What is your suggestion?:
I am suggesting that there is a way to view the upcoming Bonus skill of the day in-game rather than having to go onto the forums and open the thread manually. A few ways I've though of introducing this feature are either adding in a ;; command such as [::Sotd] that would open to the current thread on the forums which is found here: https://www.alora.io...skill-schedule/. Another thought I had is to have the ability to click the 'Bonus skill' text in the red quest tab which then would open a page like you would opening the current bonuses, it would show the next upcoming say 5-7 days in advance of the upcoming skills.
What i'm referring to:
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been suggested before?
From what I found, no.
How would this benefit Alora?:
I feel a lot of players will enjoy this addition to the game rather than having to go onto the forums manually to view the monthly scheduled or asking other players. A lot of people don't enjoy the forums or know how to navigate it effectively. This suggestion is more for the newer players or for players that aren't familiar fully with the Skill of the day system.