Improved Implings
Overshadowed by the Realism gamemode release, Puro-Puro received a well deserved buff.
As of June 7th Puro-Puro has been a valid minigame for resources and rares.
Puro Puro changes:
- For awhile now, Puro Puro has been avoided due to the abundance of Baby implings and other low level imps, and a distinct lack of valuable imps. Here are the changes we've made to improve this mini-game:
- Rare impling enhancement:
- There could previously only be a maximum of 2 rare implings, this has been increased to 3, with a slight chance of a 4th rare impling appearing every so often.
- General improvements:
- The average imp will now be a higher level, meaning there will be far less baby implings.
Read the update in its entirety here: [7/6/19] Realism Mode & $1,500 Tournament Now Live!
Impetuous impulses
Before we begin you should know, catching imps is not a good way to train the Hunter skill.
The minigame is designed to gather resources, not for skilling.
Let's get started!
Visiting the imps
To get there, speak to the Teleport Wizard in Edgeville.
Minigames -> Puro Puro

You will arrive in the eye of the tornado, the center of the "maze".
In my opinion, it looks like a sad Minecraft attempt at an alien crop circle...


Magical wheat
The crop circle walls are referred to as "Magical wheat"
By right-clicking it you can push-through to get to the other side.
There are also natural openings.
I suggest positioning yourself in the 4th lane, so that you're just close enough to see the outer wall and the center of the circle.
Then just run in circles till you get dizzy.
Here's a short clip of me closing in on an impling
Can't bring yourself to chasing and catching the "cute" implings?
You might want to read this!
According to Oldschool Runescape Wiki:
"Impetuous Impulses is a safe minigame based around the Hunter skill. In the minigame, players capture implings which are flying imp-like creatures that can be caught to obtain trinkets and treasures that they have been stealing from all over Alora. This takes place in an area called Puro-Puro."
In other words, catching imps is an act of justice. The loot you obtain from them is stolen goods. You're actually apprehending tiny criminals!
Good job!
This peculiar little creature hovers around at an altitude just low enough for you to catch them, but high enough to reach
You might think that they are harmless, but after a couple of minutes and several dozen "Tee hee!" you'll change your mind.
There are 8 different types of Implings
As you can see, the dragon and lucky implings are easily distinguishable from the others, which makes them easy to spot.
These are recommendations - not requirements.
You can easily participate without meeting these conditions.
A Hunter level of 89 (at least 83 for dragon implings)
To be able to catch every kind of impling.
An Agility level of 99
The higher the better!
Alternatively, just rest.
A Herblore level of 77
To craft Stamina potions
Alternatively, just right click your run icon and rest.
A full set of Graceful
To save as much run energy as possible.
Donator status
To be able to use the Magic butterfly net
Become a donator today at:
Impling jars
It's time to see if this whole ordeal is worthwhile.
What does the Impling jars of Alora contain?
Papa Trailerpark went for a walk through the fields of Puro-Puro and came across a couple of implings.
Gotta catch them all
This is far from enough data, but it should give you an idea of what to expect when opening the jars.










- Dragon implings can provide a steady supply of valuable resources:
- Elite clue scrolls
- Dragon projectiles
- Dragon bones
- Lucky implings is a decent alternative to the Crystal chest when going for Ranger boots.
- Recommendations:
-89 Hunter
-99 Agility
-77 Herblore
-A set of Graceful
-Donator status
- Filling an inventory Dragon and Lucky implings takes 10 ~ 15 minutes.
Depending on circumstances like:
- Other players
- Your efficiency
- The spawn points of the implings
- Puro-Puro is for resource gathering, not skilling.
Thank you for reading!
Happy hunting