Hello fellow Alorians! Sarah AKA Kitty Is Bad/Issiel/Katfish/3WayScripter/Planked Bank here! This thread will very much be in the same format as my previous PVP suggestions thread. The goals of these suggestions will be as follows:
- Revive the wilderness - It's currently dead.
- Create incentives for both regular accounts and ironmen to enter the wilderness
- Making PKing more consistent and rewarding.
I am writing this as a player who enjoys and plays Alora in nearly every aspect. I've had around 5 ironmen accounts in the past, and currently am playing one and advancing it quite far. However, I am also a PKer as a part of #Peeks and #LMB. That means that suggestions will be balanced and, as far as I'm able to, avoid bias towards either ironman or PKers. The wilderness is supposed to have a 'High risk, high reward' sort of feel to it- Currently, there is very little reward, and the risk isn't very high either. These changes will hope to return to that mentality, which will breathe life into a whole world of content for all players, PKers and PVMers alike. With that said, let's get into suggestions!
- Wilderness Slayer Tier Upgrade [Chance]
Add a chance (50% seems balanced in my eyes) for the highest tier mysterious emblem to be upgraded after killing the final NPC for your wilderness slayer task. This of course means that they have to risk the tier for at least the last kill of their task.
EDIT: Another suggestion is to make it per kill on task so players have to risk the emblem over their entire task. Something like .01% x NPC HP per kill chance of upgrading (For reference, it'd be a 1.16% chance for a hellhound on task. in this case). Thanks to @
Currently, Wilderness slayer isn't.. very worth it for normal accounts or ironmen. There has been the recent addition of Larran keys (That will be discussed in just a moment), but still it is hard for normal accounts to find value in wilderness slayer. It has added risk with only the added benefit of tier 1 drops and slightly increased slayer points. Adding this will give normal players the chance to earn PKP for imbues or the store, which will increase the worth of wilderness slayer.
- Larran's Keys
Buff drop rate of Larran's Keys, making them as common, or in my opinion, more common than brimstone keys. Have them auto-lose on death if not already (Did 4 tasks, didn't get a single key to test that). Perhaps use a formula similar to PVP armor/weapon drops that would increase chances of drop rate based on NPC level and wilderness level.
Brimstone keys are wonderful- Rather consistent, great rewards, making even the most boring slayer tasks have an element of small surprise and enjoyment from them. Larran's Keys should increase the worth of doing wilderness slayer, but currently they are so rare that it just isn't worth it to risk your gear in the wilderness to try to achieve them. Making them more common would increase the reward of doing wilderness slayer, something that is definitely lacking.
- Rev Cave Risk
Add a required GP risk to entering the rev caves, at least enough to reward PKers a tier-up.
Currently, any lvl 40 can enter rev caves without much risk of PKers, risking whatever they want. I see many iron-scim wielding ironmen sprint into the caves and get strong emblem drops, rev weapons, supplies, for no risk and no reason to PK them. This will also dissuade multi-logged scouts that is technically breaking the rules, but are near impossible for non-staff players to catch and report. This will increase PKing activity near revs, which is usually pretty accessible to anybody with a couple buddies or a clan since it is a muli-combat zone.
- Supply Chests
The following are suggestions to the supply chest:
- Increase combat level to open (100+)
- Increase risk required to open (1m+)
- Prevent log-out (including x-log) for the duration of teleblock OR increase teleblock timer to 5 minutes and allow log out.
The supply chest is beyond overpowered in its current state for ironman. I'd say I go to 30% of supply chests on days I'm playing alora, and every time I go, I see accounts who are barely risking the required amount (200k at the moment, IIRC), and such a low combat that only pures could attack them. For being so profitable as an ironman for supplies, and for regular accounts for PVP armor/weapons, there should be an added risk required to open them. Currently, as well, if you get the chest you can instantly log-out to remove the teleblock. By removing that option, or increasing the teleblock timer, the risk of the chest will extend past just needing to rush for the chest and log out before anybody can hit you.
- Wilderness Bosses
The following are some possible changes to make bossing in the wilderness more worthwhile. They are all rather risky besides Venne, so they should be more rewarding. These changes can be applied to on-task only, or off-task as well.
- Higher chance at PVP armor/weapons
- Chance to drop Dark Totem (Skotizo Spawn)
- More Larran's Keys
- Move Chin Teleport to 36 Wildy
Most chin teleport directly north onto the hill in 36 wilderness. This will allow PKers a chance to kill PVMers/PKers in more than one freeze like how it currently is, as well as give PVMers a shorter run to rev entrance.
- Logout Timer Fix
This is purely a mechanic fix. Currently, the timer for log-out after combat is much shorter than the ten seconds it should be. This makes it ridiculously easy to escape from solo-PKers. Fixing this will make it closer to 07. It is around 8.5 seconds with my testing, so adding that 1.5 seconds will give solo PKers a better chance.
- Buff Range
In my previous PVP suggestions fix thread, we asked for a mage buff. However, that came with a range nerf as well. While I'm okay with where mage is currently, range is pretty... useless even against d'hides. Buffing its accuracy would make pking more viable, as bolts will actually hit people, even off prayer. I'm more than willing to do further testing into this suggestion if necessary!
- Add POH Obelisk
I'm not sure much explanation would be needed. It'd be cool to have alternative paths to rogue's castle, revs, chins, etc.
- Make PVP Armor/Weapons Work in EdgePVP and White Portal
Self explanatory.
- Add Runelite, nobody wants/uses HD if that's truly the limiting factor.
And that about covers it! Special thanks to @
Additional topics from further discussion/suggestions:
- Ability to drink antivenoms/antifires to extend duration properly