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Solo/team Chambers of Xeric suggestion (Slight changes to the ice demon room)

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 06:14 AM #1



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Hello as many raiders know (Especially the people who do a lot of solo raids) Ice demon room can be quite annoying sometimes because the Braziers sometimes extinguish to much and you need all 4 braziers lit for the first health bar to go down. This isn't as much of a issue in team raids because quite a few people are dumping at one time so they barely go out but still do from time to time but in solo raids they seem to go out a bit which can be frustrating at times. Can we please make it so they go out less or make it so you dont need all 4 filled but the less that are filled the slower the first health bar will go down? Sometimes they can get put out multiple times which slows the raid down a bit and causes hassle needing to cut multiple logs again just for the brazier that has gone out. I think this small suggestion would be awesome for the ones who do raid especially soloing (even duos)


Thank you for taking the time to read this please tell me what you think about this :D

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 06:22 AM #2

Roast Master

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Don't support, raids are super easy as it is. I think we shouldn't focus on making broken raid rooms easier, but fixing the encounters entirely. Such as every ToB Encounter, Scaling of ToB down to minimal 3 man scale. Making raids 1 require skilling, and add multiple instances of raid rooms so its not the same raid path every time ( P.S THIS MAKES RAIDS 1 BORING AS HELL @DEVELOPER). I feel if raids were heavy focused to be as they are on OSRS, this would add a better challenge to this game and make items so much better to get then they are now. I don't see why this hasn't been done already when they know they need fixed. Rant over :)

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 06:26 AM #3



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Don't support, raids are super easy as it is. I think we shouldn't focus on making broken raid rooms easier, but fixing the encounters entirely. Such as every ToB Encounter, Scaling of ToB down to minimal 3 man scale. Making raids 1 require skilling, and add multiple instances of raid rooms so its not the same raid path every time ( P.S THIS MAKES RAIDS 1 BORING AS HELL @DEVELOPER). I feel if raids were heavy focused to be as they are on OSRS, this would add a better challenge to this game and make items so much better to get then they are now. I don't see why this hasn't been done already when they know they need fixed. Rant over :)


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 06:28 AM #4


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In the case of solo raids I support this, as I think solo raiding should be more viable than it currently is (without a tbow).


In group raids however, I think a competent enough team (not the kind where 4 people cut down 1 tree and then  just wait) shouldn't struggle w this room.


Also I wouldn't be opposed to Real Master 's suggestion of adding variation/skilling to raids 1.


I just think Solo Raiding w/o a tbow should just be more viable.


Posted 09 December 2019 - 06:51 AM #5

Alpha S3iman
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We are talking about decreasing the required amount of kindligs needed to start the demon's health deplenish as a solo player.

This will save us alot of time that goes to waste if one or more of the brazier's extinguish.

Implementing this would make soloing CoX more viable as a whole.

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:06 AM #6

beans n cake

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Neutral. I think this room isn't awful solo. It is annoying the raids where multiple.ones get extinguished but it's still a pain free room compared to worms







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Posted 09 December 2019 - 07:17 AM #7



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Neutral. I think this room isn't awful solo. It is annoying the raids where multiple.ones get extinguished but it's still a pain free room compared to worms

yea I see what you're saying it isn't the worst room but its annoying af when u put 24 logs in (6 per brazier) or whatever and all of a sudden 1-2 or even 3 braziers go out for no reason making this room longer it can get frustrating if it does keep happening though :D




We are talking about decreasing the required amount of kindligs needed to start the demon's health deplenish as a solo player.

This will save us alot of time that goes to waste if one of the brazier's extinguish.

Implementing this would make soloing CoX more viable as a whole.

yea would be a decrease if  the braziers kept lit I've had 2-3 braziers go out at 1 time before making me have to cut like 6-15 extra logs (depending on when it goes out) thank you for the support <3

Don't support, raids are super easy as it is. I think we shouldn't focus on making broken raid rooms easier, but fixing the encounters entirely. Such as every ToB Encounter, Scaling of ToB down to minimal 3 man scale. Making raids 1 require skilling, and add multiple instances of raid rooms so its not the same raid path every time ( P.S THIS MAKES RAIDS 1 BORING AS HELL @DEVELOPER). I feel if raids were heavy focused to be as they are on OSRS, this would add a better challenge to this game and make items so much better to get then they are now. I don't see why this hasn't been done already when they know they need fixed. Rant over :)

I get what you're saying about raids being easy etc and other things should be a priority but this wouldnt make the raid too much easier just makes it less annoying :D but thanks anyway for your input <3

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 08:12 AM #8


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Bro have you ever done a raid just fill them all pleb hahaha jokejoke ur my hero.
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Posted 09 December 2019 - 08:32 AM #9



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Bro have you ever done a raid just fill them all pleb hahaha jokejoke ur my hero.

im very new to them! ;)

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 12:43 PM #10

Immortal Fox

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Fill them to the max (like 8 each IIRC) and they don't extinguish. 

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 04:27 PM #11


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I like the idea of making the braziers take maybe 30% longer to extinguish in solo runs, as they can be pretty random at times. 

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 11:24 PM #12

Time w4rp

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Fill them to the max (like 8 each IIRC) and they don't extinguish. 

its 6 each per brazier before they're filled and they do go out still with full braziers tbh happens more then it should to me :(

Posted 10 December 2019 - 01:33 PM #13


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Strong support.


They're fine for team raids, but in solo raids I've had them be extinguished right as I click to add them to the brazier. This won't make solos easier or ruin the raid, it just speeds up a very boring part. Perhaps make it longer to extinguish them or make it to where you only need to get the hp bar down half way like in the other scales.

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Posted 13 December 2019 - 11:48 AM #14

General Tso

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+1 Support @ Vespina . It's a big headache for soloing raids. 


Don't support, raids are super easy as it is. I think we shouldn't focus on making broken raid rooms easier, but fixing the encounters entirely. Such as every ToB Encounter, Scaling of ToB down to minimal 3 man scale. Making raids 1 require skilling, and add multiple instances of raid rooms so its not the same raid path every time ( P.S THIS MAKES RAIDS 1 BORING AS HELL @DEVELOPER). I feel if raids were heavy focused to be as they are on OSRS, this would add a better challenge to this game and make items so much better to get then they are now. I don't see why this hasn't been done already when they know they need fixed. Rant over :)


I hate to be that guy, but why play this if you want it to be OSRS? I agree with you though about scaling ToB for team size - 100%. 


Posted 03 March 2024 - 08:08 PM #15


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Your suggestion has been accepted.





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