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Theatre of Blood Drop Rate Buff

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Poll: BUFF OR NO BUFF (82 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think Theatre of Blood drop rates should be buffed?

  1. Yes (48 votes [57.83%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 57.83%

  2. No (35 votes [42.17%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.17%


Posted 18 July 2019 - 12:22 AM #41


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Some really good points brought forth so far by both sides but I hope there was a way to get more people doing raids to make it active all the time. As some people stated above, it takes far too long to find a group to go with and this may be due to the drop rates. Maybe remove the fact that there is only purple per group as this could encourage even those with the most basic gear to tag along and not feel that their gear or their donator status is going to put them at a major disadvantage.


If raids were more active, I don't think people would be as bummed about the drop rates. The grind is 10x harder when finding a group is a problem.

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Posted 18 July 2019 - 01:09 AM #42

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Very true, as someone who does ToB on Alora and OSRS, I completely agree that the ToB drop rates aren't anywhere near what they are like in RS. I see more purples in the official game than I do on here and it should definitely be buffed or at least looked at.

Posted 18 July 2019 - 07:49 AM #43


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People go 1k+ dry for a tbow and are not crying about it, those items should be rare for a reason. ToB itself is easier than in OSRS anyways, why would we ask to buff the drop rate? In my opinion, ToB is in perfect state and my vote will still be "No" and that's never going to change


going 1000 dry at a AFK solo-able NPC is easy, if TOB was scaled like COX was I dont think anyone would be complaining.

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Posted 18 July 2019 - 08:54 AM #44


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going 1000 dry at a AFK solo-able NPC is easy, if TOB was scaled like COX was I dont think anyone would be complaining.

I would prefer to make cox droprate same as ToB droprate that would be pog.
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Posted 18 July 2019 - 09:00 AM #45

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Where is his reply out of context when in the original post it quite literally says "



He voted no, So he stated his reason why. lol.




On the subject of "Bonuses don't have anything to do with the actual drop rate of tob"


If everybody feels this way, It's very simple for us to just not enable these bonuses anymore. They are in fact, "Bonuses", Not requirements. I saw two scythes pop up other day when the bonus was enabled, Weird coincidence I guess though lol.



Voted No as the drop rates match OSRS as @Omicron stated and that's the way it should be (and hopefully stays)


Rng is just that, Rng.



  - Josh/God :Kkomrade:


Was not saying his reply was out of context. And no one in this thread said we don't want the bonus anymore, in my opinion that's the only real chance we have of getting loot at the moment. 


Also what I find strange is almost ALL staff members voted no to this thread, but what's funny to me is almost ALL staff members are Immortal rank or high donators... You guys don't have the issue.


Maybe that's only funny to me, but the fact that HIGH donor staff members who are able to actually get drops, decided to vote no to this thread. Very very interesting.


Thanks for your feedback.

Posted 18 July 2019 - 09:42 AM #46


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I would prefer to make cox droprate same as ToB droprate that would be pog.


personally I would love to see COX actually hard lol....maybe incorporate a "hard mode" into it

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Posted 18 July 2019 - 10:32 AM #47


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I voted NO, here are my reasons;


Both raids tables are stupidly over vamped to the point where some items from raids aren't even congratulated anymore, i.e the 'Prayer Scroll' or the 'Avernic Defender'. Back before winter just gone (December 2018) Raids were at a perfect spot, items were at stable prices for example, Prayer scrolls was around 200-225m, Avernic defenders were around 900-1.2b each. Now you'd be lucky to sell a scroll for 75m and an Avernic for 300m. Since the COX buff that @Omicron applied a few months ago, I have personally seen a Twisted Bow at least 1-3 a week, there were a few cases of some GIM's and EIM's obtaining 3 Bows in 100 KC. I don't know if you played when I started, but raids drops were actually an accomplishment. The state of raids and the increased loot has had a direct impact on the economy, thus destroying the incentive to raid in the first place. Theatre of Blood has already seen a buff, which was obvious when before buff I had received nothing but the pet in 115 kc. I now lay around 450 KC and have had;


- 10 Avernic defenders

- 3 Grazier Rapiers

- 3 Sangunesti Staffs (however you spell it)

- 1 Justicar Helm

- 1 Justicar Platebody

- 2 Justicar Platelegs

- 2 Lil Zik Pets


So you're telling me 22 drops post buff isn't a "buff"? Also consider the variables of time. Theatre of blood takes 15-18 minutes (with a good team) so you can do 2-3 TOB's before you finish 1 solo/duo COX. 


Donator rank


You could argue that because of donator rank that's why they get so many items and it's "unfair". Just think if this ridiculous suggestion gets passed in one of the updates, the larger donator ranks will reap in all the rewards further destroying the prices of the raids items making raiding utterly useless for non ironman game modes. Here's a suggestion for you all in a matter of fact; Instead of gambling your money away then returning to PvM just so you can fund your next fix.. Why don't you save all your money and invest in Custom Donations, Omicron has a great deal of $100 = $400 added onto your donator status (1:4 ratio), this is if you don't take any tokkens or items from your donation that is. Moral of the story, stop complaining that raids isn't broken for your $1-250 donator rank and do something about it! Before you say money doesn't come by from PvM.. I'll tell you that's a load of bollocks. I play my Elite Ironman 'Loo' and i've definitely received around 20-25b solely from PvM and have the screenshots to prove it.


Kind regards,


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Posted 18 July 2019 - 10:37 AM #48

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I voted NO, here are my reasons;


Both raids tables are stupidly over vamped to the point where some items from raids aren't even congratulated anymore, i.e the 'Prayer Scroll' or the 'Avernic Defender'. Back before winter just gone (December 2018) Raids were at a perfect spot, items were at stable prices for example, Prayer scrolls was around 200-225m, Avernic defenders were around 900-1.2b each. Now you'd be lucky to sell a scroll for 75m and an Avernic for 300m. Since the COX buff that @Omicron applied a few months ago, I have personally seen a Twisted Bow at least 1-3 a week, there were a few cases of some GIM's and EIM's obtaining 3 Bows in 100 KC. I don't know if you played when I started, but raids drops were actually an accomplishment. The state of raids and the increased loot has had a direct impact on the economy, thus destroying the incentive to raid in the first place. Theatre of Blood has already seen a buff, which was obvious when before buff I had received nothing but the pet in 115 kc. I now lay around 450 KC and have had;


- 10 Avernic defenders

- 3 Grazier Rapiers

- 3 Sangunesti Staffs (however you spell it)

- 1 Justicar Helm

- 1 Justicar Platebody

- 2 Justicar Platelegs

- 2 Lil Zik Pets


So you're telling me 22 drops post buff isn't a "buff"? Also consider the variables of time. Theatre of blood takes 15-18 minutes (with a good team) so you can do 2-3 TOB's before you finish 1 solo/duo COX. 


Donator rank


You could argue that because of donator rank that's why they get so many items and it's "unfair". Just think if this ridiculous suggestion gets passed in one of the updates, the larger donator ranks will reap in all the rewards further destroying the prices of the raids items making raiding utterly useless for non ironman game modes. Here's a suggestion for you all in a matter of fact; Instead of gambling your money away then returning to PvM just so you can fund your next fix.. Why don't you save all your money and invest in Custom Donations, Omicron has a great deal of $100 = $400 added onto your donator status (1:4 ratio), this is if you don't take any tokkens or items from your donation that is. Moral of the story, stop complaining that raids isn't broken for your $1-250 donator rank and do something about it! Before you say money doesn't come by from PvM.. I'll tell you that's a load of bollocks. I play my Elite Ironman 'Loo' and i've definitely received around 20-25b solely from PvM and have the screenshots to prove it.


Kind regards,


TO ADD TO THIS, @two is an immortal rank and is on a BIG dry streak. So the donator argument people are posting here is false.

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Posted 18 July 2019 - 11:01 AM #49

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Was not saying his reply was out of context. And no one in this thread said we don't want the bonus anymore, in my opinion that's the only real chance we have of getting loot at the moment. 


Also what I find strange is almost ALL staff members voted no to this thread, but what's funny to me is almost ALL staff members are Immortal rank or high donators... You guys don't have the issue.


Maybe that's only funny to me, but the fact that HIGH donor staff members who are able to actually get drops, decided to vote no to this thread. Very very interesting.


Thanks for your feedback.

I wasn't quoting you nor did I say you were the one saying his reply out of context. Beers did, That's why I replied with his quote.




I'm not sure what's strange about the staff members voting what the best option for the server is, Hoping to keep the balance and fun of the game alive.




Regarding "almost ALL staff members are immortal or high donators"


I took a very quick glance before getting blocked out by the firewall and saw atleast 8 staff members with legendary or under.

8/23 = 34.7% which comes out to 65.3% of staff having higher than legendary donor status. So I can't agree with this statement as 65% is far from "almost all".


Most staff members are people who have played for a long period of time and acquired wealth over their time of playing. So trying to say that because staff members have a higher tiered donor status is the reason they want to protect the game is just reaching for an excuse in my opinion.


The rates match old school rates and hopefully this is how it will stay.

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Posted 18 July 2019 - 11:20 AM #50

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I also disagree with this post alot. You have no evidence and just make an easy post for a lot of people to agree on. 

Who doesn't want to get easier loot? I click yes, get more loot and make my game more fun for about a month, maybe two.


In the long run though, this can do a ton of damage to the game's economy and player base. Prices are already crashing with the latest buff, imagine what would happen if you buffed it even more. Raids rewards are supposed to be an achievement, the most end game content.


I've personally witnessed someone getting his 2nd scythe to along with his 2 tbows on a group ironman account. If i look at my own collection log i see alot less items for nearly the same killcount. That's what RNG is. Sometimes you're lucky, sometimes you're not.

It took me 2348 kills to get a primordial crystal at cerberus. During my grind i saw people finishing the boss in 200-300 killcount. Do we need to buff cerberus? No.

Same goes for raids. You claim almost everyone goes 100+ dry... Everyone will have their drystreaks, that's normal. What's also normal is that people tend to complain about being dry there since it's a tedious process. You won't hear the people that don't go dry because they have nothing to complain about. 


This is not meant to be a personal attack on your post, but if you have any interest in the well being of this server and it's economy/player base i recommend you to just suck it up and keep raiding. The rates actually match OSRS, Omicron has the numbers. You have a salty opinion with no further evidence.


Big NO from me.


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Posted 18 July 2019 - 12:55 PM #51

Trade pl0x

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I wasn't quoting you nor did I say you were the one saying his reply out of context. Beers did, That's why I replied with his quote.




I'm not sure what's strange about the staff members voting what the best option for the server is, Hoping to keep the balance and fun of the game alive.




Regarding "almost ALL staff members are immortal or high donators"


I took a very quick glance before getting blocked out by the firewall and saw atleast 8 staff members with legendary or under.

8/23 = 34.7% which comes out to 65.3% of staff having higher than legendary donor status. So I can't agree with this statement as 65% is far from "almost all".


Most staff members are people who have played for a long period of time and acquired wealth over their time of playing. So trying to say that because staff members have a higher tiered donor status is the reason they want to protect the game is just reaching for an excuse in my opinion.


The rates match old school rates and hopefully this is how it will stay.


Only going to comment on the last part of your post in order to avoid my post/thread being deleted..


"The rates match old school rates and hopefully this is how it will stay." - If you would like the community to continue to die out and fade away, sure, keep them in this "amazing" manner they currently are. BUT, if you would like to revive TOB/COX and bring back a large part of the community, I would suggest a slight change.


Thanks for your numbers and feedback!

Posted 23 June 2020 - 05:22 PM #52


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A buff to the TOB drop rate was implemented in the most recent update.

Your suggestion has been accepted.

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