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Theatre of Blood Drop Rate Buff

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Poll: BUFF OR NO BUFF (82 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think Theatre of Blood drop rates should be buffed?

  1. Yes (48 votes [57.83%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 57.83%

  2. No (35 votes [42.17%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.17%


Posted 17 July 2019 - 06:58 PM #21

2 Ridiculous
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I'll be the elephant in the room and say that the TOB drop rates ARE NOT like they are on old-school and it's blatantly obvious.





I also do not agree with, nor want drop rates to be similar for the sole reason that we are a private server, 14 minute raids ARE possible, (almost 2x as fast as old-school in some cases I'd imagine) and donator status exists with receiving 6-8 ROLLS" not drops* per raid at high tiers.



Just from my experience, I know that master donors personally are around 1/18 - 1/23~ drop rate which in theory would make low donor's drop rates at least around 1/50 and possibly higher if you account the rare boosted drop rate as well.


- Here is your 'proof' @Fenrir






I don't want people going 100-120 dry on a pserver because it really kills the amount of people who participate in TOB.

If I had any say so on this matter, I would somehow shift/nerf the perks of being a high donator a bit and give tob an overall slight buff to maybe where regular players are around 1/35 to 1/40 per loot.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 07:33 PM #22


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Something needs to be done some how about the drops I mean I understand they're closer to osrs and deaths apply to how rare the drops are. But sometimes you get randomly stacked out at places like sotetseg which also ruins it for the team. I've done over 800 in total this is by far the worse I have seen them tbf. Before the update was probably the most packed I've seen tob since release and all this is really going to do is unmotivate people like Myerk said above this is an rsps not osrs so it should have easier rates in a sense. Hope something is done but not something thats going to make drops extremely op

Posted 17 July 2019 - 07:39 PM #23


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You guys are talking about about how the drop rate doesn't match OSRS drop rates, however OSRS has a 1/11 chance in a 5 man team with no deaths to see a purple. Then you have a 1/5 chance for the item to be in your name. It may feel like you go very dry and i've hit upwards of 100 dry streak myself however, when I look back on all my drops i've gotten 6/300 which is 1/50... may not seem optimistic however with doing constant 5 man teams with no deaths i'm above expected drop rate!


The only thing I think we're having a hard time considering if the donor status buffs. If the drop rate was to be let's say 1/30 to be in your name as a normal donor, does that mean immortals can expect a drop every 8 raids let's say? Seems quite over powered so we have to into account the it may be 1/13 in a 5 man with no deaths. Just my 2 cents.


TLDR : i'm at a 1/50 drop rate at 300 kc with a current dry streak of 55, if we were to take it from when I got my last drop at 241, I would have a 1/40 drop rate which is considerably higher. But no such numbers to complain about. 

Posted 17 July 2019 - 07:39 PM #24

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I agree @elite teebow,


I'm definitely not in favor for a medium-large buff, but a very slight buff where it makes it uncommon to go 100+ dry

Something needs to be done some how about the drops I mean I understand they're closer to osrs and deaths apply to how rare the drops are. But sometimes you get randomly stacked out at places like sotetseg which also ruins it for the team. I've done over 800 in total this is by far the worse I have seen them tbf. Before the update was probably the most packed I've seen tob since release and all this is really going to do is unmotivate people like Myerk said above this is an rsps not osrs so it should have easier rates in a sense. Hope something is done but not something thats going to make drops extremely op

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:04 PM #25



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I think that everyone also needs to remember that we've recently made it so that only 1 player on the team could obtain the rare (and only 1 rare, not 6-8 chances as someone stated above). This was a major change, but it was requested that our rates be matched to OSRS. This means that while the rate of obtaining a single rare for an entire team (which is usually an Avernic defender hilt anyway) is approximately 1/9.1, or 11% before any server boosts, raid boosters, or vote book raids bonus, this means that on a 5-man team your average of obtaining a single rare is actually 11% / 5 = 2.2% (assuming no deaths and the entire team performed equally)). A 2.2% chance for you to obtain the loot, and going dry for 30+ raids doesn't seem so farfetched. As mentioned above, with any of the bonuses, the rate is even higher than that... but that is essentially the same drop rate as OSRS assuming the information released by J-Mods was accurate.


Also, it's worth mentioning that the entire point of doing raids is to obtain valuable loot, and making that loot easier to come by will make raids less worthwhile. Of course, the ideal solution is to find a sweet spot where the rates are not too difficult where they're deemed a waste of time, but not too easy to the point of devaluing the rewards.


I'm not here to argue whether we should change the rates or not, but we made them similar to OSRS on request, and we can change them on request, I just wanted to put that out there. Personally, I feel that we should wait another week or so to analyze the # of drops that we're seeing compared to the pre-update rates, and then adjust accordingly if necessary. 

Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:12 PM #26

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I think that everyone also needs to remember that we've recently made it so that only 1 player on the team could obtain the rare (and only 1 rare, not 6-8 chances as someone stated above). This was a major change, but it was requested that our rates be matched to OSRS. This means that while the rate of obtaining a single rare for an entire team (which is usually an Avernic defender hilt anyway) is approximately 1/9.1, or 11% before any server boosts, raid boosters, or vote book raids bonus, this means that on a 5-man team your average of obtaining a single rare is actually 11% / 5 = 2.2% (assuming no deaths and the entire team performed equally)). A 2.2% chance for you to obtain the loot, and going dry for 30+ raids doesn't seem so farfetched. As mentioned above, with any of the bonuses, the rate is even higher than that... but that is essentially the same drop rate as OSRS assuming the information released by J-Mods was accurate.


Also, it's worth mentioning that the entire point of doing raids is to obtain valuable loot, and making that loot easier to come by will make raids less worthwhile. Of course, the ideal solution is to find a sweet spot where the rates are not too difficult where they're deemed a waste of time, but not too easy to the point of devaluing the rewards.


I'm not here to argue whether we should change the rates or not, but we made them similar to OSRS on request, and we can change them on request, I just wanted to put that out there. Personally, I feel that we should wait another week or so to analyze the # of drops that we're seeing compared to the pre-update rates, and then adjust accordingly if necessary. 


I totally agree and thank you for your input! It's great to see everyone's opinions on this which is the main reason I decided to start this thread. I think I speak for everyone when I say we are all comfortable waiting another week or two to see if things (community wise) change. I think the main issue, a lot of people realize that doing TOB/Raids 1 is an endless grind to lack of drops, so no one does these things. It could just be me, but I've spent countless hours waiting to even get a 4/5 man team going for one of these things.


I believe (and this could be just my opinion) that most people were under the impression that if the rates were changed to mirror OSRS, things would be better. I think as a community, we can all agree that is NOT what happen. Drops seem SO much more far and few between now. AND, if a drop is obtained, it's usually a super high donator rank.


I would LOVE to see some changes put into TOB/Raids 1 so that BOTH are packed with teams again.


Thank you so much for your feedback and taking a look into what the community wants, it truly shows a lot about you as an owner. 


Thank you Omicron!

Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:17 PM #27

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I don't play enough atm with working alot recently,


but it'd be super nice for someone or multiple people to document/keeping track of their loot/teams loot over a large portion of raids.





this topic isn't debating/upset with being 30+ dry, but more so the fact that it isn't uncommon to go 100+ dry for lower donors.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:17 PM #28

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I'll be the elephant in the room and say that the TOB drop rates ARE NOT like they are on old-school and it's blatantly obvious.





I also do not agree with, nor want drop rates to be similar for the sole reason that we are a private server, 14 minute raids ARE possible, (almost 2x as fast as old-school in some cases I'd imagine) and donator status exists with receiving 6-8 ROLLS" not drops* per raid at high tiers.



Just from my experience, I know that master donors personally are around 1/18 - 1/23~ drop rate which in theory would make low donor's drop rates at least around 1/50 and possibly higher if you account the rare boosted drop rate as well.


- Here is your 'proof' @Fenrir






I don't want people going 100-120 dry on a pserver because it really kills the amount of people who participate in TOB.

If I had any say so on this matter, I would somehow shift/nerf the perks of being a high donator a bit and give tob an overall slight buff to maybe where regular players are around 1/35 to 1/40 per loot.





edit: Idk why people are voting no on multiple accounts @Mack


Thanks so much for your feedback coming from someone who has a semi-high TOB kc AND a high donator.


It's also upsetting seeing someone vote no on multiple accounts, hope things change.


Thanks again!

Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:19 PM #29


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I see your idea behind this, but in my own opinion, I don't see this as needed. On Alora ToB itself is already much much easier to do than OSRS, thus making it needed to be more rare than OSRS ? Another is that if these items were to be set as less rare, they would go down in price, thus making it much easier to get these items and making it pointless to make end game goals cash wise for normal accounts and less "money sinks" if you will. We don't want every single player to have every single item as it'd make the game die out. 

Just my own ideas, good luck with your suggestion.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:26 PM #30

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I think that everyone also needs to remember that we've recently made it so that only 1 player on the team could obtain the rare (and only 1 rare, not 6-8 chances as someone stated above). This was a major change, but it was requested that our rates be matched to OSRS. This means that while the rate of obtaining a single rare for an entire team (which is usually an Avernic defender hilt anyway) is approximately 1/9.1, or 11% before any server boosts, raid boosters, or vote book raids bonus, this means that on a 5-man team your average of obtaining a single rare is actually 11% / 5 = 2.2% (assuming no deaths and the entire team performed equally)). A 2.2% chance for you to obtain the loot, and going dry for 30+ raids doesn't seem so farfetched. As mentioned above, with any of the bonuses, the rate is even higher than that... but that is essentially the same drop rate as OSRS assuming the information released by J-Mods was accurate.


Also, it's worth mentioning that the entire point of doing raids is to obtain valuable loot, and making that loot easier to come by will make raids less worthwhile. Of course, the ideal solution is to find a sweet spot where the rates are not too difficult where they're deemed a waste of time, but not too easy to the point of devaluing the rewards.



This gives me hope that the update was geninuely changed, it's just awkward when we can't observe who the mvp is each raid.


I'm not here to argue whether we should change the rates or not, but we made them similar to OSRS on request, and we can change them on request, I just wanted to put that out there. Personally, I feel that we should wait another week or so to analyze the # of drops that we're seeing compared to the pre-update rates, and then adjust accordingly if necessary. 






This gives me hope that the update was geninuely changed, it's just awkward when we can't observe who the mvp is each raid like on old school.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:27 PM #31

Trade pl0x

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I see your idea behind this, but in my own opinion, I don't see this as needed. On Alora ToB itself is already much much easier to do than OSRS, thus making it needed to be more rare than OSRS ? Another is that if these items were to be set as less rare, they would go down in price, thus making it much easier to get these items and making it pointless to make end game goals cash wise for normal accounts and less "money sinks" if you will. We don't want every single player to have every single item as it'd make the game die out. 

Just my own ideas, good luck with your suggestion.


Thanks for your feedback..


But people also said this exact thing about the COX buff right before it happened, and it could just be me, but no prices really changed. T bow is still expensive, along with the other items. I think the community and eco sort of figures itself out in these situations.


In all, thanks for the feedback!

Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:41 PM #32

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I vote no, because we have ToB bonus events for a reason... Lets not make easy game even easier pls

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 08:58 PM #33

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I think rates should be 1/1,000 tbh. This game is too fucking easy lmao

Posted 17 July 2019 - 09:08 PM #34


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I vote no, because we have ToB bonus events for a reason... Lets not make easy game even easier pls


  Well howdy Tauri! This reply was completely out of context, I doth enquire the ownership over messages leading to these conversations over the bonus events for tob. I personally think that tob bonuses don't have anything to do with the actual drop rate of tob and I mean I personally haven't seen them help much.


If it's going to be a problem with making the game easier then why do we have such overpowered donator ranks with noticeable differences. I don't think that we need to buff it to the point where we're seeing drops being thrown everywhere. But if we're all being honest with ourselves it could use a little buff. I'm 340 killcount of theatre of blood and I've been 100 dry twice, anyone who's experienced this know what I'm saying (Anyone who actually does TOB) so thanks for your time hope you read this! 


 - Beers  :Kkomrade:

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 09:27 PM #35

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I vote no, because we have ToB bonus events for a reason... Lets not make easy game even easier pls


And even WITH this beloved bonus, maybe ONE drop is seen the entire bonus... and that's on top of vote book boost, raid boosters, and drop rate boosts.... how can you not see that's an issue...


Even the other day, with the what was it? 12 hours of TOB bonus? We saw TWO drops. My team alone did almost 30 tob's or so... that's FULLY boosted.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 09:57 PM #36

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People go 1k+ dry for a tbow and are not crying about it, those items should be rare for a reason. ToB itself is easier than in OSRS anyways, why would we ask to buff the drop rate? In my opinion, ToB is in perfect state and my vote will still be "No" and that's never going to change

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 10:11 PM #37


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Yes, bonus has nothing to do with actual drop rate. Also just for context my current dry streak of 123+  was all completed after the last tob drop rate update with only a few deaths in that streak personally. Probably 20+ trios/45+ 4 mans, and a lot done on bonus. So I wouldn't say the rates are really any better. My previous two dry streaks (98 and 121) were done pre drop rate change. I also know of 7-10 other players who have been 90+ dry ranging from all ranks. Which considering how small the ToB community is, thats the majority of people over 150 kc. I've done full bonuses with no one in my team seeing a rare drop both pre and post update.



As far as the eco goes look at the twisted bow. After the raids buff it hasn't gone down in value (i bought one for about 2.3b pre buff and it seems to have stayed around that). Only the more common/less useful items have decreased. We won't see 500m scythes or anything. Not enough people do ToB to even really effect the items prices too much with a buff. Mid level slayer tasks shouldn't be more efficient for gp than tob.


Also I don't think anyone is asking for a 1/5 drop rate? But 1/125 to get an avernic hilt or an even less useful/valuable justiciar piece isn't what i would call worthwhile. The issue here is the dry streaks are so long that the content is dying. A large portion of people i do ToB with feel it's a waste of time and needs a buff, more and more people have stopped wanting to raid. 


As far as OSRS it seems a lot of people don't realize that this is indeed an RSPS. A lot of things on here are completely different and there are npcs will items on the drop table that aren't in osrs.

People go 1k+ dry for a tbow and are not crying about it, those items should be rare for a reason. ToB itself is easier than in OSRS anyways, why would we ask to buff the drop rate? In my opinion, ToB is in perfect state and my vote will still be "No" and that's never going to change

Yes but those players going 1k+ dry for a t bow are getting plenty of other drops and making lots of gp. No one is saying "make scythe more common" or a particular item more common. This isn't about going dry for a particular item, the drop table itself is too rare to hit. I don't see how you can determine it's in a "perfect state" when most of the ToB regulars have all agree'd that it is pretty bad and it takes upwards of 30 minutes- 1 hour to find a team. Which is why we asked for the rates to be buffed. They simply aren't good.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 10:17 PM #38

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  Well howdy Tauri! This reply was completely out of context, I doth enquire the ownership over messages leading to these conversations over the bonus events for tob. I personally think that tob bonuses don't have anything to do with the actual drop rate of tob and I mean I personally haven't seen them help much.




Where is his reply out of context when in the original post it quite literally says "



He voted no, So he stated his reason why. lol.




On the subject of "Bonuses don't have anything to do with the actual drop rate of tob"


If everybody feels this way, It's very simple for us to just not enable these bonuses anymore. They are in fact, "Bonuses", Not requirements. I saw two scythes pop up other day when the bonus was enabled, Weird coincidence I guess though lol.



Voted No as the drop rates match OSRS as @Omicron stated and that's the way it should be (and hopefully stays)


Rng is just that, Rng.



  - Josh/God :Kkomrade:

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 10:24 PM #39


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No thanks i would rather have my item grinds to be an actual grind instead of something imma complete in a week. Everyone is always complaining abkut loots because they have bad rng for a while. I myself have had a 200 raid drystreak and got b2b drops aswell so ye its just rng. Runescape is a grindy game and if ur not up for the grind u might be playing the wrong game.
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Posted 18 July 2019 - 12:13 AM #40

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@Omicron Who requested the rates be changed to osrs, I've noticed no significant change in items i've gotten, if anything i've gotten a bit less. and that's reflected because now it's changed to only 1 purple per raid, so even less people are getting purples... i don't get who would be asking for that



ps. give me my rogues set back when you fix it please.

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