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Huge Suggestion List (Raids)

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:06 AM #1

Roast Master

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Hello and welcome to my Game suggestions. There might be some on here that have already been asked about, I apologize but I feel most of time they are overlooked and shouldn't be as raids are something that keep players interested in this game.




Chambers of Xeric 


Require Skilling -


I don't see how this isn't a thing. The raid requires a total level requirement but the only skill you need honestly is woodcutting for a broken ice demon boss. Having to farm, herblore, cook ect would make raids worthwhile and actually make the raid interesting instead of just tbowing every single creature to a bloody pulp. 




Incorporate having players in raid groups to be able to move to middle and pray magic to negate some of the damage of the special attack done by boss. Also, if Vasa survives 2nd DPS phase after first crystal, the next crystal she goes to she stands there for 5 seconds before doing special attack when this is not suppose to happen that fast. Lastly, half of the time you dodge the ranged attack and it doesn't dodge at all.


Ice Demon -


This thing should be shooting ranged attacks that are dodge able but instead just mage attack the whole time.  (HP bar bothers me too )


Tekton -


You can't dodge attacks on him causing this boss to melt your supplies unless you ONCE AGAIN use a tbow the whole raid. (Add onyx chance to drop)


!Loc Vespula 


!loc puzzle crabs


The Great Olm -


The Olm encounter recent QoL actually gave me some confidence that raids were going to go towards the right direction. I think the fight is way too easy still. Incorporate having to change prayers due to ranged/magic attacks. Incorporate the fire wall which makes the fight a little more challenging. In solo you don't get paired with a certain spot which is how the OSRS fight is. This should be incorporated to make a more difficult end game challenge fight. 



I will add more to each of these as I discuss this with others and incorporate their ideas to make this a little better described and have more OSRS details incorporated. 


Theatre of Blood 


Maiden -


At the moment I don't see much wrong with maiden other than certain deadclick areas. 




Lol, this is the most AFk boss room. There is literally no challenge here whatsoever. Incorporate having to run around the center and have the bloat switch which way he is going to throw players off. All you do at the moment is sit in 1 area till he moves to west side then you sit AFK in another till he returns. 


Nylos -


This room is just aids. I feel Nylos are easier on OSRS. There is no time between the boss switching styles having to make you glue your eyelids open for each switch. (Don't know if Nylo getting stuck in pillars was fixed but that should probably be fixed, i'm sure some of the admins would appreciate that as it would decrease some of the work load.)




Hello darkness my old friend. Oh sorry was just talking to the invisible projectiles that hit me every time I return from chosen realm. Make the path a little bit more dangerous and not forgiving. The paths on OSRS go sideways not just straight and diagonal.  When DPSing soteseq, you should be able to reduce amount of magic/ranged attacks by staying within melee distance (Scythe should be better here not tbow.)


Xarpus -


Incorporate the standing on exhumed to prevent him from being 100% HP.  Xarpus should not be able to chose the same corner twice. Almost every raid he stares at one corner for about 1 minute because it goes to that same corner more than once or xarp gets stuck looking (Don't really know which it is.) 




Phase 1 : This fight is underwhelming to the fullest. At first you have to find someone that is willing to let 4 other leeches (Like myself) to stand in a corner while they watch youtube videos, die on HCIMS, Watch Adult material, or just sit there and flame the guy dawning. This is a group activity, not a watch someone do all the work for no incentive activity. In the OSRS boss fight, each player takes turns using dawnbringer special attack to take down Verziks shield. While the player who is using their special is attacking, others can attack verzik to add some minimal damage to the shield HELPING whoever is currently using the dawnbringer. 


Phase 2 : This phase also takes no skill. In the OSRS Boss phase 2, you melee and dodge each time with a chance of being hit with an electricity ball that you bounce off each of the other group members which then directs it at verzik for extra damage. Throughout this phase their should be Nylocas Athanatos's spawning (Healers) that should be able to get killed in one hit by any poisoned weapon. The red balls of blood should only be sent towards players once her health gets lower and also then spawns two red Nylos that you need to DPS down to reduce the amount of health verzik is healed by. 


Phase 3 : Phase 3 is phase 2 on alora for some reason with different colored balls of damage that fuck you the whole fight. During this phase, there should be three forms of attack styles that Verzik attacks with. She is suppose to focus on one player following them as this player needs to run around and still damage verzik. You should have to change your prayers between ranged/mage/melee throughout this encounter. And this is the part that makes me the most depressed during this encounter. The part of the fight that makes it more challenging and more fun, the safespots, tornados, and spiderweb. There would be nothing more enjoyable than casually doing the raid and seeing one of my raid mates stuck in a web crying for dear life as they are about to plank and get meme'd out of it. these are the things that make this boss interesting and challenging. As of right now the encounter is just very basic and bland. It hasn't got the love it deserves. With fixing this raid, I think it would add more of a challenge to this server, and then you could probably increase those drop rates to match the challenge ;)





Twisted Bow


I know some might disagree with me on this one, but Twisted bow on this server is too much of a crutch. It's literally overpowered in every way, shape, or form. Its better to use it on Tekton, than a scythe or any crush weapon. You can literally twisted bow the whole encounter of the Great Olm. This weapon is way to good on this server and should be properly adjusted. i don't know if it's like that due to certain NPCs having improper mage defenses or accuracy or what, but it needs to be looked at. It cripples the whole experience of Chambers of Xeric, not so much at Theatre of Blood. This being so good makes weapons like scythe an inferior weapon, in which there are many instances in Theatre of Blood that the scythe should be the BiS weapon instead of relying on a Twisted bow the whole raid. 






I encourage you to read the whole thing before replying to this topic, and if you don't have experience in raids on here and haven't compared them to how they should be, don't leave biased feedback on the topic. Leave your opinions down below on how you feel about these ideas. I'm all for critical feedback so it doesn't always have be supportive. Thanks for your time!

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:26 AM #2

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Good suggestions overall, dont like the puzzle crabs tho, think its fine as it is with rooms tbh.


Hardcore Ironman: Hints

Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:28 AM #3

Roast Master

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Good suggestions overall, dont like the puzzle crabs tho, think its fine as it is with rooms tbh.



I see how some people would think that, but in my opinion it makes the raid too repetitive without different encounters. Thank you fort he feedback though! 

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:30 AM #4



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I agree with all of this tbh with cox you cant even dodge most of the npcs (apart from olm if you're head running) The twisted bow thing I can see where you're going with that also there is no reason it should be better then a crush weapon on tekton for example or using it the whole raid because you can smack over 90 on a lot of things. With tob a lot of the bosses are too easy for example bloat and verzik bloat should have him turn and then switch and add running etc to make this room more exciting verzik is litterally only like 3 mechanics and it's suppose to be a lot harder then all the other bosses but in reality is one of the easiest on here. Nylo you have to switch prays far to early just to avoid getting smacked but even then sometimes you do because u switch even earlier then ur suppose to etc. Sotetseg can be quite annoying the invisible projectiles randomly damaging you, the invisible dd ball if its selected you when you're chosen and click the portal out of the shadow realm and the double/triple balls etc stacking u out out of nowhere. Good suggestion overall I hope to see some of this added in game at least.

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:38 AM #5

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I do have to admit that i had sold my scythe due to Tbow being so strong that I didn't feel the need of having scythe. At first I told myself scythe was so much better, but then again, Tbow seem so much more ideal and handy due to the fact you could essentially Tbow anything, except maybe the parts where Nylocas switches forms. I don't know if scythe is just underpowered or if Tbow is just that much more overpowered than scythe is. I must admit that i mainly adressed the Tbow issue in this post, but he has a point and I know, like Hih said, many will disagree with our opinions about this. Tbow should be adjusted correctly and/or Scythe should be adjusted accordingly. Good post Derek, full support from me.

Yours truely,





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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:45 AM #6


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Chambers of Xeric 


Require Skilling -


I definitely Agree with the skill requirements I would like to see more skills implemented to the Raids. This also means I would like to see the part where u bring ur pickaxe, just to fit like OSRS.




This should be patched for sure. Especially on the solo raids it happens a lot at the second crystal. DEFINITELY a support on this. I'd truly understand the frustration of not being able to 100% dodge his range attacks, while it's supposed to be.


Ice Demon -


Suport on this, no further comment needed.


Tekton -


On Oldschool Runescape you have a chance to get a onyx crystal drop, so why can't it be in here? Support.


!Loc Vespula - Indeed, location?


!loc puzzle crabs - Indeed, location?


!loc Mining part?


The Great Olm -


The Olm encounter recent QoL actually gave me some confidence that raids were going to go towards the right direction. I think the fight is way too easy still. Incorporate having to change prayers due to ranged/magic attacks. Incorporate the fire wall which makes the fight a little more challenging. In solo you don't get paired with a certain spot which is how the OSRS fight is. This should be incorporated to make a more difficult end game challenge fight. 


We are indeed missing the flame part, which is a thing at OSRS. I'd truly would love to see more challenging parts at Raids 1.


To make a long story short;

I would like to have these suggestion above getting implemented to the server as it's a priority to the current raiders. The Chamber of Xerics has been like this for years and I still see no real effort on getting this patched. I would also love to see random rooms just like OSRS and not a type of a one path. Shame..



Theatre of Blood 





This indeed is the MOST afk boss room. I would love to see some challenge on this boss, which is definitely not here. The more it suits to OSRS the more it is attractive to the real Raiders.


Nylos -


Besides that you can count your attacks before each switch I do feel like Nylo is pretty decent coded on here. Neutral.


Sotetseq - 


Say no more, you've explained it all. Support on the Sotetseg fix and definitely make Scythe the BIS item in Sotet's room.


Xarpus -






Phase 1 : 

I've saw some OSRS raids and it's definitely helping when the rest of the group are helping the Dawner. This is supposed to be a group raid and not a ''Not it at dawning'' raid.. It's legit a shame that this wasn't added on Alora at the first place and I would like to see it getting implemented.


Phase 2 : This phase also takes no skill. In the OSRS Boss phase 2, you melee and dodge each time with a chance of being hit with an electricity ball that you bounce off each of the other group members which then directs it at verzik for extra damage. Throughout this phase their should be Nylocas Athanatos's spawning (Healers) that should be able to get killed in one hit by any poisoned weapon. The red balls of blood should only be sent towards players once her health gets lower and also then spawns two red Nylos that you need to DPS down to reduce the amount of health verzik is healed by. 


Phase 3 : 

Eh... Real phase 3 loc? We are definitely missing the whole 3rd phase of Verzik.. Web loc? Tornados loc? Mobile verzik loc? This was a thing that SHOULD have been added before even releasing the whole ToB back at August 2018... Still a clue why Dan didn't implemented it, though. 


To make a long story short;

Like I said on my comment above: ToB should have NEVER been released without these specs and it's truly a shame that until the day by now it still hasn't been fixed yet. I know that Omicron has other priorities such as general QoL fixes and stuf that let him earn more money, but sometimes I do feel like that this is a priority over all the other things at the moment. This not only affects the current raids community, but also the new raiders who for example came from OSRS. 


Twisted Bow


I'd truly understand the reason why you're suggesting this and I do feel like it could use a nerf on certain rooms of the CoX and especially at the ToB. The thing I'm concerned about is that it would crash the bow since nerfing an item would firstly decrease the price and secondly it would be less used by the players. However I do feel like it should be matched to OSRS and if that's the case then I am willing to take a risk on the consequences. 


Also in overall I do feel like the Twisted bow could use a boost on the bosses outside raids. I've used the bow on a few bosses before and it's not really that effective as it should be. So let's just say nerf the bow at raids a little and give it a boost to make it more efficient at PvM. 

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:57 AM #7

lol Rip

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I support the changes for TOB for sure.  Dawning is cancer. It would be great if we could somehow make that a group activity.

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 08:21 AM #8

Eim ash
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Chambers of Xeric 


Require Skilling -







Ice Demon -




Tekton -


Agree on vespula and being able to dodge.

Disagree on puzzle crab cus its aids =]



The Great Olm -






Theatre of Blood 


Maiden -








Nylos -


This room is just aids. I feel Nylos are easier on OSRS. There is no time between the boss switching styles having to make you glue your eyelids open for each switchAgree--> (Don't know if Nylo getting stuck in pillars was fixed but that should probably be fixed, i'm sure some of the admins would appreciate that as it would decrease some of the work load.)


Didn't understand the one highlighted as blue, isn't nylos in 07 same as here but it doesn't switch by order but it switches randomly? Ex: Melee->range->melee->mage->range


Sotetseq - 


Agree, and I honestly use t bow everywhere not only sots


Xarpus -


Disagree->  Incorporate the standing on exhumed to prevent him from being 100% HP. (it was in the game before but omic removed it for more points + ppl wanted it) Some what Agree-> After all you gotta be careful Xarpus should not be able to chose the same corner twice. Almost every raid he stares at one corner for about 1 minute because it goes to that same corner more than once or xarp gets stuck looking (Don't really know which it is.) 




Agree on all phases





Twisted Bow


Even tho I got t bow and don't want it nerfed cus I like it still tho I Agree.

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 10:30 AM #9


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I agree. The scythe should be a way better weapon as it so expensive to use for irons and normies alike its pretty ridiculous considering a tbow has really no running cost but arrow use. The rooms are way to repetitive and get boring far too quickly, It is alot easier to get burnt out especially when people go 50+dry which is another thing that is ridiculous.

Posted 09 December 2019 - 12:23 PM #10


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Im here so i dont get fined. Also i agree with almost everything except puzzle rooms.

Posted 09 December 2019 - 12:37 PM #11


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These suggestions being implemented are the only things Omicron should focus on for right now. The game gets so stale once you reach end game content because like you said, you're simply doing the same thing over and over again for drops worth essentially nothing at the moment in CoX and a long dry streak for content that is absolutely no challenge at all whereas it should be the hardest piece of content ingame, in the case of ToB (CoX is harder than ToB on here...)


The CoX changes I can see positively impacting the eco of its drops simply due to more of a challenge present in obtaining those items which is MUCH needed. Not even worth doing CoX unless you're an Ironman looking to obtain those items because they have such little monetary value. 


As for ToB, I'd love the challenge and making it closer to OSRS just gives longevity to your players' accounts as they'd be motivated to learn such hard content for a chance at some of the BiS items ingame.


Full Support for making raids closer to OSRS.


P.S. I know some think that this is a Private Server and the whole point is to make things easier, but any experienced raider will tell you that once you do get good at the EZscape content, you'll be wanting more of a challenge and will get bored of the current state of raids, very quick.

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 01:04 PM #12



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Full support on everything. I would love to see more challenging raids to make them worth doing. Especially ToB.
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Posted 09 December 2019 - 04:34 PM #13


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Support everything suggested, BUT if they were to make the raids/TOBs  closer to OSRS feel, I'd hold off on the tbow adjustment. But that's just me. I don't want raids to get more challenging, WITH a nerfed tbow to boot as well, as I've never done raids on OSRS. Maybe if he changed raids around, and I have time to learn it again and get good there, I wouldn't mind the tbow nerf. But imo, he shouldn't do both at once.

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Posted 10 December 2019 - 03:15 AM #14

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I agree that these would make raids much more fun, having done osrs raids before.





Posted 10 December 2019 - 01:29 PM #15


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I support some QOL changes, but overall no support on drastically making the raids harder or nerfing tbow.


I feel a lot of people forget this is indeed an rsps and not OSRS. People choose to play a server for it's own unique gameplay style/features, personally if I wanted to play osrs I would just play the actual game and not an rsps. Not to mention raids activity is already very low especially raids 1 it seems atm. If the server becomes too difficult for new players to pick up you'll see more quitting when reaching raids, especially newer ironmen who don't have access to all BIS gear by paying gp (which it seems the most raiders are mid-end game irons). A lot of players already quit when they reach Tob or cox due to the drop rates so essentially they'd be working harder for the same reward which already isn't very much.


As far as nerfing the twisted bow I don't find it to be too OP. There's plenty of times in raids I hit nothing 2-5 times in a row. Even with a tbow a solo raid will still run the average raider 24+ minutes. It seems overpowered due to raid teams having multiple t bows but realistically it isn't too op. 


As far as adjusting scythe's dps I do feel it hits low on certain bosses. But nerfing the tbow to make the scythe better I don't feel is the answer. Perhaps a small buff to scythe in raids would help.

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Majority of these have been added. Feel free to make a new suggestion thread with an updated list if we missed anything.

Your suggestion has been accepted.





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