Skotizo - shows when its active on game panel, since logging in doesnt show that skotizo is active if you've missed the broadcast. Maybe add a timer till how long it despawns (12 Minutes remaining)
Change legendary donor skin color - hardly anyone uses the bogey (or at least have a poll on other colors since it is really underused)
If a new color is added, maybe allow the people who have purchased the green previously to still be able to use it as skin from donor manager or make over mage or something (legacy skin) but new legendaries or legendaries+ who haven't bought skin won't be able to, just the new one.
Real player statistics ( Game Panel ) - Could include stats such as; number of enemies frozen (barrage), trees planted, total fish cooked, ores mined, # of times hit a max hit etc..
Key master tele make it work
Olm slayer task - I've used slayer helm in raids 1 with armadyl for shits and giggles, it isnt even too bad, i'd say its viable if we were able to have raids 1 (olm) tasks.
Maybe make it so you only get it after a certain CoX Kc.. 10 for example - Allow to choose 1-35 instead of 3-35 or just assign 1 just jad/zuk task
Change Chaos Elemental task to the wilderness master (free's up a block space)
More block stots, 6 for super, 7 Extreme, 8 Legendary etc..