Loot from 630 ToB
(70% of em were all on drop booster, a couple of em also were on bonus event)
(For Kill Count breakdown check my signature)
(Note that several drop rate changes occurred during me doing tob)
Scythe of Vitur:
Ghrazi Rapier:
Avernic Defender Hilt:
Sanguinesti Staff:
Justiciar Faceguard:
Justiciar Chestguard:
Justiciar Legguards:
Lil' Zik:
Total Purples Obtained: 23
Average Purple Drop rate: 1/27
(Uber Donor until 200 KCish; Master donor until 616KCish; Immortal thereafter + 70% of KC Drop Boosted + some with x1.2 event bonus)
ToB rates updated to OSRS point system as from 515 KC - Also started using vote book