Onyxpected Onyx
There are several ways of obtaining an Onyx in Alora.
Many of these ways require a certain amount of resources, luck or time.
You can attempt to aquire one from the Crystal chest.
Without the luck of a staff member , I wouldn't count on it.
You can defeat "Difficult" bosses such as Skotizo and Zulrah for a meager chance at the beautiful black gem.
You could acquire it guaranteed by purchasing it with 300K Tokkul .
Killing Jad 10 times could earn you close to 300,000 Tokkul, as well as the "Baby Jad" Achievement, but...
Personally, I would take the easy way out
There is another way folks!!!
By killing the TzHaar people and selling their items for Tokkul, you can quickly amass the 300K Onyx threshold!
These are recommendations - not requirements.
None of the levels below are necessary.
94 Magic
- To cast Ice Barrage
- To cast Level-6 Enchant (For Onyx Jewelry)
43 Prayer
- To protect from Melee
90 Crafting
- To craft the Onyx into an Amulet (Most popular choice)
Get a slayer task!
If you have a black mask or a
slayer helmet you can deal 15% more damage to your assigned slayer task.
This is too good to miss out on!
Note that if you use range / mage you must imbue your mask/helm.
In order to get the task you must unlock "Hot Stuff" from your slayer master
This will cost 100 Slayer points. Whether or not this is worth it is up to you.
This method is ideal for relatively new accounts.
Accounts in situations such as ...
A Hardcore Ironman not willing to risk it at Money Snake
just yet.
An Elite or a
Group Ironman who wants to grab one or two for them and their partner(s).
An Ultimate Ironman who ran out of anti-venom
for Zulrah.
Gamemode who has received TzHaars as a Slayer
Land of Lava
Cities -> Tzhaar
You will be teleported to the pink circle on the map you see below.
Click on the map to enlarge it
There are two shops in the TzHaar city where you can sell Toktz items.
Without Firecape
With Firecape Magma Math This diagram showcases the 'buy' and 'sell' prices. The Staff Keep in mind that if you haven't got a Fire Cape, you wont be able to sell your Obsidian armour If you were to sell one of each item you would end up with 384.588 Tokkul In other words, you don't have to acquire every single item to get an Onyx. Example: TzHaar targetz TzHaar-Xil (Level 133) TzHaar-Ket (Level 149) (Toktz-Mej-Tal) and Mace
(TzHaar-Ket-Em) isn't dropped by any monster, so their selling price isn't relevant and thus not included.
for Tokkul.
If you sold 2 Obsidian capes , an Obsidian Shield
, a maul
, a sword
and a platebody
, that would amass to 305.100 Tokkul.
TzHaar-Hur (Level 74)
TzHaar-Ket (Level 221)
TzHaar-Mej (Level 103)
Befitting of someone grinding for a Black gem you will likely gain plenty of Blue
and White
You can also expect to get quite a few ensouled heads which you can exchange for 75,000 gold at your local Slayer master.
TzHaar trickz
The 'Triple S'
Sulphur Safe Spot
Step 1: Use either range or mage
Step 2: Position yourself behind a Sulphur vent.
Step 3: Attack an opponent on the other side.
Step 4: ? ? ?
Step 5: Profit.
Watch them through the gas leaking out of the vent as they struggle.
- No prayer needed
- Doable with barely any levels and equipment
- Slow
A cold day in hell.
Step 1: Gather TzHaar with a projectile; darts / knives
/ arrows
Step 2: Equip a staff / wand
Step 3: Auto-cast Ice Barrage
Step 4: ? ? ?
Step 5: Profit.
Ice barrage can be replaced with Chinchompas
, but the efficiency will fall drastically.
- Very efficient
- Huge XP Gain
- Costly in runes
- There is a great chance that this is how your surroundings perceive you:
Thank you for reading