1. Elite Diary Set
- Daily task store – The store needs a rework. No point in selling 1 and 2 versions of achievement armor, when the majority of players obtain the 4 counterparts from achievement store (ardougne cloak, varrock armor, karamja gloves). Instead, I suggest adding kandarin headgear 4, desert boots 4, desert amulet 4, and western banner 4 to the daily task store and drastically reducing the point requirement. This will make obtaining the elite dairy set a realistic and achievable goal, worthy of our community's time.
- Wilderness sword 4 – The sword costs 7k pkp and is purely cosmetic. I would recommend changing it so that players obtain the same benefits as in OSRS by just having a wilderness sword in bank (similar to crystal saw and golden hammer). Benefits to consider include: always slashing webs, free entry into resource area, noted dragon bones in wilderness, and increased dark crab catch rate.
2. POH
- Ancient crystals – These crystals are currently an announced drop on yell that most players simply high alch for 150k. Give them a use or stop the spam!
- In-house teleports – These would be a great addition! The 10m fee to start construction is quite discouraging! Perhaps adding more house functions such as teleports would fix this. I suggest adding obelisks, jewelry boxes, and portal teleport functions.
- Costume room – Clue items and bank space don't get along. Add storage functions to the costume room! Encourage the community to participate in clue scrolls by making the experience more rewarding!
- Papyrus – Add papyrus to construction shop! We need it for adventure logs and pet lists!
3. Inferno Pickaxe Fix
- Inferno pickaxe – Inferno pickaxe currently requires 85 firemaking when it should require 85 smithing.
4. Wilderness Bosses
- Respawn times – The long respawn times for wilderness bosses such as crazy archeologist discourage players from bossing in the wilderness. I think reducing the time by half would lead to more activity in the wilderness and improve overall quality of life.
5. Digsite teleport
- Digsite pendants are available in game, but the teleport function does not work.
6. Extended antifire potions
- Lava dragon scales – Currently, lava dragon scales can be crushed but cannot be added to antifire potions to create extended antifire potions. I would recommend removing the crush option until extended antifire potions are added.