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Theater of Blood Drop rates

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 08:35 PM #1

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IMO, ToB drop rates need increased. 


I've spent the past week or so talking to numerous staff members, and fellow theater of blood raiders and they all agreed in the need to discuss the rates. The majority of players that do ToB go atleast 75+ raids dry meanwhile Chambers drops way more frequently. This not only kills motivation to play, but to do ToB entirely. This results in having to waits hours upon end to find teams leaving some teams to 4-man ToB. Theater is not like CoX which you can solo/duo. Some teams can probably trio but most can't.


I feel as if this topic should be discussed with people who have experienced the same experiences within the theater.


Leave opinions below thanks!.



@username v2 @Lowkey @two @Hellish @Check list @revitalize

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 08:38 PM #2

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I completely agree on this as well. Took me 80 kc for my first drop. And now I'm 116 dry atm. That shouldn't be happening because honestly osrs has better drop rates. On top of that in 84 Cox dry. I've put in over 100 hours in raids the past weeks and got no reward out of it

Posted 26 June 2019 - 08:51 PM #3

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After speaking to other master donators, I can vouch and say that our drop rate to see an item is ROUGHLY 1/20 - 1/25.


With 6 guaranteed rolled items per raid,  it makes it 2 times the amount of rolls normal/super donators get.


Based off this information, it would lead me to believe that low tier donators have around a 1/40 - 1/50 chance of getting a drop from TOB that seems really rough.



Personally, I'd like to see these players get around 1/30, but I also don't know how you would buff their drop rates without making high donators have like 1/15 or better drop rates.






edit: I did forget about the overall drop rate bonus involved as well as the 'lucky item' chance, further making normal/super donors having an even lower drop rate than what I stated above.

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 08:51 PM #4

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One point I could make is that CoX has easily 2.5x more items that run on the drop table. So of course you're going to see an increased amount of drops from CoX than TOB. But with that being said we did in the past increase and fix the drop rates of TOB though I feel it really didn't do its justice.

I personally feel that the Ghrazi Rapier is far more rare than a Scythe of Vitur. Just look at the loot threads of ICE and Dynasty. It really shows just how rare these higher tier drops can be.

My only worry is possibly overcompensating the drop rate of TOB. We don't want a HUGE influx of these super rare and prestigious items to just completely flood the economy. It almost defeats the entire purpose of raiding in general.

Should I go dry in TOB? Yes most definitely
Should I go 100+ dry without a single drop? Yes and no. Yes simply because RNG was not in your favor. No because RNG should be weighted a bit more to be quite frank.

I will remain neutral for the time being but I do feel something should be done to give us the players more incentive to do TOB. It's extremely irritating that nobody wants to do TOB at all just for this simple fact. I personally see the same handful of people doing TOB over CoX nearly every night.

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 09:05 PM #5

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Also, It's hard to compare TOB to Chambers because chambers has 19~ drops and TOB has 7.

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Posted 27 June 2019 - 12:58 AM #6

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I have not done TOB yet, however I'm doing COX going 40+ dry so far I play most of the time with @Check list and @Bendzo 

Keep in mind we have 16 drops over in COX rather than 9 in TOB which will roll more drops for COX ofc...


Most of the people who did TOB can't find teams to play in and takes hours to make a party rather than you can solo/duo COX.


I'd like to see a little bit of a change on that.

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Wow stuff, just wow.



Posted 27 June 2019 - 05:48 AM #7


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I agree with what Groot said.

Don't really want too many of the items to flood economy, I mean just look at prayer scroll prices now, CoX drop rate got buffed few months back, prayer scrolls sitting at 80m now from 140m or so they come into the game wayyyyy too often, wouldn't even mind seeing an decrease in the toilet paper drop rate tbf.

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Posted 27 June 2019 - 09:18 AM #8

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While I included this in my suggestion list, I 100% support and agree with this. I've done days of full TOB runs without 1 purple. 

Posted 27 June 2019 - 09:25 AM #9

Eim ash
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One point I could make is that CoX has easily 2.5x more items that run on the drop table. So of course you're going to see an increased amount of drops from CoX than TOB. But with that being said we did in the past increase and fix the drop rates of TOB though I feel it really didn't do its justice.

I personally feel that the Ghrazi Rapier is far more rare than a Scythe of Vitur. Just look at the loot threads of ICE and Dymasty. It really shows just how rare these higher tier drops can be.

My only worry is possibly overcompensating the drop rate of TOB. We don't want a HUGE influx of these super rare and prestigious items to just completely flood the economy. It almost defeats the entire purpose of raiding in general.

Should I go dry in TOB? Yes most definitely
Should I go 100+ dry without a single drop? Yes and no. Yes simply because RNG was not in your favor. No because RNG should be weighted a bit more to be quite frank.

I will remain neutral for the time being but I do feel something should be done to give us the players more incentive to do TOB. It's extremely irritating that nobody wants to do TOB at all just for this simple fact. I personally see the same handful of people doing TOB over CoX nearly every night.

true what u said and its all in rng.. tho take a look at prayer scrolls in tp.. maybe a suggestion to make p scroll rarer? its like 70m or someshit when it was 130-160m...

anyways i wouldn't mind tob drop rate to be higher as i am 53 dry and master dono :o which doesn't happen in cox, support.

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Posted 27 June 2019 - 12:18 PM #10

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true what u said and its all in rng.. tho take a look at prayer scrolls in tp.. maybe a suggestion to make p scroll rarer? its like 70m or someshit when it was 130-160m...

anyways i wouldn't mind tob drop rate to be higher as i am 53 dry and master dono :o which doesn't happen in cox, support.


I can remember when Prayer Scrolls were 400m ea lmao

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Posted 27 June 2019 - 11:46 PM #11


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It would be nice to see more players do ToB even outside of ToB bonus days. Will slightly increasing the drop rate get more players into ToB?  Perhaps, but like what Groot said, it may cause ToB items to crash. Also neutral on this.


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 12:47 AM #12

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After speaking to other master donators, I can vouch and say that our drop rate to see an item is ROUGHLY 1/20 - 1/25.


With 6 guaranteed rolled items per raid,  it makes it 2 times the amount of rolls normal/super donators get.


Based off this information, it would lead me to believe that low tier donators have around a 1/40 - 1/50 chance of getting a drop from TOB that seems really rough.



Personally, I'd like to see these players get around 1/30, but I also don't know how you would buff their drop rates without making high donators have like 1/15 or better drop rates.






edit: I did forget about the overall drop rate bonus involved as well as the 'lucky item' chance, further making normal/super donors having an even lower drop rate than what I stated above.

Master donor is only slightly better than uber as far as I'm aware for raids, I've done 87 theatre of bloods on a uber donator account with roughly 50-60 of them using a drop booster and I've had 1 item at 43ish killcount which is a hilt, the most common item, I feel as if the rates could be very slightly buffed because if we go by the guaranteed 5 items for an uber with a 15% chance of getting a 6th item, so on average you'd get an extra item every 6-7 raids. By those calculations I've had 1 drop in 448 loot rolls which is atrocious if I do say so myself considering we then have some people who get drops every 10-20 raids as Ash mentioned

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Posted 28 June 2019 - 01:32 AM #13

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Master donor is only slightly better than uber as far as I'm aware for raids, I've done 87 theatre of bloods on a uber donator account with roughly 50-60 of them using a drop booster and I've had 1 item at 43ish killcount which is a hilt, the most common item, I feel as if the rates could be very slightly buffed because if we go by the guaranteed 5 items for an uber with a 15% chance of getting a 6th item, so on average you'd get an extra item every 6-7 raids. By those calculations I've had 1 drop in 448 loot rolls which is atrocious if I do say so myself considering we then have some people who get drops every 10-20 raids as Ash mentioned


I would assume Uber would be like somewhere around 1-30 or higher (this is very general cuz i know yin is like 1/40 with uber atm and hes done over 200 TOBs Also, drop boosters (imo) do fuck all so idk what to say in reference to those. I've used like 300+ or some shit and I've never ever felt like they did anything. I'd be down for a very slight TOB buff, but it seems like something just isnt right with the drop table in general. People shouldnt be going 100+ dry lmao and rapiers shouldnt seem like they are much more rare than a scythe.

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Posted 30 June 2019 - 03:07 AM #14


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I would assume Uber would be like somewhere around 1-30 or higher (this is very general cuz i know yin is like 1/40 with uber atm and hes done over 200 TOBs Also, drop boosters (imo) do fuck all so idk what to say in reference to those. I've used like 300+ or some shit and I've never ever felt like they did anything. I'd be down for a very slight TOB buff, but it seems like something just isnt right with the drop table in general. People shouldnt be going 100+ dry lmao and rapiers shouldnt seem like they are much more rare than a scythe.

I can speak for the most that going extremely dry(even as a Master donor) isn’t a fun thing to see. I definitely agree with @iron 2ridic and most of the pvm people here that ToB should have a slight increases droprate. I can speak of my own experience that I am legit going 75-160 killcount dry per drop, while my CoX drops are overflowing. I also definitely agree that the Scythe of Vitur should be even more rare than it is now.

I am over 530 KC while I’m still hunting for a common rare(Justiciar chestplate,) but I just cant see any purples, because 1. No one raids and 2. That causes reason 1 is simply because the ToB droprates are shit.

I support this suggestion without any hesitation.

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Posted 30 June 2019 - 04:10 AM #15

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Based on what i see, i dont think the rates have to be buffed simply because this will lead to a flood of tob items come into the game as Groot said above.

Also when i look at my own collection log (i might be lucky i guess).


it should be , 9 hilts , 2 pets , 4 rapiers , 3 staffs , 3 full sets , 5 helms. in 552 kc.

purely based on those drops personally i do not think the drop rates should be buffed again.

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Posted 30 June 2019 - 02:36 PM #16


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Based on what i see, i dont think the rates have to be buffed simply because this will lead to a flood of tob items come into the game as Groot said above.
Also when i look at my own collection log (i might be lucky i guess).
it should be , 9 hilts , 2 pets , 4 rapiers , 3 staffs , 3 full sets , 5 helms. in 552 kc.
purely based on those drops personally i do not think the drop rates should be buffed again.

You’re just lucky, seems like I have only 30 kc less than you but only half of the drop counts. Like I said, I’m going average 75 - 150 KCs dry before I’ll actually get a drop.

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Posted 30 June 2019 - 03:43 PM #17

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Personally I think there needs to be a way to make purples more common to low donors, cos they can easily go over 100 dry and it will ruin their game experience.


Neverthless I went 100 dry twice, once as Uber and once as Master - and all my raids are consistent in the way I earn my points - BUT what is not consistent is who I raid with. I noticed that both by 100 dry streaks occured when I raided only with high donors/good gear players. Meanwhile I would get lots of purples (even a b2b) when i raided with low gear/low donor noobs. This leads me to thinking that the way ToB is coded here makes it so that a high points discrepancy between players in a team will lead to more chance of a purple for the MVP.


This "consipracy theory" of mine is even support by a post Omi made:




This led me to think that the code which weights drop rate according to individual performance will not work if all players were 5 Tbowers and had almost even points. Meanwhile if you had 2 tbowers 3 noobs, the factor that Omi mentions will kick in and more purples will show up for the MVPs.




@iron aritus Rapier isnt rarer than scythe for sure, it may seem that way due to rng but omi has confirmed the rate of obtaining which item when you hit a purple:




This was made in line with the following reddit post (since Jamflex hasnt said anything about it):





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Posted 30 June 2019 - 08:07 PM #18


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Support nonetheless. I've heard, witnessed, even experienced the rates of TOB. It most times killed motivation for me going 100+ raids for even one drop. That's not something someone is willing to do. 



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Posted 01 July 2019 - 04:52 AM #19


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Here's what I'm going to say on this topic. I'm among a few Immortal donators who are 85+ dry, using all kinds of boosters every damn time. I'm not complaining, due to my history with raids drops, but man something is completely out of whack with TOB drop rate and Donator perk boosts.... That being said, I agree with Alex. Would I like a TOB overall buffed drop rate? Sure, lol. But at the end of the day, these items are supposed to be "Very Rare". What I would very much like tho, just so that we don't all lose brain cells and become demotivated, is to make Defender Hilts and Justiciar pieces waaaaay more common. So that way, we're constantly gettin drops for our efforts, and eventually we'll hit that "Very Very Rare" table with Sang Staff, Scythe, and Rapier. Similar to how we get a crap ton of Prayer Scrolls from COX.

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Posted 01 July 2019 - 05:35 AM #20


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It's fine in my eyes. People should just stop complaining all the time its supposed to be 1/50. 100 drystreaks should happen every once in a while.

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