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[August] Community Awards

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39 replies to this topic

Posted 20 August 2019 - 12:39 PM #1


Posts: 1,356
Likes: 3,978
Clan: ICE
Location: Portugal

  •  Member since:
    17 Sep 2017

    • Time spent:
      229d 12h 48m 38s

  •  Previous username:
    King purple

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found

Hello Alorians and welcome to the 2019 August Community Awards!


You can view the July Community Awards Result here.


I'd be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes and vote for your nominations in the August Community awards!


This thread will be up until 08/25, don't miss your chance to vote!

Good luck!  




1) Guest Accounts will not have their votes counted!

2) You must fill out the entire template provided below. If you do not have anyone to vote for please leave it blank instead.

3) You may NOT vote for yourself.

4) You CANNOT vote for the same person more than 6 times.

5) Any troll posts will be removed and the poster will be infracted.

6) No buying/selling or asking for votes.


Any breached rule will result in disqualification.




Please fill out the entire template.





Best Event Manager:


Best Administrator:


Best Global Moderator:


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game:


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member:


Overall Best Staff Member:






Most Active In-game:


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly:


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer:


Best Raider:


Best Skiller:


Best Clan:


Best Ironman:


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Realism Player:


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall:




Good luck!

KP | One | Horus



Posted 20 August 2019 - 12:46 PM #2

Community Manager

Posts: 743
Likes: 2,843
Location: Estonia

  •  Member since:
    12 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      132d 22h 34m 46s

  •  Previous username:
    Not Tauri

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator:@Fenrir


Best Global Moderator: @Loinen22


Best Forum Moderator: @To gain


Best Server Moderator: @Smiv


Best Server Support:@Moral truth


Most active on Discord: @Paine


Most active In-game:@Loinen22


Most active on Forums:@Moral truth


Most Respected: @God


Most Potential Promotion: @Smiv


Funniest Staff Member:@Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @cmf fiji


Most Active on Forums: @Konar


Most Active on Discord: @Konar


Most Active Overall: @cmf fiji


Most Wealthy: @konic


Most Addicted to Gambling:@konic


Most Friendly:@Elite Sheets"


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran: @Steel Nogan


Best Helper:@cmf fiji


Best Edgeville Pker:@king purple


Best Hybrid:@MADASFUK


Best NH Pker:@Ragragrag46


Best PvMer:@Master Danny


Best Raider:@Master Danny


Best Skiller:@Noobair


Best Clan:ICE


Best Ironman:@Steel Nogan


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman:@Holy sheets


Best Elite Ironman:@Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): BigDickBoys


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Loinen22


Best Realism Player:@Horus


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer: @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber:@Elite Sheets


Best Streamer:@Lowkey


Top Overall:@cmf fiji

Promoted to Server Support - 5/07/2022

Promoted to Server Moderator - 24/07/2022

Promoted to Forum Moderator - 28/08/2022

Promoted to Global Moderator - 02/10/2022

Promoted to Event Manager - 01/12/2022

Promoted to Community Manager - 02/05/2024

Posted 20 August 2019 - 12:49 PM #3



Posts: 623
Likes: 3,129
Clan: Paragon

  •  Member since:
    13 Feb 2019

    • Time spent:
      387d 22h 53m 55s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found
Best Event Manager: king purple
Best Administrator:  Mack
Best Global Moderator:  Kharyrll
Best Forum Moderator:  To gain
Best Server Moderator: Smiv
Best Server Support:  Moral truth
Most active on Discord:   Five
Most active In-game:  Five
Most active on Forums:  Doofy
Most Respected:  God
Most Potential Promotion:  Smiv
Funniest Staff Member:  Kharyrll
Overall Best Staff Member:  Five
Most Active In-game:  Binair
Most Active on Forums:  Dante
Most Active on Discord:  EIM Zarox
Most Active Overall:  cmf fiji
Most Wealthy:  konic
Most Addicted to Gambling:  konic
Most Friendly:  Immortal Fox
Most Respected:  Dante
Coolest Veteran:   Mhk
Best Helper:  Mhk
Best Edgeville Pker:  cmf fiji
Best PvMer: Extremedanny
Best Raider:  Bendzo
Best Skiller:  Noobair
Best Clan: Ice
Best Ironman:  Steel Nogan
Best Hardcore Ironman:  Deadcat22
Best Ultimate Ironman:  Diseased
Best Elite Ironman:  Loo
Best Group ironman (Team): CMF
Best Group Ironman (Player):  Gimgim
Best Realism Player: Realism mode
Best GFX Designer:  Izad
Best Youtuber: Skill 99
Best Streamer: Lowkey
Top Overall: cmf fiji

Posted 20 August 2019 - 12:57 PM #4


Posts: 79
Likes: 110
Clan: ICE
Location: Sweden

  •  Member since:
    25 May 2019

    • Time spent:
      6d 16h 17m 44s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Five


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: @To gain


Best Server Moderator: @Smiv


Best Server Support: @Revol


Most active on Discord: @Five


Most active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: @Moral truth


Most Respected: @Fenrir


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member: @Paine


Overall Best Staff Member: @Five






Most Active In-game:@cmf fiji


Most Active on Forums: @Moral truth


Most Active on Discord: @ Dxnk


Most Active Overall: @cmf fiji


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly: @Exmark


Most Respected: @Fenrir


Coolest Veteran: @Steel Nogan


Best Helper: @EIM Zarox


Best Edgeville Pker: @MADASFUK


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK




Best PvMer: @Iron Redius


Best Raider: @Master Danny


Best Skiller: @Kharyrll


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Holy sheets


Best Elite Ironman: @Not Enzo


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Skill 99


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @king purple

Posted Image

Promoted to Server Support on July 21st, 2019.

Resigned from Server Support on August 31st, 2019.

Official Alora Rules

Support Section | Appeal | Bug Report | Player Report

2FA Setup | Vote | Guides | Updates | Knowledge Base | Highscores

Posted 20 August 2019 - 12:58 PM #5


Posts: 319
Likes: 476
Clan: Paragon

  •  Member since:
    12 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      56d 8h 32m 53s

  •  Previous username:
    No Pants

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: 


Best Administrator: @Groot


Best Global Moderator: @Doofy


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator: @Smiv


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord: @Doofy


Most active In-game: 


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected: @Doofy


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member:


Overall Best Staff Member:






Most Active In-game: @group hih


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord: @T S


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy: @konic


Most Addicted to Gambling: @konic


Most Friendly: @ SuperiorIQ


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: @Jisoo


Best Helper: @LTG Arrow


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: @Chase legend


Best Raider: @elite yin


Best Skiller:


Best Clan: Not biased or anything, but @Dynasty


Best Ironman: @Dragon Sin


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Snakelings


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Eatmyvajyena


Best Elite Ironman: @EIM RB25DET


Best Group ironman (Team): @Dynasty Big Boyz


Best Group Ironman (Player): @OCE Vajyena


Best Realism Player: @lets funk


Best Classic Player: @Swaggydabzzz


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer: @DanDevil


Top Overall:




Good luck!



| Everything Here Designed by @Sunnii |







Community Awards



Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:02 PM #6


Posts: 49
Likes: 110

  •  Member since:
    16 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      6d 18h 34m 8s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @Paine / @king purple (im not picking)


Best Administrator: @Five


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator: @Laardi


Best Server Support: @Revol


Most active on Discord: @king purple


Most active In-game: @king purple


Most active on Forums: @Not Tauri


Most Respected: @God


Most Potential Promotion: @Revol


Funniest Staff Member: @God


Overall Best Staff Member: @God






Most Active In-game: @Master Danny


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: @ Dxnk


Most Active Overall: @lNSOMNlA


Most Wealthy: @S1X7H ST0RM


Most Addicted to Gambling: @MADASFUK


Most Friendly: @Trailer Park


Most Respected: @Horror


Coolest Veteran: @Deadcat22


Best Helper: @Master Danny


Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK


Best NH Pker: @ Easts


Best PvMer: @Redius


Best Raider: @Master Danny


Best Skiller: @cmf fiji


Best Clan: Ice


Best Ironman: @Nomads Iron


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Some random


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): BigDickBoys


Best Group Ironman (Player): @cmf fiji


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer: @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber: @Some random


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @cmf fiji


Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:05 PM #7


Posts: 31
Likes: 125
Clan: #ICE
Location: ;;jail

  •  Member since:
    05 Jun 2019

    • Time spent:
      7d 11h 10m 29s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @God


Best Global Moderator: @Loinen22


Best Forum Moderator: @To Gain


Best Server Moderator: @Not Tauri


Best Server Support: @Theatric


Most active on Discord: -


Most active In-game: -


Most active on Forums: -


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Theatric


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Paine






Most Active In-game: -


Most Active on Forums: @Scuffed EIM


Most Active on Discord: -


Most Active Overall: -


Most Wealthy: @Hki? idek


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Blackpoiint


Most Friendly:  @Iron Redius


Most Respected: @Extremedanny


Coolest Veteran:  @Loo


Best Helper: -


Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK


Best NH Pker: @ Easts


Best PvMer: @Fenrir


Best Raider: @Iron Redius / @Extremedanny


Best Skiller: @Loo


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe & @Steel Nogan


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Holy sheets


Best Elite Ironman: @Scuffed EIM (de-iron you won't)


Best Group ironman (Team): CMF


Best Group Ironman (Player): KKONAR


Best Realism Player: -


Best Classic Player: -


Best GFX Designer: @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber: Elite Sheets / Some random


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Wii

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:14 PM #8


Posts: 871
Likes: 1,812
Clan: Paragon

  •  Member since:
    08 Jan 2017

    • Time spent:
      217d 16h 41m 18s

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Lionen22


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator: @Not Tauri


Best Server Support: @Moral truth


Most active on Discord: @Hellish


Most active In-game: @Laardii


Most active on Forums: @Loinen22


Most Respected: @Mack


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: @Not Tauri


Overall Best Staff Member:@king purple






Most Active In-game: @Im job


Most Active on Forums: @Im job


Most Active on Discord: @Hellish


Most Active Overall: @Laardii


Most Wealthy: @LTG Arrow


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Itzmigu


Most Friendly: @king purple


Most Respected: @Mack


Coolest Veteran: @Detharrow26


Best Helper: @Not Tauri


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: @Iron Redius


Best Raider: @Rusia


Best Skiller: @Deadcat22


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Holy sheets


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): BDB


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Konar


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player: 


Best GFX Designer: @Izad


Best Youtuber: @EIM Sheets


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Deadcat22

Posted Image

Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:15 PM #9

Elite Sheets

Elite Sheets
Posts: 68
Likes: 331
Clan: ICE
Location: Belgium

  •  Member since:
    15 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      8d 21h 9m 59s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @Paine


Best Administrator: @Hellish


Best Global Moderator: @Loinen22


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator: @Not Tauri


Best Server Support: @Moral truth


Most active on Discord: @king purple


Most active In-game: @Laardii


Most active on Forums: @Draisaitl


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Not Tauri


Funniest Staff Member: @Hellish


Overall Best Staff Member: @Paine






Most Active In-game: @Master Danny


Most Active on Forums: @Im Job


Most Active on Discord: @Hellish


Most Active Overall: @Not Tauri


Most Wealthy: @LTG Arrow


Most Addicted to Gambling: @MADASFUK


Most Friendly: @Paine


Most Respected: @Not Tauri


Coolest Veteran: @Deadcat22


Best Helper: @Not Tauri


Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple


Best Hybrid: @Paine


Best NH Pker: @db aspect


Best PvMer: @Master Danny


Best Raider: @Vuqe


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @wymnotbank


Best Elite Ironman: @EIM Eesti


Best Group ironman (Team): Bigdickboys


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Konar


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player: 


Best GFX Designer: @db aspect


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Paine


Posted Image

Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:22 PM #10

Super Donator

Posts: 113
Likes: 170
Clan: Dynasty
Location: Quebec

  •  Member since:
    08 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      20d 15h 27m 7s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found


Best Event Manager: @Five


Best Administrator: @Groot


Best Global Moderator: @Doofy


Best Forum Moderator: @


Best Server Moderator: @Smiv


Best Server Support: @Morgen


Most active on Discord: @Morgen


Most active In-game: @to gain


Most active on Forums: @


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Doofy


Funniest Staff Member: @Smiv


Overall Best Staff Member: @Morgen






Most Active In-game: @allyson


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord: @ Dxnk


Most Active Overall: @Jisoo


Most Wealthy: swaggydabzzz


Most Addicted to Gambling: @S1X7H ST0RM


Most Friendly: @Anowas


Most Respected: @ classic joke


Coolest Veteran: @Loo


Best Helper: @allyson


Best Edgeville Pker: @S1X7H ST0RM


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK




Best PvMer: @iron2ridic


Best Raider: @Bendzo


Best Skiller: @Jisoo


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @Swaggydabz


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Snakelings


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Cant Bank


Best Elite Ironman: @elite yin


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player):  @group hih


Best Realism Player: @Realism mode


Best Classic Player: @ classic joke


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @DanDevil


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: @elite yin





Signature by Code 002

Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:33 PM #11

Group Ironman

Posts: 34
Likes: 131
Clan: ICE

  •  Member since:
    11 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      19d 16h 33m 12s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @Paine


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Loinen22


Best Forum Moderator: @To gain


Best Server Moderator: @Not Tauri


Best Server Support: @Theatric


Most active on Discord: -


Most active In-game: -


Most active on Forums: -


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Theatric


Funniest Staff Member: @Laardii


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: -


Most Active on Forums: @Scuffed EIM


Most Active on Discord: -


Most Active Overall: -


Most Wealthy: -


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Konar


Most Friendly:  @ Easts


Most Respected: @Master Danny


Coolest Veteran:  @Loo


Best Helper: @Scuffed EIM


Best Edgeville Pker: @cmf fiji


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK


Best NH Pker: @ Easts


Best PvMer: @Local Pub (I feel your suffering)


Best Raider: @[member]


Best Skiller: @Master Danny


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @wymnotbank


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): BigDickBoys


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Not Tauri


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player:  :heh: 


Best GFX Designer: @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber: @Skill 99


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @cmf fiji

Posted ImagePosted Image

Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:34 PM #12

Immortal Donator

Posts: 658
Likes: 918
Clan: Paragon

  •  Member since:
    27 Feb 2017

    • Time spent:
      119d 4h 34m 27s

  •  Total level:

  •  11 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Five


Best Global Moderator: @IM Moe


Best Forum Moderator: @To gain


Best Server Moderator: @Exmark


Best Server Support: @Theatric


Most active on Discord: N/A


Most active In-game: @Five


Most active on Forums: @Moral truth


Most Respected: @Paine


Most Potential Promotion: @Theatric


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @Konar


Most Active on Forums: @Skill 99


Most Active on Discord: N/A


Most Active Overall: @Blackpoiint


Most Wealthy: @LTG Arrow


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Skill 99


Most Friendly: @Myerk


Most Respected: @Elite Sheets


Coolest Veteran: @Shamrock


Best Helper: @Real Zeke


Best Edgeville Pker: N/A


Best Hybrid: @Skill 99


Best NH Pker: @Skill 99


Best PvMer: @Master Danny


Best Raider: @CMF Beers


Best Skiller: @Deadcat22


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @uzpisojuodai


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Biggity Bet


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): CMF


Best Group Ironman (Player): @cmf fiji


Best Realism Player: @Real Mitch


Best Classic Player: @Myerk


Best GFX Designer: N/A


Best Youtuber: @Some random


Best Streamer: N/A


Top Overall: @Master Danny

T.O.B. Lootations:


Road to ALL Pets - Click Here

Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:46 PM #13


Posts: 340
Likes: 198

  •  Member since:
    08 Dec 2017

    • Time spent:
      23d 16h 55m 26s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager:  


Best Administrator:


Best Global Moderator: @Doofy


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support: @Morgen


Most active on Discord: @Morgen


Most active In-game:


Most active on Forums: @Morel Truth


Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion: @Doofy


Funniest Staff Member:


Overall Best Staff Member:






Most Active In-game: @CMF Beers


Most Active on Forums:  @J Boogs


Most Active on Discord: @konic


Most Active Overall: @Jisoo


Most Wealthy: @konic


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: @Aryan Dream


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: @7ashkal


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: @ SuperiorIQ


Best Raider: @Bendzo


Best Skiller: 


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @revitalize


Best Hardcore Ironman: @revitalize


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: @elite yin


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Realism Player:


Best Classic Player: @Swaggy


Best GFX Designer: @BlueJay


Best Youtuber: 


Best Streamer: 


Top Overall: @elite yin


Main: @Anowas

Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:58 PM #14


Posts: 493
Likes: 997
Location: ;;Barrows

  •  Member since:
    02 Jul 2017

    • Time spent:
      135d 23h 28m 41s

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found


Best Event Manager:

@king purple

Best Administrator:


Best Global Moderator:


Best Forum Moderator:

@To gain

Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game:


Most active on Forums:

@IM Moe

Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member:


Overall Best Staff Member:



Most Active In-game:

@cmf fiji

Most Active on Forums:

@LTG Arrow

Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:

@Eim Trump

Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly:

@cmf fiji

Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran:


Best Helper:

@EIM Zarox

Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:

@ Easts

Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer:

@Master Danny

Best Raider:

@Iron Redius

Best Skiller:


Best Clan:


Best Ironman:

@Steel Nogan

Best Hardcore Ironman:

@Some random

Best Ultimate Ironman:

@Holy sheets

Best Elite Ironman:


Best Group ironman (Team):


Best Group Ironman (Player):


Best Realism Player:


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall:

@cmf fiji

Posted Image


Posted 20 August 2019 - 01:59 PM #15

LTG Arrow

LTG Arrow
Posts: 322
Likes: 410
Clan: #Dynasty
Location: Denmark

  •  Member since:
    12 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      42d 20h 49m 50s

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Hellish


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: @To Gain


Best Server Moderator: @Smiv


Best Server Support: @Moral truth


Most active on Discord: N/A


Most active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: @To Gain


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: N/A


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: N/A


Most Active on Discord: N/A


Most Active Overall: @Noobair


Most Wealthy: @W Y D


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Nomads Iron


Most Friendly: @Deadcat22


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran: @iron aritus oh nvm haha - @Extremedanny


Best Helper: Eim Zarox


Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple


Best Hybrid: N/A


Best NH Pker: N/A


Best PvMer: @Master Danny


Best Raider: @Master Danny


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: N/A


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Master Danny


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player: @ 908


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Master Danny

<p class='bbc_center'>Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image</p><p class='bbc_center'><br /><br /><span style='color: #ff8c00'>Check the links down below if you require any help! </span></p><p class='bbc_center'><a href='https://www.alora.io...count-recovery/' class='bbc_url' title=''>2FA & Account Recovery</a></p><p class='bbc_center'>|</p><p class='bbc_center'><a href='https://www.alora.io...t-issues-guide/' class='bbc_url' title=''>Client Assistance</a></p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 10px;'>| </span></span></p><p class='bbc_center'><a href='https://www.alora.io...official-rules/' class='bbc_url' title=''>Official Rules</a></p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 10px;'>| </span></span></p><p class='bbc_center'><a href='https://www.alora.io...rum/27-appeals/' class='bbc_url' title=''>Appeal</a></p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 10px;'>| </span></span></p><p class='bbc_center'>Bug Report</p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 10px;'>| </span></span></p><p class='bbc_center'>Updates </p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-size: 12px;'><span style='font-family: Arial'>Promoted to </span></span><span style='color: #99ccff'><span style='font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>Server Support </span></span></span><span style='font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>on August 31th, 2019</span></span></p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-size: 12px;'><span style='font-family: Arial'>Promoted to</span><span style='color: #a4a4a4'><span style='font-family: Arial'> </span></span><span style='color: #1e90ff'><span style='font-family: Arial'>Server Moderator</span></span><span style='color: #a4a4a4'><span style='font-family: Arial'> </span></span><span style='font-family: Arial'>on</span><span style='color: #a4a4a4'><span style='font-family: Arial'> </span></span><span style='font-family: Arial'>September</span><span style='font-family: Arial'> 30th, 2019</span></span></p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-size: 12px;'><span style='font-family: Arial'>Stepped down from the staff team on October 23rd, 2019 :(</span></span></p><p class='bbc_center'><span style='font-family: Arial'>Proudly returned to the team as </span><span style='color: #1e90ff'><span style='font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>Server Moderator </span></span></span>on November 5th, 2019 :Poggers:</p>

Posted 20 August 2019 - 02:13 PM #16


Posts: 191
Likes: 186
Clan: #ICE
Location: EU

  •  Member since:
    02 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      33d 26m 45s

  •  Previous username:
    Nomads Iron

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Fenrir


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator: @Smiv


Best Server Support: @Theatric


Most active on Discord: @king purple


Most active In-game: @Paine


Most active on Forums: @king purple


Most Respected: @Omicron


Most Potential Promotion: @Not Tauri


Funniest Staff Member: @king purple


Overall Best Staff Member: @Lowkey






Most Active In-game: @A40gdab


Most Active on Forums: @iron aritus


Most Active on Discord: @ Easts


Most Active Overall: @iron aritus


Most Wealthy: @LTG Arrow


Most Addicted to Gambling: @LTG Arrow


Most Friendly: @Oce Vajyena


Most Respected: @Vuqe


Coolest Veteran: @Extremedanny


Best Helper: @iron aritus


Best Edgeville Pker: @ Easts


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK




Best PvMer: @Noobair


Best Raider: @Iron Redius


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Holy sheets


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): Dannys team


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Master Danny


Best Realism Player: @Im job


Best Classic Player: @BornToFail


Best GFX Designer: @Izad


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @iron aritus

Posted 20 August 2019 - 02:18 PM #17


Posts: 316
Likes: 434
Clan: LMB

  •  Member since:
    19 Dec 2018

    • Time spent:
      76d 5h 9m 39s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found

Best Event Manager: king purple


Best Administrator: Mack


Best Global Moderator: Doofy


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support: Moral truth


Most active on Discord: 


Most active In-game: Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: Moral truth


Most Respected: king purple


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: king purple






Most Active In-game: CMF Beers


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: CrankedDT


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy: konic


Most Addicted to Gambling: konic


Most Friendly: Noobair


Most Respected: Noobair


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: 


Best Hybrid: 


Best NH Pker: group hih


Best PvMer: 


Best Raider: Noobair


Best Skiller: Noobair


Best Clan: Dynasty


Best Ironman: Nomads Iron


Best Hardcore Ironman: Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: Sassafras


Best Elite Ironman: Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): CMF Beers


Best Realism Player: 


Best Classic Player: Myerk


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: Lowkey


Best Streamer: Lowkey


Top Overall: 

Best Event Manager: king purple


Best Administrator: Mack


Best Global Moderator: Doofy


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support: Moral truth


Most active on Discord: 


Most active In-game: Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: Moral truth


Most Respected: king purple


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: king purple






Most Active In-game: CMF Beers


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: CrankedDT


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy: konic


Most Addicted to Gambling: konic


Most Friendly: Noobair


Most Respected: Noobair


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: 


Best Hybrid: 


Best NH Pker: group hih


Best PvMer: 


Best Raider: Noobair


Best Skiller: Noobair


Best Clan: Dynasty


Best Ironman: Nomads Iron


Best Hardcore Ironman: Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: Sassafras


Best Elite Ironman: Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): CMF Beers


Best Realism Player: 


Best Classic Player: Myerk


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: Lowkey


Best Streamer: Lowkey


Top Overall: 

Posted Image

Community Awards


Posted 20 August 2019 - 02:21 PM #18


Posts: 735
Likes: 1,038
Clan: Memories OSRS

  •  Member since:
    08 Dec 2016

    • Time spent:
      77d 16h 14m 37s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple | @Paine


Best Administrator: @God | @Five


Best Global Moderator: @Doofy


Best Forum Moderator: @To gain


Best Server Moderator: @Smiv


Best Server Support: @Moral truth


Most active on Discord: @Five


Most active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: @Paine


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Doofy


Funniest Staff Member: @Doofy | @king purple


Overall Best Staff Member: @Doofy






Most Active In-game: @CrankedDT


Most Active on Forums: @J boogs


Most Active on Discord: @CrankedDT


Most Active Overall: @CrankedDT


Most Wealthy: @konic


Most Addicted to Gambling: @konic


Most Friendly: @elite yin


Most Respected: @Chicken be


Coolest Veteran: @Eim ash


Best Helper: @LTG Arrow


Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple


Best Hybrid: @group hih | @Bewsted


Best NH Pker: @CMF Beers


Best PvMer: @elite yin


Best Raider: @Swaggydabzzz | @Bendzo


Best Skiller: @Aryan Dream | @J boogs


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @tae iron


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Snakelings


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Eatmyvajyena


Best Elite Ironman: @elite yin


Best Group ironman (Team): Dynasty All Stars


Best Group Ironman (Player): @INSERT TOB


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player: @Swaggydabzzz | @Ehh Canadian


Best GFX Designer: @Isaac


Best Youtuber: @DanDevil


Best Streamer: @DanDevil


Top Overall: @CrankedDT

Posted Image

Posted Image


Posted 20 August 2019 - 02:27 PM #19

EIM Zarox

EIM Zarox
Posts: 381
Likes: 666
Clan: ICE
Location: Denmark

  •  Member since:
    16 Nov 2018

    • Time spent:
      96d 4h 54m 27s

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @Paine and @king purple both of them, saints.


Best Administrator: @Five


Best Global Moderator: @Doofy


Best Forum Moderator: @To gain


Best Server Moderator: @Not Tauri


Best Server Support: @Theatric


Most active on Discord: @Moral truth


Most active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: @Moral truth


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @IM Moe


Funniest Staff Member: @Five


Overall Best Staff Member: @Lowkey






Most Active In-game: @LTG Arrow


Most Active on Forums: @Elite Sheets


Most Active on Discord: @t s


Most Active Overall: @


Most Wealthy: @konic


Most Addicted to Gambling: @konic


Most Friendly: @Elite Sheets


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran: @Vuqe


Best Helper: @Alissa


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: @Steel Nogan


Best Raider: @Vuqe


Best Skiller: @Kharyrll


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Sassafras


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): Hairline loc


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Kharyrll


Best Realism Player: @Horus


Best Classic Player: @Dazekiel


Best GFX Designer: @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber: @Skill 99


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Noobair

Graveyard [only dcs sad game]

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted ImagePosted Image

Posted ImagePosted Image
Posted Image

Posted 20 August 2019 - 02:40 PM #20


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,848
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      448d 23h 41m 22s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found



Best Event Manager:

@king purple  & @Paine

Best Administrator:


Best Global Moderator:


Best Forum Moderator:

@To gain

Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support:

@Moral truth

Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game:

@king purple

Most active on Forums:


Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member:

@Smiv thinking he's going to start another Hardcore

Overall Best Staff Member:






Most Active In-game:

@Master Danny

Most Active on Forums:

@IM Moe

Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:

@cmf fiji

Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly:


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper:

@EIM Zarox

Best Edgeville Pker:

@king purple

Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer:


Best Raider:


Best Skiller:


Best Clan:


Best Ironman:

@Iron Redius

Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Realism Player:


Best Classic Player:

@ classic joke

Best GFX Designer:

@DB Aspect

Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall:

@Omicron and Chad

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