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Scythe off the board (holy shit, didnt expect that) 6/7 remain!
Scythe off the board (holy shit, didnt expect that)
6/7 remain!
I was in that group reee
Always knew I'd get faceguard as my first tob purple
#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper
sycamore | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS
Rejoined as Global Moderator on 12/1/19
UIM KOTS Winner | Maxed HCUIM
Unfortunately this drop was obtained before the event started, so we will still leave the Chestguard on the board!
Three left! Looking at you arcadus to make that chest count
Thanks for this Sassa, i love you.
And then there was two.....
Leg Guards achieved!
Event has concluded, big grats to all of our winners!
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