I don't even know where to start, this year went by so fast...
This year was the most fun I have ever had in a videogame, from helping every player I can help, to hosting events for people to have fun while playing Alora, it's been fantastic.
I was promoted to Admin/Event Manager on the 5th but I had a busy day so I couldn't really make a post about it, today will do!
There were only ups really, no downs. I could be here mentioning the bad thing that happened during this year, but I can't recall any, the worst day I will have as an administrator/EM is if @
I could tag a TON of people that helped me become a better staff member and in everything else I needed, but this shit would be packed with tags.
I want to thank @Omicron and @
I wanna thank @God, because God is the reason everything happens in your life, and it wouldn't be a wholesome post if I didn't thank @God.
I am 100% sure a lot of people are missing, but you know who you are either way.
Thank you for making this ride so much easier.
Next stop, 2 years!
Love you all.