So before I carry on you can keep track of my Clue rewards here:
It's been a long fishing grind so far for the clues but we got the Heron pet around 74 fishing and the Helm of Raedwald at about clue number 7. (Not sure how rare that is)
My next goal is to get 62 slayer for that awesome Dragon harpoon which should also give my quite a lot of clue scrolls and to make 10m so I can get my POH going for the treasure chest.
I've been mainly range training because i got my Rune c'bow from clues.
The skills are gonna slowly go up hopefully we can get a lot of seeds/logs etc from hards and elite clues and who knows maybe we'll get some 3rd Age?
The future of the account shall be to gain all clue items possible ( I'm aware this is going to take a very long time) but I'll keep you all updated with any uniques on my other post. Progression logs will be pretty stretched from each other time wise but I will always update every single clue reward and ammount of clues done on the other main post also.
Thanks for looking