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Wilderness Revival

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Posted 22 July 2019 - 06:27 AM #21


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Great job on the thread, support from me!

Posted 22 July 2019 - 01:54 PM #22

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support all but the rev caves... there are plenty of people starting there ironmen accounts that need the loot from there at very low levels... and ironmen even at higher levels dont want to risk 1m every time going into the rev caves.. Id be fine with that on normal accounts but not ironmen. Also this is not in real runescape why make it like that in Alora



Posted 22 July 2019 - 07:47 PM #23

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support all but the rev caves... there are plenty of people starting there ironmen accounts that need the loot from there at very low levels... and ironmen even at higher levels dont want to risk 1m every time going into the rev caves.. Id be fine with that on normal accounts but not ironmen. Also this is not in real runescape why make it like that in Alora

Hey there! I appreciate the feedback. The reason why revs are so dang good and overpowered for ironman is because there is supposed to be the added risk of getting PKed as well. As much as I'd love to give ironman easy supplies and alchables, as well as BiS for wilderness PVMing with killing a 10 hp rev imp, its not very fair if they do not have to worry about PKers. Please remember that 07 is much, much higher in playerbase than Alora, and things will need to be tweaked to make it more enjoyable (Ex. Teleport Wizard that you every time you play Alora). 

If a risk is not added, I'd suggest to at least bump up the combat lvl once more so that the typical pure bracket can attack all players allowed in the cave. PKers shouldn't have to use a unique build to pk in a place that should be combat-level limited, in my opinion. Level 60 combat would solve this issue (Most pures are 89 combat.)

Again- Thank you for your response and I do see your points. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further suggestions, opinions, or questions. Have a good one! :)



Posted 22 July 2019 - 07:59 PM #24


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100% support, good ideas fellas


Posted 22 July 2019 - 08:05 PM #25

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I believe I'd support everything mentioned tbh. The idea of getting an emblem upgrade after a slayer task seems pretty OP, but maybe that would give the wild a small boost of activity with wildy slayer being worth it. (It's worth the shot since we can always go back and nerf it if needed).



I also had a random thought the other day on how maybe we could implement having the option of being red skulled with 'x' amount of risk required, maybe 1-2m? in order to recieve a drop rate buff for the wilderness bosses/skotizo etc.

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Posted 22 July 2019 - 08:09 PM #26

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Gonna have to say i agree with all of these as someone who has a EIM and also enjoys a bit of pking here and there.




Posted 22 July 2019 - 08:27 PM #27


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i support this completely as well as fixing gim accounts having the availability to use bloody chest as other irons can.

Posted 22 July 2019 - 08:29 PM #28

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I believe I'd support everything mentioned tbh. The idea of getting an emblem upgrade after a slayer task seems pretty OP, but maybe that would give the wild a small boost of activity with wildy slayer being worth it. (It's worth the shot since we can always go back and nerf it if needed).



I also had a random thought the other day on how maybe we could implement having the option of being red skulled with 'x' amount of risk required, maybe 1-2m? in order to recieve a drop rate buff for the wilderness bosses/skotizo etc.

Thanks for your response and further suggestions!

The red-skull idea is kinda neat, for sure! Not sure if it's really needed at the moment, though. Great thought, regardless!



Posted 22 July 2019 - 08:36 PM #29

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Alot of support! Great post.


If i may add, Could we make the bounty hunter teleport give a multi way combat warning?

Posted 22 July 2019 - 09:20 PM #30


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Alright let's break this down.

So you propose upgrading emblems through slayer. This does the opposite of help pking. Becuase now I don't have to pk for my emblems anymore! i'll just do slayer, as I assume anyone would. My point is, now, instead of pking for emblems, i'll just do some low level low risk slayer tasks for free emblems. Not bringing light to pking. Just buffing wilderness slayer. I would get constant skeleton, bears, scorpions, thieve tasks over and over to upgrade emblems. 0 risk required. 

No support.
No comment on the key drop rates. I don't do wilderness slayer but I average about 1.5 brimstone keys per task so if it's anything less I wouldn't mind seeing an increased drop rate 


Rev cave gp risk just sounds like an awful idea; you comment about level 40 iron men with iron scimitar killing the northwest imp for millions and millions of gp! First off, they're taking 1 out of 25 revenant spawns, most of the time pkers have pures to log into if they really want to kill them for their 27 ether. Also, I personally did this, I killed the revenant imps long enough to get a rune crossbow, and rune scimitar drop and I was done. I would not have hardly anything to risk at that level. I see no need to risk to enter. If you're worried about getting emblem upgrades don't expect people to risk 500k upon entry of rev caves. expect people to risk 500k after 5 minutes of revs. 



You want to make the combat level 100+ for the chest to be opened. That kills the pures pking in the wilderness even more. 

Make the gp risk 1m, sure, don't see why that wouldn't hurt

If people are attacking one another around the chest as that's why they were put in. To bring activity to pvp I don't see how logging out is an issue as one should be in combat after looting it. 

Neutral/No support


More rewarding wilderness bosses, 

Neutral Only because dark totems aren't all that valuable if you just do slayer for a day you should have 3-4 days worth of totems. More pvp armours is the game is debatable on how you feel about them. They are very rare but some feel as if they're overpowered so some could argue you don't want to make them very common. As far as the keys no opinion.


Move chins to level 36 wilderness. No

No support.


Log out timer, buffing range, pvp armours in edge pvp and clan wars white



Adding obelisk in POH 

Support, it should be, and would be cool to see it added. 


Edit: Do I think the wilderness needs a revitalization? Not in dire need, seems fairly active whenever i'm in the wilderness which isn't 24/7, do I think these are the ways to bring more attention to it? No. 

Edited by Elite Yin, 22 July 2019 - 09:23 PM.

Posted 23 July 2019 - 03:54 PM #31

Xx panda xx

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I agree with this topic

Posted 23 July 2019 - 04:03 PM #32

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Alright let's break this down.

So you propose upgrading emblems through slayer. This does the opposite of help pking. Becuase now I don't have to pk for my emblems anymore! i'll just do slayer, as I assume anyone would. My point is, now, instead of pking for emblems, i'll just do some low level low risk slayer tasks for free emblems. Not bringing light to pking. Just buffing wilderness slayer. I would get constant skeleton, bears, scorpions, thieve tasks over and over to upgrade emblems. 0 risk required. 

No support.
No comment on the key drop rates. I don't do wilderness slayer but I average about 1.5 brimstone keys per task so if it's anything less I wouldn't mind seeing an increased drop rate 


Rev cave gp risk just sounds like an awful idea; you comment about level 40 iron men with iron scimitar killing the northwest imp for millions and millions of gp! First off, they're taking 1 out of 25 revenant spawns, most of the time pkers have pures to log into if they really want to kill them for their 27 ether. Also, I personally did this, I killed the revenant imps long enough to get a rune crossbow, and rune scimitar drop and I was done. I would not have hardly anything to risk at that level. I see no need to risk to enter. If you're worried about getting emblem upgrades don't expect people to risk 500k upon entry of rev caves. expect people to risk 500k after 5 minutes of revs. 



You want to make the combat level 100+ for the chest to be opened. That kills the pures pking in the wilderness even more. 

Make the gp risk 1m, sure, don't see why that wouldn't hurt

If people are attacking one another around the chest as that's why they were put in. To bring activity to pvp I don't see how logging out is an issue as one should be in combat after looting it. 

Neutral/No support


More rewarding wilderness bosses, 

Neutral Only because dark totems aren't all that valuable if you just do slayer for a day you should have 3-4 days worth of totems. More pvp armours is the game is debatable on how you feel about them. They are very rare but some feel as if they're overpowered so some could argue you don't want to make them very common. As far as the keys no opinion.


Move chins to level 36 wilderness. No

No support.


Log out timer, buffing range, pvp armours in edge pvp and clan wars white



Adding obelisk in POH 

Support, it should be, and would be cool to see it added. 


Edit: Do I think the wilderness needs a revitalization? Not in dire need, seems fairly active whenever i'm in the wilderness which isn't 24/7, do I think these are the ways to bring more attention to it? No. 

Hey there! Thanks for your responses. 

I won't repeat myself with the rev point, since my explanation would be the same as my original post. Seems that we don't agree, which is fine! 

However, the whole point of this thread isn't just revive pking- It's to revive the wilderness. The more players in the wilderness, the more PKing there will be, simple as that. There's no other teams besides liths and lmb, and we rarely fight. If you want to see the wilderness activity, check out black chins, mage bank, and KBD teleports. Three prime pk spots, and I've sat there for two-three hours, only to see people with 0 risk run through. 

Wilderness currently doesn't have a lot of content available, for both ironmen and normal accounts. The goal is to make wilderness have higher reward, and require higher risk. Pking would be fair money in most cases (See point about revs).

The requirement to open the supply chest is to avoid cheese ironman accounts from camping the supply chest without risk. I can agree that 100 may be too high- Drop it down to 85, so that pures can open it. Good point!

Also, please explain your thoughts about the black chin teleport if you get a chance.




Posted 24 July 2019 - 05:19 AM #33

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Alright let's break this down.

So you propose upgrading emblems through slayer. This does the opposite of help pking. Becuase now I don't have to pk for my emblems anymore! i'll just do slayer, as I assume anyone would. My point is, now, instead of pking for emblems, i'll just do some low level low risk slayer tasks for free emblems. Not bringing light to pking. Just buffing wilderness slayer. I would get constant skeleton, bears, scorpions, thieve tasks over and over to upgrade emblems. 0 risk required. 

No support.
No comment on the key drop rates. I don't do wilderness slayer but I average about 1.5 brimstone keys per task so if it's anything less I wouldn't mind seeing an increased drop rate 


Rev cave gp risk just sounds like an awful idea; you comment about level 40 iron men with iron scimitar killing the northwest imp for millions and millions of gp! First off, they're taking 1 out of 25 revenant spawns, most of the time pkers have pures to log into if they really want to kill them for their 27 ether. Also, I personally did this, I killed the revenant imps long enough to get a rune crossbow, and rune scimitar drop and I was done. I would not have hardly anything to risk at that level. I see no need to risk to enter. If you're worried about getting emblem upgrades don't expect people to risk 500k upon entry of rev caves. expect people to risk 500k after 5 minutes of revs. 



You want to make the combat level 100+ for the chest to be opened. That kills the pures pking in the wilderness even more. 

Make the gp risk 1m, sure, don't see why that wouldn't hurt

If people are attacking one another around the chest as that's why they were put in. To bring activity to pvp I don't see how logging out is an issue as one should be in combat after looting it. 

Neutral/No support


More rewarding wilderness bosses, 

Neutral Only because dark totems aren't all that valuable if you just do slayer for a day you should have 3-4 days worth of totems. More pvp armours is the game is debatable on how you feel about them. They are very rare but some feel as if they're overpowered so some could argue you don't want to make them very common. As far as the keys no opinion.


Move chins to level 36 wilderness. No

No support.


Log out timer, buffing range, pvp armours in edge pvp and clan wars white



Adding obelisk in POH 

Support, it should be, and would be cool to see it added. 


Edit: Do I think the wilderness needs a revitalization? Not in dire need, seems fairly active whenever i'm in the wilderness which isn't 24/7, do I think these are the ways to bring more attention to it?


first of all the wilderness is not active at all , its literally dead as fuck. second point : Why are u neutral on pvp armours/weapons in edgepvp. ur not a pker at all so i dont see a reason why u should be against it , u probably never even used pvp weapons. Third point : range really needs a buff , its not normal that u hit 0 bolts b2b2b2b on robes off pray. 






Posted 26 July 2019 - 10:07 AM #34

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Very well put togheter list with suggestions benefitting all kinds of players on alora, Support all!

Posted 27 July 2019 - 12:33 AM #35

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Maybe for the rev caves make it so the etherum bracelet always drops on death and make its value enough to provide a tier upgrade?


Also maybe make it so ether stored in bracelet is dropped upon death like the rev weapons?


Posted 27 July 2019 - 11:02 PM #36

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A few of these have been accepted, following the most recent update: https://www.alora.io...ation-and-more/

Your suggestion has been accepted.

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