@ooydups bro xp per hour? lol not much xp per hour difference. you can do death runes runs in 15 sec. wrath runes runs are only 2k difference in xp on a gim.. not doing it for the xp.. if you're doing rc for the xp. death runes is the best hands down
So i've been testing rates this morning to see how close this new method would put Wrath rune crafting compared to other methods. *Note that all these methods were tested on Realism mode.*
I've broken down laps to approximately 7 minutes with some flex up and down on; Deaths, Wraths (Current Method), Wraths (New Method). This is the approximate time it takes to do a run of soul runes with Varrock Armor 4. Obviously predicting the exp rate on the newer method is a little tough considering I have to stop and start the stop watch over and over with what I think the teleport location would be.
Souls ~7 Minutes for ~42k exp
Deaths ~7 Minutes for ~37k exp
Wraths (Current Method) ~7 Minutes for ~14k exp
Wraths (New Method) ~7 Minutes for ~37k exp.
Just by adding this teleport puts Wraths right up there with doing Deaths. Which could even surpass Souls if there ever were any future changes of increasing exp on Wraths.