Welcome to Dynasty's remarkable drops / achievements.. #4
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Lets start this bad boy off with some 200ms
Next up some maxing!
Eim Maxing
Elite Nikka after a skill binge!
Classic Maxing
GIM Maxing
UIM Maxing
Dynasty took on a new skill of predicting stuff this month... SMH MY HEAD
INSERT MEME Dragon Pickaxe Prediction
INSERT IRON Imbued Heart Prediction
Ascendere Not really a Prediction but more a Demand!
Up next some Dynasty members tried their skills at inferno!
We have a sick raids drop topic this month ( Click Here!) but these are some insane RNG i have to share
KING Hyper with the b2b into a double drop with a TBOW!?!?!?
GIM Red with the casual Olmlet/Pscroll double!
Pickles420 Also with the Olmlet double!
kahula with the double Pscroll!
tae iron also with the double Pscroll...
CMF Beers with the b2b
Elite Nikka with the b2b
Elite Nikka A few kills later AGAIN????
gim nav with the ez b2b Pscroll
CMF Beers When only a Tbow isnt enough?
Enragous WDYM buff TOB drops?
Taxic Eumh? 1 dude is not happy
gim nav another 1kc tob item
tae iron with the Double drop into a b2b2b? Leave some for the rest man!
CMF Beers 3 TOB loots in 9 kc???
classic joke
b2b best TOB loots!?
Lets continue with some sick pvm drops!
Myerk Double KQ Head HELLOO?
INSERT IRON 1kc serp helm LOL
Myerk Who is dry for this bad boy?
INSERT MEME RIP all Ironmen!
GIMDylanPage b2b Dswords
Real Alan Thats some big realism gains!
Supermaxy2 GRIND!
KING Hyper wowww
Elite Nikka Another 1kc blade???
CMF Beers 35kc spectral
Lets end it all with some Dragon Warhammers!
DanDevil Well deserved grind
group hih Thats alot less kc, can we go down more?
lets funk Eumh? Realism luck?
GIMDylanPage OK OK i will stop here before i get killed!
Only 2 fastest records this month but still very impressive!
elite yin Our beast record holder
Myerk While hunting for the pet!
Speaking off pets, we in Dynasty are having a cool Pet Hunt event atm
some pets here seen are part of it, others are not, still awesome to see these puppies!
group hih 95 kc Hellpuppy Hello0o0o???
CMF Beers With the b2b jad pet + Prediction!!!!
GIMDylanPage 207 Prime Pet
Myerk After getting the fastest kill, deserved pet!
GIM Smicker another one ok
GIM drudge 1kc skot pet wins?
OCE Vajyena But whats better than 1 Skot pet?
Stalking You This is still better than 2 pets right?
kahula Or is this double with the pet better?
I think allyson wins this skot pet combo!
169 Saradomin Pet? INTERESTING!
Taxic We sure can!!!
GIMDylanPage Ok this is just ridiculous...
ElietGreaty ..... Sorry MACK
GIM Smicker Holy Spider
elite yin 333 arma pet!
iron 2ridic Streams inferno runs too, you can learn alot from this guy
group hih Such low kc, but hey, you know we can beat this
CMF Beers Who else than this RNG GOD!
Last but not least, This guy konic grinded his ass off for the pet event and got what he deserved!
Congratz Man!
I hope you all did not drop dead in front of the screens with these INSANE RNG drops!
I had a blast making this topic and it all looks so nice. Again if you want to join in this madness we call #Dynasty,
Check out our topic at topic39620 or click the image at the top of the thread!