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TOB Drop rate Discussion

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Posted 20 December 2019 - 03:50 AM #21


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See I'm on the fence about all of this. While I certainly don't enjoy the dry streak I had and believe that it's a bit too common for people to go on large dry streaks in tob, at the same time I don't want tob just raining items and dropping the value of them. I believe some tweaking could be nice though. Though I'm sure @Omicron is over hearing about tob rates at this point lol.  :D


Posted 20 December 2019 - 07:18 AM #22

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Thank you everyone for your feedback so far.  I know that TOB rates are a big controversy, but thank you for others pointing out the other issues with TOB bug wise etc.  I know that TOB can't be perfect, but I appreciate all the feedback and I'm sure Omicron does as well seeing how the majority of players who do TOB feel.

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Posted 20 December 2019 - 09:57 AM #23


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Heres an idea, lets stop crying about drop rates when someones not lucky. Let's focus on fixing the actual raid. Once the raid is actually a challenge people can bitch about rates. But something you can do blindfolded on here shouldn't spill drops all day.


soooooo its okay for COX to spill drops all day long but not tob?

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Posted 20 December 2019 - 11:23 AM #24


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soooooo its okay for COX to spill drops all day long but not tob?

I think it goes without saying that CoX rates need a nerf (especially prayer scrolls) or they can just balance that out by simply making it more of a challenge. Don't want a situation where ToB drops are essentially worthless like CoX.

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Posted 20 December 2019 - 11:50 AM #25


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So much to talk about on this I don't even know where to begin but by saying I agree that a 10-20% buff wouldn't be too bad. Considering that since the most recent buff many 100+ dry streaks have been started. I understand that in the end it's RNG. I am not asking for a participation reward by any means but when people have quit the server because they spend 2 weeks and 100 hours to get an avernic hilt it's a pretty big slap in the face. 

Here's my current log and most recent dry streak (started and ended with the most recent buff)


As you can see i'm a 1/63 over the lifetime of my account (not even considering how many I've done solo, drop boosters, tob bonus etc etc etc.)



I just went 128 dry personally. Again I know it's all rng but it's not just me

No just finished a ~90 dry streak

2 Ridiculous just finished an 85 dry streak

F just finished a 232+ dry streak as an immortal donor. TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO. As an immoral donor.

Beers quit because of tob drop rates

Toxic quit because he would do hundreds of raids. Countless hours into solos which should have a higher drop rate to end with a justiciar faceguard

Again. By no means am I saying I want a guaranteed purple every 3 raids. But at the same time it's horrible. I love Alora, i'd watch myself mine dense essence just to be on Alora. What I don't want to watch myself do is 60 hours of tob for some placeholder. If I was to get even 2 or 3 drops in that same time i'd be happy. But at the moment that's just not realistic. I agree they should be looked at again. 


Posted 20 December 2019 - 08:07 PM #26

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          If you did TOB you'd know points or damage doesn't matter. Apparently the MVP system works but you can't even view it at the end of the raid.. lol

how do you know that? almost of people say they do some say they don't.. personally i think it does matter seeing as loads of people go waaay over 35 kills dry for a purple chest..



Anyone with a brain would know it's more than 'not lucky' for someone to go 232 dry on a 1/35 drop rate WHEN THEY GET OVER DOUBLE THE ROLLS AND 17% BOOSTED DROP RATE LMAO


Also your point of fixing the actual raid is a completely different topic in itself and shouldn't be used as an excuse to not discuss the drop rates, 95% of the server would want TOB's mechanics updated.

Heres an idea, lets stop crying about drop rates when someones not lucky. Let's focus on fixing the actual raid. Once the raid is actually a challenge people can bitch about rates. But something you can do blindfolded on here shouldn't spill drops all day.

No1 is argueing that the rates 'back when you did tob' are better/worse than they are now, kinda irrelevant.


Also, with someone having a 500-1k drop rate like some individuals have posted, that is DEFINITELY enough to compare considering that is x20-x30 the drop rate.

There are people on OSRS who go 200+ dry as well. 1/7 1/9 1/35 etc does not guarantee anything. I believe the rate is fine and has been boosted enough. Also you can't use your current KC to base the rate, when it has KC from different drop rates imo. I played ToB for hundreds of hours when it first came out, and the rate is definitely better now (also as @Omicron said, it is still better than OSRS here + easier to raid).


Posted 20 December 2019 - 11:39 PM #27


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i haven't read any of this thread as i can't be asked but, wanted to share some screenshots of my Collectionlog.


http://prntscr.com/qduprb Mafia v2


http://prntscr.com/qduq7m Mafiabae

Posted 21 December 2019 - 12:33 AM #28

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i haven't read any of this thread as i can't be asked but, wanted to share some screenshots of my Collectionlog.

http://prntscr.com/qduprb Mafia v2

http://prntscr.com/qduq7m Mafiabae

Sort the links out please 4head @Mafiabae

Posted 21 December 2019 - 12:17 PM #29

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No1 is argueing that the rates 'back when you did tob' are better/worse than they are now, kinda irrelevant.


Also, with someone having a 500-1k drop rate like some individuals have posted, that is DEFINITELY enough to compare considering that is x20-x30 the drop rate.

You are aware no matter how many times the rate gets "buffed", you will still be able to go on 100-200+ dry streaks, correct? Buffing the RATE does not change how RNG works. It's been buffed enough, and to be honest at this point it is just people complaining because they didn't get a specific item they wanted yet. Why risk the chance of ruining the items you want so bad, because you got unlucky? 

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Posted 21 December 2019 - 01:25 PM #30

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idk what else to say if u dont understand simple concepts. its 1/35 drop rate, fera is 240dry with OVER DOUBLE THE ROLLS as a reg donor. Its literally a 99.9991% chance to go 240dry on a 1/35 chance. I'd rather speak statistics than random generalized opinions.  The formula is here - (34/35)^240




Also, if you didn't know already, the point of this topic is OVERALL drop rates.  


You do know there is a difference between 'RNG' for getting a purple in general, as well as 'RNG' for a specific item? 


Idk why you're arguing receiving  'specific items'  because no1 else is.




Some counter arguments to this could be, along the lines of extra rolls somehow not coded correctly or maybe even immortal donor not being coded as it says it is. On my master donor acc im averaging around 1/18 which statistically is right on pace for omicron's statement that reg donors are 1/35 and i get x2 the rolls exactly. 

You are aware no matter how many times the rate gets "buffed", you will still be able to go on 100-200+ dry streaks, correct? Buffing the RATE does not change how RNG works. It's been buffed enough, and to be honest at this point it is just people complaining because they didn't get a specific item they wanted yet. Why risk the chance of ruining the items you want so bad, because you got unlucky? 


Posted 21 December 2019 - 01:34 PM #31


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normie legendary donor, 176kc had 1 purple at 71kc (was extreme donor)

Posted 21 December 2019 - 02:06 PM #32

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This is just me spitballing, but how would y'all feel if it was changed so that you couldn't get a duped item? (I.e. Sire, Hydra)


This would make it more enticing for ironmen because if you get say, a faceguard, at least you know you're not getting it again. (Unless you finish collection log) This might be a good compromise because this maintains the value of ToB drops, (Could also increase value of less desirable items because less would come into the game) but also gives a bit of incentive to keep raiding while going dry. 


Just a thought I had. 

Posted 21 December 2019 - 06:58 PM #33


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You are aware no matter how many times the rate gets "buffed", you will still be able to go on 100-200+ dry streaks, correct? Buffing the RATE does not change how RNG works. It's been buffed enough, and to be honest at this point it is just people complaining because they didn't get a specific item they wanted yet. Why risk the chance of ruining the items you want so bad, because you got unlucky? 

So half of the server is just having "bad rng" 2-5x? I just happen to get bad rng over 5 times? Having 5 100+ (and a 250+) dry streak on an RSPS is just lame. Not to mention on that 250 streak and my recent 100+ streaks post buff there were many done on bonus, duos/trios, a lot of 4s, high point raids etc. Still no drop until after 100 raids. The point of this is to decrease the 100+ dry streaks that pretty much everyone with decent kc has had multiple times.


The issue isn't about people not getting items they want. It's about putting in 30-50+ hours without even getting a drop or a chance to roll for an item. The topic is to buff the overall chance of getting a unique drop. Certain items such as hilts and justiciar are brought up to show what a waste of time the content is when you spend 50 hours to get an item like that. The non uniques are useless and tbh half of the uniques are useless. And I don't quite get how it's "been buffed enough" when the only people who have a significant kc after the buff clearly say it's still awful. People take the time to put 100s of hours into the content and provide feedback, it would be good to listen to what they have to say rather than people who don't even partake in the content (This isn't aimed at anyone just a general statement)

Posted 23 December 2019 - 06:54 AM #34


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I just like the fact that TOB bonus was left on and i think i saw like 4 items get dropped over 8ish hours. RIP

Posted 27 December 2019 - 10:41 AM #35

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Just bumping this again for more people to put their input.  We had a 24 hour TOB bonus and ~8 items were dropped.  Dynasty members were on for the entire bonus, and 6 of them were in our name.  I'd also like to say as a clan we did 250+ combined KC for this.

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Posted 30 December 2019 - 04:53 AM #36


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Just bumping this again for more people to put their input.  We had a 24 hour TOB bonus and ~8 items were dropped.  Dynasty members were on for the entire bonus, and 6 of them were in our name.  I'd also like to say as a clan we did 250+ combined KC for this.

6 in 250 is roughly 1/40 which isn't quite the 1/35 especially with bonus on. But this doesn't feel too bad. 
On the other hand. Currently doing a 65 dry streak myself... fearing the 267 dry streak again.

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