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Better Client

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Posted 20 November 2019 - 10:26 PM #21

Rlz James

Rlz James
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I love the idea just not sure how this program would take place of java and still run this, I don’t think converting a .jar into another file type or making a whole new launcher is a easy task. This is a fairly big task and not sure how this new client would interact with the current server and still maintain support for current .jar client. Not a developer but this sounds really cool if possible and not absurdly difficult.

+1 if this is possible

I think if we are to change clients, rather than looking into this too much, we should change to Runelite personally. I think it’ll be of more benefit to a wider range of users.

So runlite and alora are both jars but directly porting is very difficult, a user on YouTube who goes by I-yam-Jeremy Has attempted to port and it seems very difficult, runelite was designed to work with osrs and it’s code, directly porting it is not 1:1 because alora is a 317 and osrs is similar but not a 317 meaning even if the code for both were similar it still would need a human to go in and change a lot for runelite client and plugins to work.

https://github.com/i...jeremy/rspslite this was the last repository posted of the project
Was given up on because I-yam-Jeremy is not a alora dev and found it difficult to make a 3rd party client when both osrs and alora kept updating meaning the translation he had made to make a plugin work would be undone due to some sort of code being changed when the game was being updated that would break this program.


Posted 23 June 2020 - 05:54 PM #22


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This type of client is unneeded with the addition of the Runelite client.

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