Hello all, thank you for viewing this memorial service for the mourning of one of if not the most historic articles in Alora’s great community, the deaths of Smiv’s Hardcore Ironman... Men..Many men… These young men had no idea what they were getting into when they joined this crazy world but they knew one thing, they couldn't die! They would try to play their own game, but there was always one thing standing in their way, the pesky creator, Smiv. He would always have to make things difficult when the Hardcores were trying to have fun. All along Smiv really thought he could help their game and make something new out of these young men, but all he'd do is just get them false hope, making each one better in some way then another, just to fall just like the others. Smiv couldn't keep alive his own Hardcore Ironman so he would have to thieve and use others just to try and make himself better and he would then STILL fail from making himself known as the "HCIM extraordinaire". For these reasons and many many more, we send our thoughts and prayers to these men as we read about their stories.
Firstly the OG, @HC KAZOO was born into the community after creating a beautiful Kazoo creating in a Alora staff group Scribblo event. With such little information of the Hardcore ideas he was just around to have fun in the game. Enjoying the early game of low level skilling he decided to get into the combat grind and got some levels and new the brothers from the Barrow's hills are weak to magic and as many people in Alora do is send it at the Barrows minigame. Just four days into his reign, @
After two days of resting, we've returned with @Died2Torag This time around, the young man took into account needing to get an idea for skilling, so he would take just a little more time getting some early game achievements and skilling done. But the same as the Kazoo, really wanted to get the revenge of Torag (hence the name). And thankfully he was not letting Torag take him down again on this journey and took it back to some skilling and actually passed the other Hardcores total levels! After this he decided to go and get some easy unique items for get over yell, and was successful in this, but also ended up being the fall of him after Dagannoth Rex took sneaky spawn on @Died2Torag and murdered him before he could get his protect from melee up just 18 days of being alive. Hallowed be his name.
Once again, taking a few weeks break to clear the mind, the Kazoo has returned as @Alive Kazoo. . There were no goals made for this account, just LIVE since that was actually a hard thing to do for @
From another few weeks of breaking, the Kazoo tried to make a sneaky comeback with @Whos Kazoo but was shortly spotted AFKing Karambwanji fishing. @
@ Again was a little sneaky to try and keep from being judged too much. This time around he was having fun with the game again, completing achievements left and right, not dying to Torag's with getting over 100 barrows kc! After even getting his first skill 90+ in all of the accounts, quite good and strong barrows items, he took his luck back to the Dagannoth kings, but oh no, @
Then @ He made this with a goal of doing what big man @
Please, HCIM owners, take good care of your Hardcore Ironmen. They too are just people, like all of us normies out there. These HCIM's don't ask to come into the community just to be killed and meme'd. I hope your guy's takeaway from this is to pay attention when playing your Hardcores when grinding them so you can all grow to be the best of the best. Best of luck to each and every one of you.
PSA: Hey guys, on a serious note thank you for viewing my thread! I wanna especially thank @