What is your suggestion?:
My suggestion is to add a player alphabetize toggle in the Clan chat editor, or adding this in as a permanent setting. Yes, currently it does a alright job at categorizing the players, Ex: Being players online view at the top of the list and to ones who recently just joined or have been added to the cc view near the bottom of the list. If there was to be a toggle option like so, it can be something exactly like the trading post has with toggle listing prices/names etc. This option can be added for both rank categorizing and alphabetizing players in the clan chat.
Here is a example of what i'm referring to for those who are unaware..
Is this in OSRS?:
I'd assume so, been a while since I've been on OSRS
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Don't believe so.
How would this benefit Alora?:
I'm sure a lot of other clan recruiters know what i'm talking about and have the same pain I do when searching for players that i'm dealing with/ranking up, etc. I personally see zero harm in adding this and defiantly think everyone would benefit from this addition.
Short, sweet and simple!
Again, probably least of priorities right now but please add!!!
Kind Regards,