer tower or catacombs Smith 100 Adamant dart tips in the town of Slepe *74 Smithing - Run south from the Canifis patch to the road then follow it south east to Slepe Plant 3 Avantoe seeds at the Canifis farming patch *50 Farming - Experiments monster teleport, run East. farmer’s Blessing Kill all Barrows brothers 50 times - ;;barrows Elite Kill the Grotesque Guardians 15 times *75 Slayer - top floor of slayer tower Complete a Barrows run while wearing a full Barrows set *70 Att/Def, Mage, or Range - only need to be wearing when the last brother dies Complete the Theatre of Blood 5 times - ;;tob, Guide here Craft 12 Black Dragonhide Bodies in the Canifis Bank *84 Crafting - Self-Explanatory
Varrock Diary
Rewards: Easy Pick up 15 Red Spider's eggs in the Edgeville Dungeon - 4 Red Spider egg spawns can be found next to Chronozon in the dungeon. Picture below Kill 20 Disciples of Iban in the Edgeville Dungeon - Located with Chaos Druids Purchase a house from the Estate Agent - Self-Explanatory Have the Dark Mage teleport you to any Runecrafting Altar - outside of ;;thieve Have Aurbury Teleport you to the Essence Mine - Varrock teleport, run east to bank then south to Aubury Medium Make 25 Oak Planks at the Sawmill - Varrock teleport, run East out of city then north to sawmill Grow 3 Willow trees at the Varrock tree patch *30 Farming - Varrock teleport, run North inside castle walls, then to the East Craft 100 gold amulets at the Edgeville Furnace *8 Crafting - Self-Explanatory Have Thormac enchant a battlestaff for you - Run North East from Edgeville across bridge then South to Thormac’s house. Bring cash Teleport to the Digsite using a Digsite Pendant 10 times *40 Crafting, 49 Magic - Enchant 2 ruby necklaces and teleport to digsite Hard Burn 10 Yew Logs in Edgeville *60 Firemaking - Self-Explanatory Defeat the Barrelchest (Great Brain Robbery) Complete 25 slayer tasks from the Slayer Master/Steve - Self-Explanatory Have the Estate Agent decorate your house with Fancy Stone - Talk to estate agent about decorating your house, costs 2.5m Elite Make 30 Super Combat Potions in Varrock West Bank *90 Herblore - 1 each of Super Attack, Strength, Defense and clean torstol. Use on each Use the Lunar Plank Make spell to make 100 Mahogany planks *86 Magic - Self-Explanatory Smith 250 Rune Dart Tips at the Varrock West Anvil *89 Smithing - Varrock teleport, run west to anvil Grow of 2 Magic trees at the Varrock tree patch *75 Farming - Varrock teleport, run North inside castle walls, then to the East
Western Provinces Diary
Rewards: Easy Complete the Gnome Agility Course 10 times *1 Agility - Gnome course skilling teleport Catch 30 Crimson Swifts *1 Hunter - Feldip hills skilling teleport Complete 15 games of Pest Control *40 Combat - ;;pc Kill 5 Terrorbirds in the Terrorbird Enclosure - Gnome agility course skilling teleport, run west to enclosure Medium Catch 25 kebbits with a falcon. *43 Hunter - Piscatoris falconry area, exchange 50k coins for the falcon and catch the kebbits Grow 3 Pineapple trees at the Gnome Stronghold fruit tree patch *51 Farming - Gnome agility course skilling teleport, patch is a few steps east of teleport Catch 50 Red Chinchompas *63 Hunter - ;;dz or ;;dz2 Kill 30 Elf Warriors - Elf Warrior monster teleport Grow a Papaya tree in the Lletya fruit tree patch *57 Farming - Elf warrior monster teleport, kill elf warriors for a teleport crystal, break it to Lletya Hard Kill Zulrah 25 times - Zulrah boss teleport Cook 250 Sharks in Zul-Andra *80 Cooking - Zulrah boss teleport Fletch 15 Magic shortbow (u)'s in the Gnome Stronghold *80 Fletching - Self-Explanatory Complete 5 Slayer Tasks in the Stronghold Slayer Dungeon (Nieve's Cave) - Self-Explanatory Elite Equip a complete Elite Void armor set - ;;pc, 730 points needed Create a a piece of Crystal equipment at the Singing Bowl *70 Smithing, 70 Crafting - Prifddinas City teleport, use singing bowl with crystal seed and 40 crystal shards Kill the Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 25 times *93 Slayer - Smoke Devil dungeon teleport, run to the back. Guide here Grow 2 Dragonfruit trees in the patch north of Gnome agility course *81 Farming - Skilling teleport, Gnome Agility Course, patch is north of the course area.
Wilderness Diary
Rewards: Easy Collect 12 Red Spider's Eggs in the Wilderness - Edge dungeon (picture below) Use 50 bones of any kind on the Wilderness Chaos Altar - KBD boss teleport, run South West to the Altar Kill 15 Green Dragons - ;;easts or ;;wests Enter the King Black Dragon Lair - KBD boss teleport, go down the ladder then pull the lever Kill 10 Mammoths - Wilderness Mammoths PvP teleport Medium Complete 10 Wilderness Slayer tasks - Get wildy tasks from Krytillia in the building East of ;;thieve Kill 50 Battlemages at the Mage Arena - ;;mb pull the lever, slash webs, enter arena Complete 30 laps at the Wilderness Agility Course *52 Agility - Wilderness Course skilling teleport Charge 25 Air Orbs at the Air Obelisk *66 Magic Exchange 5 Archaic Emblems for PKP - Receive emblems from PvP, wilderness slayer tasks, or wilderness Skotizo Hard Kill 25 Lava Dragons - ;;lavas Kill the Chaos Fanatic or Crazy Archaeologist 10 times - Boss teleports Chop 15 Magic Logs in the Wilderness Resource Area *75 Woodcutting - Pull edge lever, run north, slash web, run east to resource area. Bring cash for fee Mine 20 Adamant ore at the Wilderness Resource Area *70 Mining - Pull edge lever, run north, slash web, run east to resource area. Bring cash for fee Catch 15 Black Salamanders *67 Hunter - Black Salamanders skilling teleport Elite Kill 50 Wilderness Bosses - Any of Veneatis, Vetion, Callisto, Scorpia, Chaos Elemental Kill 15 Spiritual Mages in the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon - Obelisk teleport to level 27 then run slightly north west to the cave, or run north to bandit camp from Edgeville then north west from the camp Smith a Rune Scimitar from scratch in the Wilderness Resource Area *90 Smithing - Mine, and smelt 2 rune bars. Smith rune scimitar Fish 25 Dark Crabs in the Wilderness Resource Area *85 Fishing - Pull edge lever, run north, slash web, run east to resource area. Bring cash for fee and lobster pot and dark fishing bait