Hey, I'm Tuss!
I started a new ironman on here and I'm really enjoying it! I played Alora on and off for about 2 years, maxing a main and iron. Now with all the new content added, I thought it would be a nice challenge to start from scratch again. In those 2 years I never really joined in on a lot of events or clan related activities, so this is also a chance to be part of the community and make new friends. Feel free to send me a pm!
I have some ideas to maybe start a series on YouTube about the ironman(recording clips as we speak lol), where I try to complete everything ingame. (pretty long term goal iknow)
It would be nice to give the server some attention and show what kind of community there is on here.
I've never done anything like that, so if you have any tips please let me know.
That's about it haha,
See you guys ingame!