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Theatre of Blood Drop Rate Buff

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Poll: BUFF OR NO BUFF (82 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think Theatre of Blood drop rates should be buffed?

  1. Yes (48 votes [57.83%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 57.83%

  2. No (35 votes [42.17%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.17%


Posted 17 July 2019 - 04:36 PM #1

Trade pl0x

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Currently the drop rates for Theatre of Blood are broken in my opinion.. The latest update was supposed to make it similiar to OSRS did not help at all, and if anything, made it worse. The drop rate with ZERO deaths on OSRS is 1/9... with 1 death its 1/12.. and as more deaths, it scales. Currently IN MY OPINION i believe the drop rate for Alora is around 1/60-65.


That is just my opinion, could be higher or could be lower.


Just want to start a small poll to see if the community really would like to see a TOB buff for the server, because I honestly do believe it would save numerous people from leaving due to this issue.






Also, I've noticed that some of the people voting no have never even done TOB, if you haven't done TOB on Alora yet, please discard your vote.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 04:44 PM #2

Trade pl0x

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Thanks for your feedback!

Posted 17 July 2019 - 04:53 PM #3


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Agree to customize the rates a bit to serve Alora better. Right now many people don't do either raid simply because unless you're extreme+, chances of you making money off of raids isn't too hot. Many find that you have to purchase bundles of drop and raid boosters to even have a chance at loot and usually the only time groups form is during a bonus. Therefore it's extremely hard to find people to raid with consistently.


I feel making the change would encourage all types of players to try raids both with or without the bonus activated.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 04:54 PM #4

Hc hitman

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i think drops rates are good. it is much easier then osrs so u cant really compare, it should be a rare achievement not something u can easily get 1/9 times.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 04:55 PM #5

Trade pl0x

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i think drops rates are good. it is much easier then osrs so u cant really compare, it should be a rare achievement not something u can easily get 1/9 times.


Noone is saying that they should be exactly like OSRS, but the amount of people who are losing interest due to going 100's dry is insane. As the thread states, a BUFF would be nice so that people actually felt a need to grind Theatre of Blood.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 04:55 PM #6

Hc hitman

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a better idea would be to make it so more people raid, and make it easier to find teams

Posted 17 July 2019 - 04:55 PM #7

Real cody

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Tob rates are so low on osrs because its accually difficult on here people never die so the market would flood thus crashing prices

Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:04 PM #8

Trade pl0x

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Tob rates are so low on osrs because its accually difficult on here people never die so the market would flood thus crashing prices


I understand what you mean by this, but you also have to think about how many MONTHS people grind on this RUNESCAPE PRIVATE SERVER in order to do raids/tob… Then get to end game content just to go 100's dry unless we have super high donor rank. It's super hard not to lose interest or motivation for the game.


Thanks for your feedback!

a better idea would be to make it so more people raid, and make it easier to find teams


In order to get more people to do TOB, it's going to require a small buff. 


Maybe that's just my opinion but I don't understand or see how you think people are going to want to TOB any other way.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:05 PM #9


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I've voted no because by changing the ToB drop rates recently, they were actually buffed. They are fine the way they are currently, and I guess a lot of peoples opinions on them at the minute are skewed because not a lot of people are raiding consistently. The drop rates are the same as OSRS now, which is how I feel they should be. If people aren't willing to raid, then that's their loss. If the drop rates were buffed further, we would see a surge in items being dropped into the economy, and this could possibly ruin specific elements of the game for others. It wouldn't be fair to buff the rates further, especially when they are already the same as OSRS. The basics of the game are to grind hard and to have fun doing so, and I find personally that Alora is incredibly fun right now, so I don't see a need to change anything drop rate wise.


On the other hand, I think that there is a possibility for the rates to be changed. This is because if you put the player base and raiding enthusiast count in to perspective, you would see a huge difference between OSRS and Alora. The OSRS rates are balanced for their player base, and don't logically correlate very well to a player base potentially 200 times smaller.


Nonetheless, I still like the grind that this brings to Alora, as I felt that ToB drops were a bit too easy to obtain beforehand.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:11 PM #10

Trade pl0x

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I've voted no because by changing the ToB drop rates recently, they were actually buffed. They are fine the way they are currently, and I guess a lot of peoples opinions on them at the minute are skewed because not a lot of people are raiding consistently. The drop rates are the same as OSRS now, which is how I feel they should be. If people aren't willing to raid, then that's their loss. If the drop rates were buffed further, we would see a surge in items being dropped into the economy, and this could possibly ruin specific elements of the game for others. It wouldn't be fair to buff the rates further, especially when they are already the same as OSRS. The basics of the game are to grind hard and to have fun doing so, and I find personally that Alora is incredibly fun right now, so I don't see a need to change anything drop rate wise.


On the other hand, I think that there is a possibility for the rates to be changed. This is because if you put the player base and raiding enthusiast count in to perspective, you would see a huge difference between OSRS and Alora. The OSRS rates are balanced for their player base, and don't logically correlate very well to a player base potentially 200 times smaller.


Nonetheless, I still like the grind that this brings to Alora, as I felt that ToB drops were a bit too easy to obtain beforehand.


I appreciate your feedback, but there is NO way the current drop rates are "exactly" the same as OSRS. 


Thanks for your vote though!

Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:22 PM #11

J boogs

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There is a fine line of "buffing" you can do for rigorous PVM content such as Raids 1 and 2. Sure, you have went X amount of runs dry of a "good" drop and some others went 10 raids and have 3 drops, it's all RNG based. If they just keep buffing these things to increase the flow of items coming into game, would be leaving the eco of the server super venerable. As it is now, the eco already is unstable in a sense, buffing raids drop tables (one of the biggest flows of cash into game currently) would only worsen this. Another issue that comes to mind of buffing these drop tables would be for the people who have grinded out hundreds of raids going dry for items they are trying to achieve. Let along both raids have been buffed numerous times up until present time. No support from me, sorry.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:24 PM #12


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Here's some feedback from someone who actually has a rather high KC.


I've had 3 dry streaks that were notable: 98, 121 and currently on 127 and still going (lol) and plenty of 50 dry streaks. The content is literally not even rewarding. At least 150 raids were done post update, the rates seem exactly the same. Not to mention the update making deaths effect loot just hurts new players when its already dead content. The MVP just boosts one players chance of getting an item. Not a buff to the general drop rate. 100 dry= 33 hours with no reward roughly. These dry streaks are done over bonuses, duos, trios and plenty of 0 death runs. This isn't just me i know maybe 10 players with all different ranks going 90+ dry. And obviously many of these players use point boosters and drop boosters.


Another thing to consider is that this isnt OSRS. This is a RSPS. The loot you get from ToB is worthless here apart from unique drops where as on OSRS you would be making millions of gp off of the herbs,runes, rune items, battlestaves etc. Plenty of things on here aren't even remotely similar to OSRS regardless.


It can take over an hour to find a team because no one simply wants to do it knowing they wont get any loot.


Buffing the rates won't crash the items. Raids 1 was buffed and you don't see the tbow going for 1b. Not to mention no one really grinds tob and half the server are ironmen. The common items might decrease slightly.


Simply put, ToB is end game content and should be rewarding. With half the players having a 100+ dry streak that's not simply "rng" something is broken on the loot table. if you go 50 dry or roll a drop you don't want that's "bad rng".


Would be nice to hear input from the other raiders who have experienced a lot of tob and see how the rates work.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:24 PM #13

Trade pl0x

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There is a fine line of "buffing" you can do for rigorous PVM content such as Raids 1 and 2. Sure, you have went X amount of runs dry of a "good" drop and some others went 10 raids and have 3 drops, it's all RNG based. If they just keep buffing these things to increase the flow of items coming into game, would be leaving the eco of the server super venerable. As it is now, the eco already is unstable in a sense, buffing raids drop tables (one of the biggest flows of cash into game currently) would only worsen this. Another issue that comes to mind of buffing these drop tables would be for the people who have grinded out hundreds of raids going dry for items they are trying to achieve. Let along both raids have been buffed numerous times up until present time. No support from me, sorry.


The percentage of those people who got "3 drops" in 10 kc being HIGH donor is probably around 95%. You're not accounting for the multiple people that do TOB or raids 1 without donating or being rich enough in-game to buy thousands of dollars for rank. Just because one person gets SUPER lucky that's not the majority.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:31 PM #14


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Currently IN MY OPINION i believe the drop rate for Alora is around 1/60-65.


I would genuinely love to know if you actually have any evidence to back this. As you stated yourself, yes. The drop rates were changed to match OSRS, as in they are LITERALLY IDENTICAL to the drop rates on OSRS. You're not the only person I've seen complaining about the drop rates and I never see any reason why, just that "they're broken".


So I ask you and anyone else that claims the drop rates are broken; how exactly are they broken? It's not intended for you to receive a drop every 3-4 raids. And you're not guaranteed a drop in 16 kc either, this is no different from any other boss you would kill in an attempt to get a drop. There's always a chance to go dry or get lucky.


Taking into consideration that the drop rates are identical to OSRS and Theater of Blood is significantly easier and less time consuming on Alora compared to OSRS, can you please elaborate how exactly you'd like the drop rates to be "fixed"?

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:35 PM #15

Trade pl0x

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I would genuinely love to know if you actually have any evidence to back this. As you stated yourself, yes. The drop rates were changed to match OSRS, as in they are LITERALLY IDENTICAL to the drop rates on OSRS. You're not the only person I've seen complaining about the drop rates and I never see any reason why, just that "they're broken".


So I ask you and anyone else that claims the drop rates are broken; how exactly are they broken? It's not intended for you to receive a drop every 3-4 raids. And you're not guaranteed a drop in 16 kc either, this is no different from any other boss you would kill in an attempt to get a drop. There's always a chance to go dry or get lucky.


Taking into consideration that the drop rates are identical to OSRS and Theater of Blood is significantly easier and less time consuming on Alora compared to OSRS, can you please elaborate how exactly you'd like the drop rates to be "fixed"?


As I also said in my post, That is just my opinion, could be higher or could be lower.


I just don't agree that the drop rates are "LITERALLY IDENTICAL" to OSRS. The drop rates from OSRS are 1/9, but you have a LARGE (almost all) amount of people that do TOB on Alora that go 70-100+ dry. I just do not understand how they can be identical yet ALOT of people aren't seeing it? 

Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:38 PM #16


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I'd like to further add to my response before, that not everybody is going 100 dry, there are a few select people that are. Meanwhile @Paine is getting 3 drops in 30kc, and I got a 1kc drop very recently on this account. I think the theory behind the idea here is quite flawed, sorry.

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Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:38 PM #17

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I'd like to further add to my response before, that not everybody is going 100 dry, there are a few select people that are. Meanwhile @Paine is getting 3 drops in 30kc, and I got a 1kc drop very recently on this account. I think the theory behind the idea here is quite flawed, sorry.


2 out of 30 are not good odds in your theory.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 05:53 PM #18


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Personal opinion....dont care if anyone likes it or not its my opinion. 


This is a runescape private server. Period. This is not old school runescape. If I wanted OSRS rates I would play OSRS.


For those who say "ohhhh the eco is gonna get flooded blah blah blah" no, it won't get flooded. it wasn't flooded before with the old way and it wouldn't be flooded if we reverted back to that. I am speaking for everyone who tobs (who doesn't have a immortal donator rank) and try to tob on a daily basis. There is maybe 15 people out of the 400 people who play Alora who only want to do ToB and make money, but how can you when its dead content cause no one wants to do it or doesn't know how to do it. Personally I believe the way it use to be was perfect, there was still the chance of going 100 dry...but with the rates changing to OSRS rates there is a literal chance of going upwards of 400-500 dry, and playing on a OSRS Private server those 400-500 raids = roughly 150 hours for what? 300m? again, this is a OSRS private server its meant to be easier than OSRS and the unfortunate thing is trying to make it exactly like OSRS will make players not want to continue in my opinion and leave.




I would like to end this with a Thank you to all the staff team and to Omi himself for making such an amazing server (seriously not trying to be sarcastic here) you guys put in a lot of effort for the server and we do appreciate it, just sometimes the players dont agree with what has been done in the "updates" and I would honestly suggest start doing alot more POLLS on game changing decisions like this so you know what the players want.



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Posted 17 July 2019 - 06:02 PM #19

Trade pl0x

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Personal opinion....dont care if anyone likes it or not its my opinion. 


This is a runescape private server. Period. This is not old school runescape. If I wanted OSRS rates I would play OSRS.


For those who say "ohhhh the eco is gonna get flooded blah blah blah" no, it won't get flooded. it wasn't flooded before with the old way and it wouldn't be flooded if we reverted back to that. I am speaking for everyone who tobs (who doesn't have a immortal donator rank) and try to tob on a daily basis. There is maybe 15 people out of the 400 people who play Alora who only want to do ToB and make money, but how can you when its dead content cause no one wants to do it or doesn't know how to do it. Personally I believe the way it use to be was perfect, there was still the chance of going 100 dry...but with the rates changing to OSRS rates there is a literal chance of going upwards of 400-500 dry, and playing on a OSRS Private server those 400-500 raids = roughly 150 hours for what? 300m? again, this is a OSRS private server its meant to be easier than OSRS and the unfortunate thing is trying to make it exactly like OSRS will make players not want to continue in my opinion and leave.




I would like to end this with a Thank you to all the staff team and to Omi himself for making such an amazing server (seriously not trying to be sarcastic here) you guys put in a lot of effort for the server and we do appreciate it, just sometimes the players dont agree with what has been done in the "updates" and I would honestly suggest start doing alot more POLLS on game changing decisions like this so you know what the players want.




Thank you SO much for this.

Posted 17 July 2019 - 06:33 PM #20


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I've gathered that the higher the donation rank, the higher the chance of getting loot from raids. That is probably the first distasteful thing I've come across so far. Should never have to pay2win, I agree supporters should get a bonus, but if the difference in that bonus is actually doing raids or not then they need a buff.


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