I. Introduction Range: Range: DPS: Mage Role (Fill): Lunar - Thralls & Vengeance (Spellbook Swap)
Range Role: Lunar - Thralls & Vengeance (Spellbook Swap) Hard Mode Differences: Hard Mode Differences: Hard Mode Differences: Hard Mode Differences: 4 Auto > Nylocas Spawns > 4 Auto > Webs > 4 Auto > Yellow Portals > 4 Auto > Green Ball >Repeat Players not comfortable with webs should use ranged weapons and attack at a distance, staying on the outskirts of the room, moving in a clockwise direction. If you are not able to make it to the starting tile to begin webs you should move to the outskirts of the room and attack with ranged to avoid trapping your teammates in webs. This also goes for if you fall out of rhythm. It is best to skip an attack to catch back up in your team's cycle or move out of the melee path if you are not in sync with your team. Yellow Portals - Verzik charges up a powerful attack and creates safe tiles in the room, one for each player in the raid. Players need to stand on the yellow portals, or they will take high damage. Players should take this time to heal up and restore their stats. You do not need to be on the yellow portal tile until the projectile Verzik launches is about to land on the portal. If you trigger tornadoes during yellow portals create some separation from the tornado and try to time the yellow portal attack as it lands. It is better to tank the yellow attack than a tornado. If your team does not have the DPS to finish Verzik off before yellow portals spawn, a safe move would be to stop attacking Verzik before she reached 20% HP and spawns tornadoes. This way you can heal up and deal with yellow portals without needing to worry about simultaneously dodging the tornadoes.
The Theatre of Blood is a raid located in Ver Sinhaza. It can be reached by using the command ::tob, the minigame teleport at the Teleport Wizard or by speaking to the Mysterious Stranger south of Edgeville Bank.
The theatre can be taken on by a team of 1 to 5 players. It is a linear raid, meaning it follows the same order each time. The bosses will also have their hitpoints scaled depending on the team size. With a team of three or fewer players the bosses will have 75% of their original hitpoints, with four players the bosses will have 87.5% of their original hitpoints and a team of five players will leave the bosses' hitpoints unchanged.
Unlike OSRS, the Theatre of Blood is a SAFE DEATH for all accounts except Group Hardcore Ironmen. If you die, you will spectate the raid and respawn once your team defeats the boss in the room you are currently in. If all members of your team fail the raid, you will be teleported outside, west of the entrance with all of your gear/items. You do not need to pay to retrieve them.
II. Requirements, Gear, and Inventory
The skill total requirement to enter the theatre is 1250 total levels. Other than that, the minimum requirements are adequate melee, mage and range weapons & gear. It is recommended to have 90+ melee stats, 90+ range, 94+ magic and at least 77 prayer to be able to use the Rigour and Augury prayers.
Gear Hierarchy
Here's a hierarchy of gear for each combat style and slot from the most optimal to the least.
Helm Slot:
Torva full helm >
Neitiznot faceguard >
Serpentine helm >
Void melee helm (if using void set)
Void ranger helm (if using void set) >
Masori mask (f)
N/A > Void mage helm (if using void set)
Necklace Slot:
Amulet of torture >
Amulet of blood fury >
Amulet of fury
Necklace of anguish >
Amulet of fury
Occult necklace >
Amulet of fury
Cape Slot:
Completionist cape/Monkey >
Infernal cape >
Fire cape
Completionist cape/Monkey >
Ava's assembler
Completionist cape/Monkey >
Imbued god cape
Chest Slot:
Torva platebody >
Bandos chestplate >
Fighter torso >
Elite void top (if using void set)
Elite void top (if using void set) >
Masori body (f)
Ancestral robe top >
Elite void top (if using void set)
Leg Slot:
Torva platelegs >
Bandos tassets >
Obsidian platelegs >
Elite void robe (if using void set)
Elite void robe (if using void set) >
Masori chaps (f)
Ancestral robe bottom >
Elite void robe (if using void set)
Weapon Slot:
Scythe of vitur >
Osmumten's fang (Sote & Verzik only) >
Blade of saeldor >
Abyssal tentacle
Twisted bow >
Toxic blowpipe >
Dragon/Rune crossbow
Sanguinesti staff >
Trident of the swamp
Special Attack Weapon(s):
Defense Reduction:
Statius's warhammer >
Dragon warhammer >
Bandos godsword
Dragon claws >
Crystal halberd
Zaryte crossbow
Shield Slot:
Avernic defender >
Dragon defender
Elidinis' ward (f)
Ammo Slot:
Using Twisted bow/crossbow:
Dragon arrows >
Amethyst arrows >
Ruby bolts (e)
Using Blowpipe:
Dragon darts >
Amethyst darts
Glove Slot:
Ferocious gloves >
Barrows gloves
Void knight gloves (if using void set) >
Zaryte vambraces >
Barrows gloves
Tormented bracelet >
Barrows gloves
Boot Slot:
Primordial boots >
Dragon boots
Ring Slot:
Berserker ring (i) >
Your inventory will differ greatly depending on your role in the raid team, personal preferences, and items available. As you become more experienced you will be more comfortable bringing more switches and less food/potions. Between each room all of your stats will be restored, so don't waste supplies unless needed. This includes HP, prayer, special attack, run energy and poison status. Keep in mind there are 2 supply chests you will have access to within the raid to restock on supplies. These are after the Pestilent Bloat, and again after Sotetseg.
Additional switches - For niche uses depending on your role in the team.
Food/Combo food - Used to tick eat or restore HP.
Purple Sweets/Guthix Rest - Used to tick eat.
Saradomin Brews - Primary source of healing. Only bring a couple because you can get more from supply chests.
Super Restores/Sanfew Serum - Restores your stats, prayer points and cures poison.
Super Combat & Ranging Potion - Used to boost stats for higher DPS. You can also bring Divine versions.
Rune Pouch - Stores runes for those that use Ice Barrage, Blood Barrage, Thralls, Vengeance or another spell.
Salve Amulet (e)/(ei) - Used at Pestilent Bloat as it is classified as undead. Once unlocked you can purchase Salve Amulet (e) for 5 slayer points each. These can then be dropped after bloat to make room for more supplies.
Max Setup Examples:
Mage Role (Freezer): Ancient - Ice Barrage & Blood Barrage
Melee Role: Lunar - Thralls & Vengeance (Spellbook Swap)
Mid-Tier Setup Example: Lunar - Thralls & Vengeance (Spellbook Swap)
Budget/Learner Setup Example: Arceuus - Thralls
Supply Chests
There are two supply chests found within the theatre that you can use to restock on potions and food. These are purchased with points that you obtain depending on your performance within the raid. The chests can be used after the Pestilent Bloat, and after Sotetseg.
Chest Contents:
III. Maiden of Sugadinti
The first boss in the theatre is the former human turned vampire experiment, the Maiden of Sugadinti.
Attack Style: Magic
Attack Speed: 10 Ticks
Weakness: Melee/Ranged
Nylocas Spawns - At 70%, 50% and 30% HP, Maiden will summon 8 Nylocas Matomenos. These Nylocas will begin walking towards her to heal her. Each Nylocas that reaches the Maiden will heal her for 2x their remaining HP. To counter this, have 1-2 players freeze the Nylocas with Ice Barrage and damage them down so they do not heal the Maiden.
The chance of freezing the Nylocas Matomenos scales based on the player's Magic Attack bonus, with a 100% freeze rate when it is at +140. However, other equipment can affect the freeze rate, such as Elite Void Knight equipment and the Augury prayer. Below are some examples that will guarantee freezing a Nylocas Matomenos:
- The player's Magic Attack bonus is at +140 or above.
- The player's Magic Attack bonus is at +112 or above while having the Augury prayer active.
- The player's Magic Attack bonus is at +86 or above while wearing Elite Void Knight equipment with the Void mage helm.
- The player's Magic Attack bonus is at +55 or above while having the Augury prayer active and wearing Elite Void Knight equipment with the Void mage helm.
Tornadoes - Her primary attack is a tornado that only targets the closest player to her southwest tile. Only the player targeted by Maiden needs to be praying Protect from Magic.
Blood attack - Maiden will throw blood splats at each player. To dodge these just sidestep them one or two tiles so you are not standing on a tile where the blood splats are landing. If you get hit by one of the thrown blood splats you will take light damage and the splat will change into a blood spawn. These blood spawns move about the room leaving a trail of blood that damages players and heals Maiden if stood on. You can freeze these blood spawns to keep them from moving, it's not worthwhile to kill them.
Blood spawns - Blood spawns will sometimes spawn even if the blood attack is dodged. Additionally, blood spawns cannot be killed. They can still be frozen to prevent them from moving. Recommended Weapon:
Twisted bow >
Scythe of vitur >
Toxic blowpipe
IV. Pestilent Bloat
The second boss is the Pestilent Bloat, an undead abomination made of various body parts.
Attack Style: Ranged
Attack Speed: 1 Tick
Weakness: Slash, Salve Amulet(e)/(ei)
Flies - Any player in the line of sight of Bloat will be targeted by Bloat's flies. These cause rapid hits from 10-20 damage every tick until the player is out of the Bloat's line of sight. The flies also spread to other players in the party which can very quickly cause the team to wipe. Damage can be reduced slightly by using Protect from Missiles.
Falling Hands - While the Bloat is walking/running around the vat in the center of the room, limbs will fall from the ceiling. Shadows are cast on the ground to show where they will land. Being hit by one of the falling limbs can deal 30-50 damage and temporarily stuns the player.
Run - When Bloat's HP is between 20%-60%, he will run around the room instead of walking.
Stomp - When Bloat wakes up it will stomp the ground dealing large damage (40-80) to anyone in line of sight. To avoid taking stomp damage, make sure to be out of Bloat's line of sight when the holes on Bloat's back begin to flicker.
Falling Hands - Limbs will fall throughout the entirety of the boss fight so make sure to pay attention for shadows when attacking Bloat.
Direction Changes - Bloat is able to change directions multiple times when running/walking around the room. Recommended Weapon:
Scythe of vitur >
Blade of saeldor >
Abyssal tentacle
V. Nylocas Vasilias
The third boss is a breed of Nylocas and spawns once its hordes of Nylocas Hagios, Ischyros and Toxobolos have been defeated.
Attack Style: Melee/Magic/Ranged dependent on its form.
Attack Speed: 4 Ticks
Weakness: Melee/Magic/Ranged dependent on its form
Nylocas - Three types of Nylocas will spawn and make their way into the room from the east, north, and west. They are immune to damage outside of their combat style. They also come in two sizes, small level 162 and large level 260. Upon death, the large level 260 Nylocas spawn into two small Nylocas.
Nylocas Ischyros - Grey colored. Attacks with melee and are only damaged by melee.
Nylocas Hagios - Blue colored. Attacks with magic and are only damaged by magic.
Nylocas Toxobolos - Green colored. Attacks with ranged and are only damaged by ranged.
Roles - Your team will split into roles to take on each different type of Nylocas. These should be decided before starting the raid so players can gear accordingly. The size of your party will determine how many players are designated to each role.
5 man - 1 Melee, 2 Range, 2 Mage
4 man - 1 Melee, 1 Range, 2 Mage
3 Man - 1 Melee, 1 Range, 1 Mage
2 Man - 1 Camp Melee and assist the other player with mages and rangers as needed.
Solo - Camp Melee and prioritize rangers, then mages as they spawn, as mages gather near pillars barrage spells can be used.
The Nylocas are aggressive to the pillars. If all four pillars fall your team will automatically fail the raid and be teleported out. So, it is extremely important to keep the Nylocas off the pillars and aggressive to you and your teammates.
Pacing - Players are able to pace the rate at which the Nylocas will spawn by tagging them and keeping the Nylocas alive due to the room having a cap on how many nylocas can be in the room at one time. This is more crucial in raids with smaller teams, so you don't become overwhelmed with Nylocas. The amount of Nylocas killed determines how many and how quickly more will spawn, due to the room cap. Players can control this by just tagging the Nylocas off the pillars and keeping them alive but aggressive to them. They can then determine how many to kill and when depending on how the team is faring against the rest of the Nylocas.
Nylocas Vasilias will change between the three combat styles and can only be damaged by the combat style it is currently using similar to the Nylocas minions from before. It will always begin in the melee form but will randomly change forms after. It will never be the same form two times in a row. Attacking the Nylocas with the incorrect combat style will result in the damage being rebounded back to the player and healing the Nylocas. It is important to have the correct overhead prayer for each phase as the Nylocas can hit up to a 70 off prayer. With the correct prayer on, a max hit of 17 can be received through prayer.
Hard Mode Differences:
Rebound Damage: In hard mode, attacking a Nylocas with the incorrect combat style will result in 25% higher damage being rebounded back to you. This goes for the waves of Nylocas and the boss.
Recommended Weapon:
Scythe of vitur >
Blade of saeldor >
Abyssal tentacle
Twisted bow >
Toxic blowpipe
Sanguinesti staff >
Trident of the swamp
VI. Sotetseg
Sotetseg is the fourth boss in the theatre. Sotetseg is a dark beast that has been corrupted through Haemalchemy.
Attack Style: Magic, Ranged, Melee
Attack Speed: 5 Ticks
Weakness: None
Small Projectiles - Sotetseg launches two different colored small projectiles/balls at players. The red ones are mage attacks and damage can be negated by praying Protect from Magic. The other projectile is a black/grey colored ranged attack. Damage from these can be negated by using Protect from Missiles. When blocked by prayers, these small balls can bounce off the player towards other players. If you are hit by one of the small projectiles, you will take up to 50 damage and be unable to enable prayers for a few ticks. Players should stand equidistant on these tiles to avoid double balls.
Large Red Projectile - Every 10 magic attacks, Sotetseg will launch a large red projectile at a single-player, the player will be notified with a message in their chat-box. This large projectile can deal up to 115 damage. The damage from this projectile can be dispersed amongst the team if they "DD" or all stand on the same tile or within a 1 tile radius of the targeted player. It is common to "DD" on the center tile south of Sotetseg. Additionally, this attack can be tick-eaten. It is beneficial to discuss whether players will need to DD or if they're able to tick-eat the ball prior to starting Sotetseg.
Shadow Realm Maze - At 66.6% and 33.3% of Sotetseg's HP, Sotetseg will randomly choose one player to be teleported to the Shadow Realm. The player teleported to the Shadow Realm must follow the path shown in red across the maze and click the portal at the end to teleport back to the rest of the raid party. While in the Shadow Realm the player will constantly take hits of 3 damage until they leave through the portal. The rest of the players must follow the same path across the maze, but they are only able to see the tile that the player in the Shadow Realm is currently on. It is noted by a red glow on the tile. Additionally, players within the theatre will be chased by a red vortex across the maze. If the team moves too slowly across and the vortex catches them, it will deal large amounts of damage. It is important to click the first tile of the maze, so your team knows where to begin and to navigate it semi-quickly and accurately so little damage is taken. Also, note that after each Shadow Realm phase Sotetseg restores its stats so save any defense reducing attacks for after a phase and at the beginning of the fight.
Large Red Projectiles - In hard mode, Sotetseg will launch two large red projectiles instead of one. These will target two different players. Just like in normal mode, these can either be split amongst the team by standing within 1 tile of the targeted players or tick eaten.
Shadow Realm Maze - Instead of 1 player being teleported to into the maze, all but one player will be teleported into the maze. Each player will be given a section of the path instead of one player getting the entire path. The player not teleported into the maze will have to follow the path shown by the rest of the team similar to normal mode. Recommended Weapon:
Scythe of vitur >
Twisted bow >
Osmumten's fang (Stab) >
Blade of saeldor >
Abyssal tentacle
VII. Xarpus
Xarpus, the last of the Yasara, is the fifth boss in the theatre.
Attack Style: Poison, Counterattack
Attack Speed: 4 Ticks
Weakness: Melee
Recovery (Phase 1) - Stand on the exhumed skeletons that spawn around the room. These skeletons heal Xarpus so the quicker you are to stand on them the less Xarpus will be healed.
Poison (Phase 2) - Xarpus will launch poison at players around the room in the order they appear in the orbs in the top left of the screen. This poison attack lightly damages anything within a 3x3 radius of the tile it lands on. The poison will stay on the tiles for the remainder of the fight. These poison splats will deal 6-8 damage per tick a player is standing on them or passes over them. To dodge these, just move two tiles away from the location you were standing previously.
Counter (Phase 3) - With around 25% HP remaining, Xarpus will screech, stop launching poison attacks and begin staring intently at one quadrant at a time. If a player attacks Xarpus while standing in the quadrant it is staring at, they will be hit for their full HP. It is best practice to move to the quadrant Xarpus was looking in last to attack as Xarpus will not stare at the same quadrant twice in a row. Be sure not to stand on the middle tiles between two quadrants are you attacking Xarpus or you will take damage if he is looking at either quadrant.
Poison Wall: When entering the room, Xarpus will throw a 2-tile poison wall around the room, excluding the entrances.
Counter (Phase 3): During the last 25% of the fight instead of staring at a random quadrant, Xarpus will stare at the quadrant it was last attacked from. Recommended Weapon:
Scythe of vitur >
Twisted bow >
Toxic blowpipe >
Blade of saeldor >
Abyssal tentacle
VIII. Verzik Vitur
Verzik Vitur is a vampire that rules over Ver Sinhaza. She is the final boss in the Theatre of Blood and the strongest monster in RuneScape.
Phase 1:
Attack Style: Magic
Attack Speed: 12 Ticks
Weakness: Dawnbringer
Dawnbringer - Players will take turns spec'ing with Dawnbringer, then one player will main it for the rest of Phase 1. The other players can attack Verzik with melee as it has a higher damage cap than magic or ranged weapons. At the start of Phase 1 the team can get off 5 melee attacks before needing to hide behind the pillar. After that first cycle, the player with Dawnbringer can get off 3 attacks and those meleeing can get off 2 before needing to hide behind the pillar from Verzik's magic attack. Pillars will also collapse after several attacks and deal heavy damage to anyone next to them when it collapses.
Hard Mode Differences:
Falling Rubble: After hitting a pillar with her magic attack, rubble will fall within a 3-tile radius from the edge of the struck pillar, dealing up to 35 damage and stunning the player if hit. To deal with this, the team will run from one pillar to the pillar on the other side of the room getting off attacks on the way over.
Phase 2:
Attack Style: Magic, Ranged, Crush
Attack Speed: 5 Ticks
Weakness: Slash
Bounce - If you are standing next to Verzik when her attack animation begins you will be thrown back several tiles and stunned for several ticks. The bounce can deal up to 50 damage along with locking you in place for her next ranged bomb attack.
Ranged Bombs - Verzik will throw out white and green colored bombs that deal ranged damage. These attacks can be avoided by sidestepping the tile the bomb is landing on. Failure to dodge these will result in up to 41 damage.
Nylocas Spawns - Verzik will summon multiple Nylocas. These Nylocas are randomly aggressive to one player in the raid and will chase after them and explode when within 2 tiles of their target or after a certain amount of time has gone by. If these Nylocas explode on you, they deal a high amount of damage. To dodge these, simply bait the Nylocas in close then run several tiles away. These Nylocas will always spawn near one of the corners of the room so avoid standing in these areas so that you aren't killed when they spawn.
Nylocas Athanatos - Verzik can also summon a purple Nylocas that heals her if not dealt with. This Nylocas will spawn near a player but does not deal damage or explode. Simply attack this Nylocas with a weapon capable of inflicting poison or venom and this Nylocas will burst, dealing a small amount of damage to Verzik.
Nylocas Matomenos - As her health falls below 35%, she will start using blood spells to heal her, and periodically summon two Nylocas Matomenos which she will kill off if they persist too long and heal her for the amount of health they had left. During the first three seconds after she summons them, any damage inflicted will heal her instead. Pray Protect from Magic to prevent damage from Verzik's blood attacks. When the healer Nylocas are spawned, damage them down near 20% HP then focus DPS on Verzik. Verzik will throw 8 attacks between sets of Nylocas Matomenos.
Hard Mode Differences:
Ranged Bombs - Ranged bombs will leave a poison pool behind on the tile they hit for 16 ticks. Stepping on them will poison you and deal medium damage.
Nylocas Spawns - The explosion radius for the Nylocas spawns is doubled in hard mode and they deal more damage.
Phase 3:
Attack Style: Magic, Ranged, Crush
Attack Speed: 7 Ticks, 5 ticks after Verzik reaches 20% HP.
Weakness: Slash
Verzik's attacks in Phase 3 will follow a set order on repeat until she is defeated.
Auto attacks
Melee - One player will be assigned the tank at random. Verzik will be aggressive to this player. 1-tick before every attack Verzik will scan to see if the tank is within melee distance, if they are she will perform a melee attack, damaging the team. If the tank is out of melee distance when Verzik scans she will perform a ranged or magic attack. Tanks should attack Verzik then step away or under Verzik at least 2 ticks before her next attack to avoid getting the team meleed.
Blue Ball (Mage) - Verzik uses a blue magic ball attack that cannot be avoided. Use Protect from Magic to reduce some of the damage dealt by these attacks.
Ranged Spike - Verzik will throw green ranged spikes that deal ranged damage. Use Protect from Missiles to reduce some of the damage dealt by these attacks.
Special attacks
Nylocas Spawns - Verzik will summon multiple Nylocas. These Nylocas are randomly aggressive to one player in the raid and will chase after them and explode when within 2 tiles of their target or after a certain amount of time has gone by. If these Nylocas explode on you, they deal a high amount of damage. To dodge these, simply bait the Nylocas in close then run several tiles away. These Nylocas will always spawn near one of the corners of the room so avoid standing in these areas so that you aren't killed when they spawn.
Webs - Verzik walks to the center of the room and begins to fire webs targeted at players randomly. The webs will root players in place if stood on dealing high damage if another player does not free them. Players can be freed from the webs if another team member attacks the web quickly. Players meleeing should meet on the center tile south of Verzik and attack on the middle tile on each side, moving in a clockwise direction.
Green Ball - Verzik launches a green projectile which must be bounced between at least 3 unique players or the player who is targeted will take heavy damage. It is common for the target player to just tank the green ball. This ball deals 59 damage in normal mode TOB and 74 damage in hard mode.
Tornadoes - When Verzik reaches 20% of her HP she will spawn 1 purple tornado for each player in the raid and increase her attack speed to 5 ticks. If hit by a tornado it will deal damage for 35% (50% in Hard Mode) of your current HP and heal Verzik 3x the amount of damage dealt.
Hard Mode Differences:
Nylocas Spawns - The explosion radius for the Nylocas spawns is doubled in hard mode and they deal more damage.
Green Ball - If not bounced, the green ball will deal 74 damage instead of 59.
Tornadoes - Tornadoes will deal damage for 50% of your HP instead of 35%. Recommended Weapon:
Scythe of vitur >
Osmumten's fang (slash) >
Blade of saeldor >
Abyssal tentacle
IX. Rewards
The Theatre of Blood uses the same point system as OSRS, with a slight buff to the drop rate. Rates can also be boosted using Drop Boosters, Raids Boosters and the Raids boost from Vote Books. Additionally, higher donator ranks get extra loot rolls, increased rare loot chances, and other perks. These perks can be seen by going to the store and clicking FAQs.
Base Unique Rate:
1/8.1 (regular)
1/7.1 (hard mode)
The infographic of how the points and drop rates are calculated can be found at the bottom of this section.
Unique Rewards
These rewards are indicated by a purple outline on the reward chest.
Pet, Dust & Ornament Kits
Lil' Zik and the Metamorphic dust are not indicated like a unique with a purple outline.
Lil' Zik & the dust are tertiary rolls rolled completely separate from the loot table at 1/650.
The Holy & Sanguine ornament kits are also tertiary drops rolled at a rate of 1/200 with the Holy kit slightly more common when rolling between the two kits.
Point System Infographic
X. Tile Markers [{"regionId":13123,"regionX":12,"regionY":38,"z":0,"color":"#FF6B6363"},{"regionId":13123,"regionX":15,"regionY":37,"z":0,"color":"#FF6B6363"},{"regionId":13123,"regionX":13,"regionY":43,"z":0,"color":"#FF6B6363"},{"regionId":13123,"regionX":17,"regionY":37,"z":0,"color":"#FF6B6363"},{"regionId":13123,"regionX":18,"regionY":42,"z":0,"color":"#FF6B6363"}] XI. Example Runs
To add these tile markers, you need to make sure the Ground Markers plugin is turned on and the Show Import/Export options box is checked. Then copy the text for the rooms shown below, right-click the globe near the minimap and select import.
Verzik Vitur